Term Project Analysis of the Vibration Characteristics of a Simple Structure by: Michael C. Ramsey December 9, 1999 NAE Fall 1999 0 Table of Contents Introduction 2 Problem Development 3 Numerical Background 8 Computational Application 9 Results 10 Comparison 13 Conclusion 13 1 Introduction The general subject of interest is the behavior of a "high" degree of freedom (henceforth referred to as DOF) system. The behavior of such a system is a function of the physical properties of that system. Such a system can also be described in terms of its natural frequencies and mode shapes. This report demonstrates a method and application of finding the natural frequencies and mode shapes for a multi DOF system The properties that allow us to mathematically model and predict the behavior of vibrating systems are of particular interest to the engineer. There are historical instances of catastrophic failures that were the result of systems being excited at or near a natural frequency. One such instance is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge [1, page 267]. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge fell prey to aerodynamically induced demons. The winds that bombarded the bridge excited destructive torsional modes, and the negative damping provided by the aerodynamic excitation induced a catastrophic failure. Tacoma Narrows is one example of a structure suffering damage due to vibration. Today in earthquake prone parts of the world, engineers are developing "earthquake proof" buildings and "active" sky-risers that use counter weights to offset the induced motion of the Buildings. Earthquakes have claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people in the last decade in places like Turkey, Mexico, Taiwan and Japan. To better understand the dynamic nature of these traditionally static structures, we must be able to model their behavior. The first step in understanding the dynamics is to find two defining system parameters, the natural frequencies and mode shapes. 2 Problem Development Photo of a building rocking in a recent Earthquake in Taiwan. In order to solve the stated problem, we must first be able to describe the system in terms we can readily analyze. Therefore, we will begin the mathematical background for the analysis. Consider the following 2 DOF system: M1 K1 M2 K2 We write the equations of motion for this system and we obtain: m1 x1 k1 x1 k 2 ( x2 x1 ) 0 m 2 x2 k 2 ( x1 x2 ) 0 We assume oscillatory motion where: 3 x (t ) X sin( t ) x X cos(t ) x 2 X sin( t ) When we substitute into the equations of motion we can develop the following dynamic matrix: ( 2 m1 (k1 k 2 )) k 2 X 1 0 2 k 2 ( m 2 k1 )) X 2 0 When we solve for 2 we find the eigenvalues for this matrix, which equate physically to the square of the natural frequencies. When we substitute the eigenvalues back into the matrix and find a non-zero solution for X1 and X2, we find the eigenvectors, which correspond to the mode shape of the system. Now we can develop a mass and stiffness matrix for a simplified structure. The following schematic represents the simplified structure we will analyze: 5th Story 4th Story 3rd Story 2nd Story 1st Story 4 Each level of the building has been simplified to be a concentrated block of equal mass. Also, we will assume that the stiffness provided by the vertical beams is uniform throughout the structure. We will also assume that the motion of the floors is strictly lateral and the floors do not rotate about any axis. To develop a set of equations in matrix form, we will follow a procedure outlined by Thomson [1, page 168]. Using this method we assume a unit displacement of one floor, and hold the others constant at zero. The forces required to maintain this configuration give us the first column of the stiffness matrix in terms of its stiffness coefficients. K11 5th Story K21 4th Story K21 3rd Story K21 2nd Story K21 1st Story 5 These values give us the first column of our stiffness matrix. Carrying the procedure out, we develop the following stiffness matrix: k11 k 21 k31 k 41 k51 k12 k13 k14 k 22 k 23 k 24 k32 k33 k34 k 42 k 43 k 44 k52 k53 k54 k15 k 25 k35 k 45 k55 We find that this matrix has several traits that make it conducive to analysis. First, The matrix is tridiagonal, with all other terms equal to zero. Furthermore it is symmetric with K12=K21= K23=K32 etc. Also, K11=K22=K33=K44=2*K55. We can determine the value of each stiffness element using standard beam theory. If we treat the supporting structure as a single beam with an Area Moment of Inertia of "I", and length "L", we can compute the lateral stiffness of each floor as the stiffness of a Fixed-Fixed beam of length 2L. K11 192 E I 2 L 3 Where E is the Modulus of Elasticity. The off diagonal terms are then equal to –1/2 multiplied by K11. In this case, we are assuming the floors are of equal mass, "M". So we can develop a mass matrix as such: 6 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M The equations of motion in Matrix form then appear as: M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 X 1 k11 0 X 2 k 21 0 X 3 k 31 0 X 4 k 41 M X 5 k 51 k12 k13 k14 k 22 k 23 k 24 k 32 k 33 k 34 k 42 k 43 k 44 k 52 k 53 k 54 k15 X 1 0 k 25 X 2 0 k 35 X 3 0 k 45 X 4 0 k 55 X 5 0 Or for convenience as: M X K X 0 We can now combien these matrices into a single dynamic matrix "A", where: A invM K Computing the inverse of a matrix can often be a tedious process, but since the mass matrix is only along a single diagonal, inv(M11)=1/M11, making the computation of the inverse of M trivial. With the dynamic matix complete, we are ready to solve for the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors and interperet their physical signifigance. 7 Numerical Background One powerful method for finding the eigenvalues is the "QR Algorithm" [2, page 573]. This method has the advantage of not incurring high roundoff error like other deflation methods. It is also particularly suited to our situation since we are finding the eigenvalues of a symmetric, tridiagonal matrix. This is advantageous in that we do not have to perform a Householders [2, page 565] or similar method to achieve the desired matrix condition. The "QR Algorithm" is employed to find the eigenvalues of our dynamic matrix. Once the eigenvalues are determined, we still need to determine the associated eigenvectors of the matrix. Again, the tridiagonal, symmetric nature of the dynamic matrix is advantageous. The following method is employed to determine the non-zero solution of the eigenvectors: 1. Subtract the value of the eigenvalue from each term along the main diagonal of the dynamic matrix. 2. Set X1 equal to one. 3. Solve for X2 using row one of the dynamic matrix. 4. Now that X1 and X2 are known, solve for X3 using the second row of the dynamic matrix. 5. Repeat this procedure until the eigenvector is defined. This is the general method used to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for our system. 8 Computational Application The code developed to analyze this system is a Fortran 90 program built using MS Developer Studio. The code first reads the parameters of the building (the system of interest) from a text file. The values entered into the text file are: 1. Height of the building in inches. 2. Total mass of the building in lb*s2/in. 3. Modulus of the beam material in psi. 4. Area Moment of Inertia in inches4. 5. Number of floors above ground. Given this data and the assumptions mentioned, the mass and stiffness matrices are defined. The Dynamic matrix is then developed and a subroutine to find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors is invoked. The three largest and most dominant eigenvalues are returned along with the associated eigenvectors. The data is printed to the screen. 9 Results The following data is analyzed using the program "BeamVibration.for". 1. Height = 600 inches. 2. Mass=25.87 lb*s2/in. 3. E=30e6 psi. 4. I=25.13 inches4. 5. Floors=5 After running the program, we find the following results: EigenValues: 1. 357.369 2. 589.756 3. 767.182 EigenVectors: 1. 1 0.28 -.92 -.55 0.76 2. 1 -.83 -.39 1.09 -.59 3. 1 -1.68 1.83 -1.40 0.52 These Eigenvalues correspond to the following frequencies: 1. 3.01 Hz. 2. 3.87 Hz. 3. 4.41 Hz. 10 The mode shapes are represented by the following graphs: Mode Shape For Frequency=3.01 Hz Floor 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -5 0 5 Unit Displacement Mode Shape For Frequency=3.87 Hz Floor 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -5 0 5 Unit Displacement 11 Mode Shape For Frequency=4.41 Hz Floor 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 Unit Displacement These Graphs display an expected characteristic of the system. As the Frequency increases, the distortion of the building becomes more severe. 12 Comparison The accuracy of the code can be checked using other software packages. The dynamic matrix is analyzed using Maple and Algorithm 9.1 and the following results are found: Fortran EigenValue Maple EigenValue Percent Difference 767.18 777.51 1.3% This result indicates that the method used is of comparable accuracy to the packaged method in Algorithm 9.1. Conclusions This report lays out the groundwork for a means of analyzing a vertical structure undergoing lateral vibration. This method can be useful in analyzing a structure and the way it could react during an earthquake or in a windstorm. For the data given, we found the first three natural frequencies and mode shapes. This was accomplished by analyzing the structure, and developing a dynamic matrix. Next, we found the eigenvalues and eigenvectors that give us insight into the system. Upon comparison with other numerical methods, we found the values determined to be in close agreement. This method could be further developed to track the center of mass of the structure and the absolute displacement. 13 Symbols Used =Natural Frequency F=Frequency (Hz) L=Length E=Modulus of Elasticity 14 Sources 1) Theory of Vibrations with Applications, by William T. Thomson, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall. 2) Numerical Analysis, by Richard L. Burden, Sixth Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. 15