Book reading: Ballenger Chap

Laryngology Seminar
Hyaluronic acid in laryngology
R3 周昱甫
Linear polysaccharide: disaccharide unit, N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid
Ubiquitously distributed, highest in loose connective tissues, lowest in blood
Molecular weight: variable, 106~107
Hydrogen bonded, stiff chain, extended, randomly coil,entangle, polymer meshwork
Biosynthesis: hyaluronan synthase on plasma memb., regulated via phosphorylation
1. 1910, Weisenburg, pain in distribution of glossopharyngeal n., trigeminal neuralgia,
CPA tumor at autopsy
2. 1920, Sicard & Robineau, feature of 9th neuralgia in 3 p’t, resection of 9th, 10th, sup.
cervical ganglion
3. 1921, Harris, “ glossopharyngeal neuralgia”
1. Idiopathic
2. Secondary:
Cerebellopontine angle tumors
Metastasis in petrous bone
Exuberant choroids plexus
Trauma (surgery)
Local infection
Elongated styloid process, ossified styloid process
Parapharyngeal space lesion
Impacted wisdom tooth
Chiari type I malformation: displaced cerebellar tonsil
Multiple sclerosis:
Trigeminal neuralgia: 2% MS
1981, Rushton: 0/217 GPN
1973, Kahana: 1 GPN / 295 MS
2000, Minagar: 4 cases
Foreign body impaction after neck trauma
Vagus nerve stimulation
Vascular compression
Clinical features
1. Nature of pain:
Sharp, shooting, “like a needle”
Seconds to minutes ( may lasting for hours)
Dull-aching, burning, painful feeling, pressure feeling
Painless (tickling) but with syncope
Less severe than trigeminal neuralgia
Onset: abrupt, unpleasant sensation preceded the onset of pain
2. Age: rare before 20 y/o, peak at 6th decade, 43% < 50y/o, 57%> 50y/o
3. Localization: of 217 p’t (1981, Rushton)
Ear: 155; tonsil: 147; larynx: 69; tongue: 43
Ear + tonsil most common
Overflow of pain (15 p’t): temple, mastoid, side of nose, cheek, jaw, palate, scalp,
supraclavicular area
Left side > right: more hemodynamic stress on left VA?
Sex: equally, or female predominant( 1998, Kobata)
4. Triggers
Less definite trigger zone than trigeminal neuralgia
Triggered by: swallowing, chewing, coughing, talking, quick movement of head,
raising the arm, touching EEC, neck, mastoid, preauricular area
Spontaneous occurrence
5. Accompanying symptoms: cough, stridor, hoarseness, after pain, lacrimation
6. Syncope: 4%: cardiac asystole
Mechanism: unknown
1. Spillover of impulse from glossopharyngeal nerve---tractus solitarius---dorsal
motor nucleus of vagus nerve
2. Carotid sinus nerve ( of Hering): “ Cross- talk” with somatosensory fibers of
9th nerve
7. Cocaine test: 10% solution, aid in diagnosis
8. Geniculate neuralgia ?, tympanic plexus neuralgia, Cocaine test maybe (+)
9. Incidence: GPN/TN : 0.2~1.3%
10. Weight loss
Medical treatment
1. Carbamazepine:
Postsynaptically, slowing recovery of Na+ channel---depress high frequency
100~200 mg, bid-tid, increase 200 mg/ every other day
Aplastic anemia
2. Phenytoin:
Similar mechanism of carbamazepine
Adjunctive medication
3. Baclofen:
Presynaptic:decrease the release of excitatory amino acid
Synergistic with carbamazepine or phenytoin
4. Oxcarbazepine: less serious side effect
*Glossopharyngeal neuralgia with syncope
Temporay or permanent pacemaker:
Syncope although pacemaker used:
Hypotension:mediated by carotid baroreceptor, vasodilatation
.Prevetion: Atropine, isoproterenol, and/or pacemaker
Percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation
In pars nervosa of jugular foramen
Cardiac arrhythmia or arrest
Vocal cord paralysis
Glossopharyngeal nerve block:
5% phenol in glycerin, tonsillar & lingual br.
Indication for surgery
repeated injection
1. Cervical
Doyle ,1923; Adson, 1924; Morrison, 1948: Skull base approach
Usadel, 1929: 9th nerve “below and over the styloglossus”
Shaheen, 1963: lat. surface of stylopharyngeus, or embeded in the muscle
2. Oropharyngeal approach:
Wilson, 1946: unilateral tonsillectomy--- incision on sup. constrictor 1cm from
post. pillar, lateral-posterior portion of lower tonsillar fossa
Ishii, 1976: 7 cases via pharyngeal approach, 1/7 recurrence---cervical approach,
No recurrence
Pathology:large myelinated fibers: loss, disorganization, & thickening of
myelin structures, rare axonal degeneration
Dandy procedure, 1928: resection of the 9th nerve
Karnosh, 1947: resection of upper rootlets of vagus n.
Jannetta, 1977: microvascular decompression
Microvascular decompression
1. Root entry/ exit zone theory: Jannetta, 1977
Junctional area between central and peripheral myelin
Microvascular compression only occurred in this zone
Pulsatile or cross compression: art. Or vein
Trigeminal neuralgia, hemifacial spasm, 9th neuralgia, spasmodic torticollis, 8th n
disorder, essential HTN
2. Causative arteries:
TN: Superior cerebellar a.
Hemifacial spasm: AICA, PICA, VA
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia: PICA
3. Hemodynamic stress ---art. elongation, tortuosity
Associated with aging, hypertension, atherosclerosis
4. Indication for op
Failure medical treatment
Endovascular provocative test: Matsushima, 1999
MRA, 3D-CISS & 3D-FISP, Schmitz, 1999: describe finer features
5. . Critics:
1. difficulty to identify causative vessels
2. 60% vascular compression at cadaver without neuralgia
3. Symptom relief maybe related to trauma of nerve during op.
Combination of trigeminal neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia
75 cases reported
0.3-0.5% of TN cases
10~47% of GPN cases: Rushton, 1981: 25/217
Older age, higher rate of HTN, higher female predominance
Post. fossa crowding
1. Rare disease
2. Medication firstly
3. Cervical approach or pharyngeal approach for ENT doctors
Ishii T: Glossopharyngeal neuralgia: surgical treatment and electron microscopic fidings. Laryngoscope 1976;86;577-583
Kobata H, Kondo A, Iwasaki K, Nishioka T:Combined hyperactive vascular syndrome of the cranial nerves.Neurosurgery
Rushton JG, Stevens JC, Miller RH: Glossopharyngeal neuralgia, a study of 217 cases.Arch neurol 1981;38;201-205
Maris AP, F.R.C.S., Stewart TJ: Surgical treatment of glossopharyngeal neuralgia via the pharyngeal approach. J laryngol
otol 1990;104;12-16
Shaheen OH, F.R.C.S.: A surgical technique for the relief of glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Ann otol rhinol laryngol
Adams CBT, Chir M, F.R.C.S.:Microvascular compression: an alternative view and hypothesis.J neurosurg 1989;70;1-12
Matsushima T,Goto Y,Ishioka H,Mihara F,Fukui M: Possible role of an endovascular provocative test in the diagnosis od
glossopharyngeal neuralgia as a vascular compression syndrome.Acta neurochir 1999;141;1229-1232