Medical Directive, Diagnostic Imaging Nurse Led Outreach Team RN’s and RN-EC’s Manual: Policy No: Section: Date Effective: Developed by: Date Revised: Approved by: Date Reviewed: Key Words: Cross Reference to: A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on York Central Hospital’s Intranet.’ Any copies of this document appearing in paper form should ALWAYS be checked against the electronic version prior to use. Order and/or Delegated Procedure: Appendix Attached: x Yes No Title: Ordering of diagnostic imaging studies by the RN’s or RN-EC’s working in the Nurse Led Outreach Team (NLOT), based upon a plan of care developed in collaboration with the attending physician. The list of approved diagnostic imaging studies can be found in Appendix A. Recipient Patients: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Residents of nursing homes who have entered into Memorandums of agreement with the York Central Hospital Nurse Led Outreach program. Authorized Implementers: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: RN’s and RN-EC’s in the Nurse Led Outreach Team, employed by York Central Hospital who possess the knowledge, skill, judgment and demonstrated competency to implement this medical directive as outlined in the Performance Readiness Plan. Indications: Appendix Attached: x Yes No Title: A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on York Central Hospital’s Intranet. This material has been prepared solely for the use at York Central Hospital. York Central Hospital accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with York Central Hospital. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of York Central Hospital. When the history and physical examination of a resident suggest the need for further assessment with diagnostic imaging technologies. This medical directive gives authority to the RN’s and RN-EC’s in the Nurse Led Outreach Team to write orders for diagnostic imaging studies not currently on the College of Nurses of Ontario Approved List of Diagnostic Tests for RN-EC’s. The list of approved studies can be found in Appendix A. Contraindications: Tests not on the approved list cannot be ordered Patients with know iodine allergies cannot under studies involving dye. Consent: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: The resident or SDA must consent to services of the Nurse Led Outreach Team. If the resident or SDM does not wish to have the NLOT participate in his/her care, the most responsible physician (MRP) will complete the assessment and write all orders. Guidelines for Implementing the Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Order / Procedure: The NLOT RN, or RN-EC is expected to complete the following prior to writing orders for diagnostic imaging studies. 1). A thorough assessment of the resident's current complaint/reason for referral, past medical history, past surgical history, laboratory and diagnostic test results, and focused physical examination as appropriate. If finding and best practices indicate that diagnostic imaging an order for the appropriate test is to be written on the individual institution’s. The patient assessment and plan of care are to be documented as per the individual institution’s policy and the College of Nurses documentation standards. Where hand written, all documentation is expected to be legible. 2). Communicate plan of care in a manner agreed upon by the attending physician and that is aligned with the principles of collaborative practice. 3). Discuss plan of care with resident or SDM and obtain consent. Discussion is to include the rational for ordering the test, risks and benefits of the procedure, and possible plans of care if abnormal results are found. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on York Central Hospital’s Intranet. This material has been prepared solely for the use at York Central Hospital. York Central Hospital accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with York Central Hospital. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of York Central Hospital. Documentation and Communication: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Orders are to be written, in legible hand writing, on the doctors' order sheet. Orders are to include date, the the test, and any special preparation required for the test. Whenever possible words are to be written out in long-hand to avoid confusion. The RN or RN-EC is to sign each order with her name, and credentials. The NP is available by phone, and is to ensure each nursing home has current contact information. Review and Quality Monitoring Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Guidelines: The NLOT RN’s and RN-EC’s will participate in the annual performance review process. In addition the person in this role is expected to remain current in the area of long-term care, primary geriatric care and appropriate use of diagnostic imaging studies. In addition, as a registered nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario, participation in reflective practice is expected. This includes "Reflective Practice" and "practice review". Administrative Approvals (as applicable): Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Approving Physician(s)/Authorizer(s): Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: Appendix Attached: Yes No Title: References: 1. 2. 3. 4. CNO. Practice Standard: Registered Nurses in the Extended Class, 2007. CPSO. Delegation of Controlled Acts, Policy #4.03, 1999, Updated, Feb 2007. RHPA, section 29(1)(a) An Inter-Professional Guide on the Use of Orders, directives and Delegation for Regulated Health Professionals In Ontario. The Federation of Health Regulatory College of Ontario’s (FHRCO), 2007. A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on York Central Hospital’s Intranet. This material has been prepared solely for the use at York Central Hospital. York Central Hospital accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with York Central Hospital. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of York Central Hospital. APPENDIX A Approved Diagnostic Imaging Studies For For NLOT RN’s and RN-EC’s X-ray Upper Extremities Lower Extremities Abdomen (KUB/Flat Plate) Chest/Rib films Sinus Films Spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). Hips Pelvis Upper G.I. (With small bowel follow through) Barium Enema Mammography Ultra-Sound Abdomen (including bladder scans) Pelvis Breast Doppler studies – Lower Limb, Upper Limb, venous or arterial. Other Studies EKG’s Holter Monitor A printed copy of this document may not reflect the current, electronic version on York Central Hospital’s Intranet. This material has been prepared solely for the use at York Central Hospital. York Central Hospital accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with York Central Hospital. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of York Central Hospital.