Editorially Revised 3-22-06 University Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for Courses Numbered 0001 – 4999 (Faculty Senate Resolution #04–18, April 2004) Note: Before completing this form, please read the accompanying instructions carefully. 1. Course Prefix and Number: THEA 3030 THEA 3030 2. Date: 9/22/06 3. Requested Action (check only one box): X New Course Revision of Active Course Revision & Unbanking of a Banked Course Renumbering of an Existing Course from # to # 4. Justification for new course or course revision or renumbering: This course relates directly to the School of Theatre and Dance’s mission statement and Strategic Plan for 2005-2015 which states “our BFA graduates are expected upon graduation to be able to compete successfully for work in the highly competitive professional arena.” Goal Four states that the School of Theatre and Dance will “maintain and expand commitment to distinction in education and training for both professional and non-professional degree students.” Furthermore, Objective 1 states the following commitment: “Develop program in youth Theatre as concentration in the BFA-Theatre Arts.” 5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: 3030. Youth Theatre (3) (F,S) (P: THEA 1010, 1020, 2015 or consent of the instructor) May not count toward general education. An introduction to theatre for youth, K-12, which explores the history, literature, theory, writing and practical application to youth theatre production throughout the semester. The class will function as a youth theatre ensemble company as part of the practicum experience. 6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: From an elective to a requirement 2 7. Undergraduate Catalog Page Number from current undergraduate catalog: 249 8. The Writing Across the Curriculum Committee must approve Writing Intensive (WI) credit for all courses prior to their consideration by the UCC. If WI credit is requested, has this course been approved for Writing Intensive (WI) credit? Yes No N/A If Yes, will all sections be Writing Intensive (yes/no)? Yes No N/A 9. Any course requesting Foundations Curriculum credit must be reviewed by Academic Standards Committee prior to their consideration by the UCC. If FC credit has been approved by the ASC, then check the appropriate box (check at most one), otherwise leave all boxes blank. English (EN) Humanities (HU) Fine Arts (FA) Health (HL) 10. Course Credit: Lecture Hours Science (SC) Social Science (SO) Mathematics (MA) Exercise (EX) Per Credit Term Hours Per Credit Lab Weekly OR Term Hours 23 Per Credit Studio Weekly OR ch Term Hours 10 Per Credit Practicum Weekly OR ch Term Hours Per Credit Internship Weekly OR Term Hours Other (e.g., independent study) Please explain. Additional Hours for rehearsals for performances as needed, TBA Weekly OR 15 ch Total Credit Hours 3 s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. s.h. 3 11. Anticipated yearly student enrollment: 30 12. Affected Degrees Degree(s)/Course(s) BFA Theatre Education 13. or Academic Current Catalog Page 250 - 251 Programs: Changes in Degree Hours O - None Overlap or Duplication with Affected Units or Programs: N/A Not Applicable Applicable (notification and responses from affected units are attached) 14. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs): Not Applicable X Applicable (CTE has given its approval.) 15. Statements of Support: X Current staff is adequate Additional staff is needed (describe needs in the box below): X Current facilities are adequate Additional facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below): X Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition of required initial resources): X Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition): 4 X ITCS resources are not needed The following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Remember to forward email approval from the director of ITCS to UCC. 16. Syllabus – please insert course syllabus below. You must include (a) the name of the textbook chosen for the course, (b) the course objectives, (c) the course content outline, and (d) the course assignments and grading plan. SYLLABUS THEA 3030 – YOUTH THEATRE 3 s.h. Course Description: An introduction to theatre for youth, K-12, which explores the history, literature, theory, writing and practical application to youth theatre production throughout the semester. The class will function as a youth theatre ensemble company as part of the practicum experience. Required Texts: Theatre for Children by David Wood Coursepak – THEA 3602 Script – Current productions Attendance Policy – Due to the participatory requirements of this class, regular attendance is very important. 3 Tardies = 1 absence 1 Absence = A 2 Absences = B 3 Absences = C 4 Absences = D 5 Absences = F 6 Absences = Referral to Departmental Policy Grading Scale = A= 100-93; B= 92-85; C = 84-77, D = 76-70; F = 69-0 Grade Explanation 20% Attendance 20% Participation (includes in class and ensemble work) 20% Youth Theatre Journal 20% Reflection papers on performances 10% Bibliography/Resource 10% Final Project ______ = 100% Week #1 – Thursday Introduction, organization and upcoming season productions 5 Week #2 – Tuesday Theatre for Children - Chapter 1 – “Theatre for Children: A Unique Art Form” Thursday – Theatre for Children – Chapter 2 - “The Nature of the Beasts: What Children En Masse Week #3 – Tuesday Respond To” Theatre for Children – Chapter 3 – Writing Original Plays Storybook Theatre Development – Thursday - Chapter 6 “Acting in Children’s Theatre” Week #4 – Tuesday Theatre for Children – Chapter 4 “Adaptation” Thursday – Chapter 5 – “Directing and the Production Team” Week #5 – Tuesday Theatre for Children - Chapter 7 – “The Business Side” Thursday – In class rehearsal and preparation Week #6 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and preparation Thursday In class rehearsal and preparation Week #7 –Tuesday Group work on Storybook Theatre projects Thursday Sharing of Storybook Theatre projects Week #8 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and preparation Thursday In class rehearsal and preparation Week #9 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and performance Week #10 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and performance Thursday In class rehearsal and performance Week #11 –Tuesday In class rehearsal and performance Thursday – In class rehearsal and performance Week#12 – Tuesday 11/7 In class rehearsal and performance Thursday In class rehearsal and performance Week#13 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and performance Thursday In class rehearsal and performance Week#14 – Tuesday In class rehearsal and performance 6 Week#15 – Tuesday Presentation of final projects Thursday – Presentation of final projects Week #16 Tuesday Presentation of final projects Performances 3 Pitt County Schools – Dates TBA , During class time– Storybook Theatre 1 -2 Beaufort County Schools – During class time “Farmer’s Market” – Date TBA (Saturday morning) “Smoke on the Water” or Spring Festival Wright Auditorium – Mainstage TBA Youth Theatre Journal = 3 PARTS Part I – Chapter Response Respond to assigned reading chapters in the textbook. Address the following questions: 1. What was the most interesting point, idea, or concept you found in this chapter? 2. How would you use this information in your practical application of youth theatre? *Note – If you are taking the course for the second time, you will be provided with reading materials, articles, etc. to respond to in your journal. Part II – Reflection Papers 1. Respond in your journal to the various performances beginning with the story selection, performance experience and what you learned in the process. 2. Reflection papers should be at least 1 type-written page each. Part III – Resource/Bibliography Youth Theatre 1. Development of an annotated bibliography or resource listing of at least 20 books, plays, stories, or poetry which could be used in Youth Theatre 2. Use the following format: Author, title, publication information Summary Discuss why this selection would be good for Youth Theatre Discuss how you might perform, produce, direct, and/or develop this project Youth Theatre – Competencies Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to demonstrate the following competencies: 1. A knowledge and understanding of Youth Theatre including performance, writing, business, dramatic literature, and production. 2. A performance/ production practicum which includes a variety of experiences in youth theatre including community outreach, public schools, and mainstage venues. 7