ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN RED BLOOD CELLS OF BIRDS AND REPTILES AND THEIR INTERPRETATION H. Pendl ARCHEOPTERYX DIAGNOSTICSTM Hematology and Cytology in Birds and Reptiles. Eichenau, Germany SUMMARY The value of the evaluation of cell morphology in a blood film with special focus on avian and reptilian erythrocytes is demonstrated. In combination with the packed cell volume (pcv) this rapid and low-cost procedure gives useful information on the patient’s condition and helps the practitioner to take first diagnostic and therapeutic measures while awaiting results being done by outdoor laboratories. General principles for the distinction between regenerative and degenerative changes in avian and reptilian red blood cells are explained in crisp tables, figures, and photographs. They are intended for diresct use and should encourage practitioners to include this useful tool in their daily practice routine. INTRODUCTION Despite the technological progress in avian and reptilian hematology, timeconsuming manual techniques are still necessary to perform a complete blood cell count, which is difficult to do in-house during daily routine. Valuable time is lost with the processing of samples in laboratories, before adequate diagnostic and therapeutic steps can be started. The timely onset of an adequate treatment, however, is vital for the outcome of the case, especially in debilitated patients. Therefore, simple indoor laboratory techniques for a first check up are desirable. Evaluation of cell morphology in a blood film is a rapid and low-cost procedure. In combination with the packed cell volume (pcv) it gives useful information on the patient’s overall condition and helps the practitioner to take first measures while awaiting further detailed results from the laboratory. This paper focuses on the characteristics and interpretation of morphological changes in avian and reptilian erythrocytes. TECHNICAL ASPECTS Preparation of a blood film Blood smears from birds and reptiles should be performed without any anticoagulant directly from the syringe or needle and immediately after collection by applying the “wedge smear” or the “slide and coverglass” technique (Fig. 1). Concerning the first method, the use of a bevel-edged slide is crucial to avoid artificial cell damage. Ideally, the blood film shows a continuous thinning with a vane at the end. For any evaluation, the monolayer (ML) is examined in a meandering search as shown in figure 2a. It is the area, where the cells lie close to each other without overlapping themselves and can usually be found between the middle and the last third of the blood film. Frequent preparation mistakes include inadequate volumes of blood and interruption of the smear movement (Fig 2b-d), which result in the loss of the monolayer area. A routine preparation of at least three smears per blood sampling is recommended to be prepared for additional examinations, such as suspected parasitemia or failure of proper staining. The air-dried smears are kept in a dustfree environment until they are stained. Dust particles on the sample get stained together with the blood cells resulting in poor quality of the blood films. True subcellular structures cannot be differentiated from artificial soiling. Fig. 1: Techniques for blood film preparation Fig. 2: Ideal blood film and common mistakes; the mononlayer (ML) for evaluation is found between the middle and the last third of an ideal smear Fig. 3: Flow charts for the interpretation of avian and reptilian hemograms Staining of a blood film Stains of the Romanowsky type, e.g. Wright’s, Wright-Giemsa, and MayGruenwald-Giemsa are recommended for birds and reptiles in one- or multiplestep-protocols1, 2, 3, 4. Unfortunately, the quality of the staining with traditional protocols is inconsistent. The reason is unknown3. Another disadvantage for daily practice is the need of a labor-intensive fresh preparation of Giemsa’s solution. Extended experimental work in this field has been done by J.H. Samour5 resulting in a Wright-Giemsa formula, which gives highly reproducible results and does not need to be prepared freshly (Table 1). The staining protocol is excellent for avian and reptilian blood. Due to their aggressive nature fast staining methods like Diff Quick and Hemacolor tend to overstain or destroy fine subcellular structures. This is especially true for reptile blood cells. Nevertheless, they are useful as an addition to Romanowsky stains for double check purposes: If a suspect finding is seen both in a Romanowsky and a Diff Quick stained smear, artefacts due to staining can be excluded. Dry techniques have been proven to be unsuitable for birds6, corresponding data for reptile blood are not available. Table 1: Wright-Giemsa Stain for avian and reptilian blood films Staining Stain Flood smear, allow to stand for 3 min Add equal amount of buffer 6.84 Mix gently by blowing using a pipette or a straw until metallic green sheen forms on the surface allow to stand for 6 min Rinse with buffer allowing to stand for 1 min for differentiation Wash copiously with buffer Wipe the back of the smear to remove excess stain Prop in rack until dry or use hair dryer Cover with Entellan5 and cover glass – gives better quality than without cover 3 g Wright stain powder1 0.3 g Giemsa stain powder2 5 ml glycerol 1000 ml absolute methanol (acetone free)3 filtered and stored 1 Merck No 1.09203.0025, 2 Merck No 1.09278.0025, 3 Merck No 1.06009.1000, 4 Merck No 1.11374.0100 5 Merck No 1.07961.0100 EVALUATION OF ERYTHROCYTE MORPHOLOGY In contrast to most mammalian erythrocytes, avian and reptilian erythrocytes are true nucleus-containing cells. Reptilian cells are larger, flatter, and thinner than avian erythrocytes. The physiological morphology of both is characterized by a more-or-less congruent oval-to-round shape of cytoplasm and nucleus. Mature avian red blood cells display a bright orange colouration, whereas reptile erythrocytes tend to be paler. Morphologic changes can affect colouration and/or structure of cytoplasm and nucleus. In general, one has to distinguish between regenerative and degenerative changes. A regenerative response, also named left shift, is characterized by an increased amount of immature cells in the peripheral bloodstream and indicates an increased erythropoietic activity. Degenerative changes in contrast are changes which do not fit into the normal developmental series of erythropoiesis. Therefore, the increased occurence of degenerated cells is always a sign of a clinical problem. Frequent morphologic changes and their interpretation3, 7, 8, 9, 10 are summarized in table 2. In avian and reptilian samples the erythropoietic activity is evaluated by estimating the polychromatophilic cells in Romanowsky stained blood films3. For this purpose a semiquantitative scale, the polychromatophilic index (PI) has been established for birds by Dein11 and can be applied also to reptile specimens with little modifications9, 10 (Table 3). The flow charts outlined in figure 3 are intended as rough guidelines for the interpretation of common erythrocytic findings. Concerning reptile blood, the practitioner has to take into account that certain cells remain pluripotent in the peripheral bloodstream. Thrombocytes, for example, can transform into red blood cells, if there is an increased demand for erythrocytes. In this case, the bloodfilm contains multiple cells which display both erythrocytic and thrombocytic characteristics (Colour plate 1, fig. d). Blood parasites are a common finding in reptile blood films, most of them being intraerythrocytic. They are more sporadic in birds. Usually their clinical significance is more academic than hazardous. Under certain circumstances, however, a moderate to severe anemia develops and can exacerbate a pathological condition of different etiology. Some genera such as Plasmodium and Haemoproteus are relatively easy to recognize as parasites, but others, like Babesia, Aegyptianella, and Rikettsia-like organisms are readily mistaken for inclusions of different origin. Criteria for the differentiation of parasitic developmental stages from non-parasitic structures include the regularity of occurence, the exclusively intraerythrocytic appearance, and in many cases the evidence of some granulation in the parasitic inclusion. The specific identification of hematozoa requires special knowledge and should be left to specialized laboratories. In case of suspected parasitaemia, additional blood films should be fixed in absolute methanol for ten minutes and stored in a dust free environment for future identification12. INTERPRETATION OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES The reference range for the pcv in most bird species is approximately 35-55% and 20-40% in most reptile species. The ability to judge the erythrocytic morphology in a blood smear enables the practitioner to specify the findings for the pcv and to refine his first diagnostic and therapeutic approach towards a case. Its importance becomes clear with the following example: If a parrot displays a pcv of 30% it makes a significant difference, whether the blood smear shows a PI of 1, 3, or 5. The higher the PI score is, the closer the patient has to be monitored. Serial sampling is recommended to follow up the development and to take further steps in case the situation exacerbates. In the first scenario with a PI of 1, the bird shows a depressive anemia. This is a common finding with chronic disease. In these patients, erythropoiesis is decreased, as their catabolic state does not allow normal cell production. The anemia itself does not require a specific therapy, although the application Vitamin B6, B12, folic acid and iron has been proven to be of benefit. Usually it will resolve with the correct treatment of the underlying cause. If the PI is scored 3 like in scenario two, the bird is suffering from a regenerative anemia. In this case, the practitioner is well advised to look for any cause of hemorrhage and take measures to prevent further blood loss. The differential list for this scenario includes trauma (e.g. injury, blood-sucking parasites), coagulopathies (e.g. factor deficiencies, hepatopathies, toxins, hyperestrogenism, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy in septicemic and viral infections), ulcerative hemorrhagic inflammation, and secondary tissue bleeding due to neoplastic conditions. The third scenario with a PI score of 5 has to be considered an emergency case and is mostly seen with hemolysis or severe blood loss. The differential list for hemolysis includes septicemias, blood parasites (Plasmodium spp), intoxications, autoimmune reactions, and burns. In contrast to the first case, this anemia has to be considered a primary problem for the patient, as sufficient gas exchange for the maintenance of elementary body functions is not guaranteed. Rapid exacerbation of the situation is common in these cases. Thus, immediate measures have to be taken to stabilize the patient. In case the pcv falls below 20% transfusion of blood or oxyglobin has to be considered. Basically, these considerations are also valid for reptiles, but seasonal influences on the status and reactivity of the blood system have to be taken into account additionally. During hibernation, blood cell poiesis is decreased significantly and increased again after awakening. Thus, a low pcv and an increased polychromatophilic index can be physiological in a reptile post hibernation, but pathologic in seasons of full activity. DISCUSSION The purpose of this paper is to encourage practitioners to use a stained blood film as a quick check technique to get a first impression on the red blood cell panel of the case presented. It has been kept to a very condensed style. Special emphasis has been laid on clearly arranged tables, figures and photographs. They are designed for direct use in daily practice and should help the examining person to quickly make a decision. Without doubt this condensed design involves the danger of shortening, which may lead to false conclusions. It has to be emphasized, that the method presented cannot replace a complete blood cell count. Any specific disease or etiology mentioned has to be understood as an example, not as a definitive diagnosis. Nevertheless, the evaluation of the cell morphology in a blood film, is a rapid and low cost procedure and therefore predestined for indoor use in daily practice. In combination with the packed cell volume (pcv) it will give useful information on the patients overall condition and help the practitioner to take first measures while awaiting results beeing done outdoors. Even in case of performing a complete blood cell count, morphologic changes of blood cells contain important additional information and should be evaluated routinely. This is especially true for reptiles. Due to their ectothermic nature cell numbers are subject to an increased physiologic variability. Results from numeric parameters have to be evaluated extremely carefully2. In case of exotic species, where reliable normative data is lacking, the presence of cells with morphologic abnormalities is a more reliable index of a pathological change than numeric results3. References 1. Alleman A.R, Jacobson E.R, Raskin R.E. 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