1 Report #1 - District Summary of Pupil Counts Column 1: Head count of pupils attending educational programs administered by the reporting district (Attendance/Residence Code of 01 - 08) & grade PK-12. Column 2: Head count of pupils included in column 1 who meets the criteria for half time funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 01-08 and Public School Finance Act (PSFA) Funding Status Code of 82-85, 93,94 & 95 Column 3: FTE of pupils reported in column 2. Column 4: FTE of pupils reported in column 1 who are not eligible for funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 01 08 and PSFA Funding Status Code of 86-89 &96, 71) Column 5: FTE of other pupils eligible for districts funded count based on Attendance/Residence Code of 24-31and PSFA Funding Status Code of 80-85, 90-95 or PSFA 71 Column 6: Total FTE eligible for funding (Sum of Column 1 minus Column 2, plus Column 3, minus Column 4, plus column 5) Column 7: Count of other pupils reported by district who are not eligible for funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 24, 26, 27, 30 or 31 and PSFA Funding Code of 86-89,96, Column 8: Total pupils eligible for free lunch based on code 01 & PSFA Fund. Code of 70&71, 80-85, 90-95 Column 9: Total pupils eligible for reduced lunch based on code 02 & PSFA Fund. Code of 70&71, 80-85, 90-95 Report #2 - Summary of Pupil Counts by School (also applies to the Other District Programs section) Column 1: Head count of pupils attending educational programs administered by the reporting district (Attendance/Residence Code of 01 - 08). Column 2: Head count of pupils included in column 1 who meets the criteria for half time funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 01-08 and Public School Finance Act (PSFA) Funding Status Code of 82-85, 93, 94 & 95) Column 3: FTE of pupils reported in column 2. Column 4: (Not applicable for this school report.) Column 5: FTE of pupils reported in column 1 who are not eligible for funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 01-08and PSFA Funding Status Code of 86-89) Column 6: (Only PK-CPP is used in this school report.) Column 7: Total FTE eligible for funding (Sum of Column 1 minus Column 2, plus Column 3 minus Column 5) Column 8: (Not applicable for this school report.) Column 9: Total pupils eligible for free lunch based on code 01 & PSFA Funding Code of 70&71, 80-85, 90-95 Column 10: Total pupils eligible for reduced lunch based on code 02 & PSFA Funding Code of 70&71, 80-85, 90-95 Last Modified: 10/26/2012 2 For Non-District Schools the following definitions apply: Column 1: Head count of pupils attending non-district educational programs (Attendance/Residence Code of 24,26,27,30,31). Column 2: Head count of pupils included in column 1 who meets the criteria for half time funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 24,26,27,30,31 and Public School F (PSFA) Funding Status Code of 82-85, 93, 94, 95) Column 3: FTE of pupils reported in column 2. Column 4: (Not applicable for this school report.) Column 5: FTE of pupils reported in column 1 who are not eligible for funding (Attendance/Residence Code of 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 and PSFA Funding Status Code of 86 Column 6: (Not applicable for this school report.) Column 7: Total FTE eligible for funding (Sum of Column 1 minus Column 2, plus Column 3 minus Column 5) Column 8: (Not applicable for this school report.) Column 9: Total pupils eligible for free lunch based on code 01 & PSFA Funding Code of 70&71, 80-85 and 90-95 Column 10: Total pupils eligible for reduced lunch based on code 02 &PSFA Funding Code of 70&71, 80-85 & 90-95 Report #3 - District Summary of Pupils Counts by Grade, Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender (Includes headcount of pupils attending educational programs administered by the reporting district. Excludes pupils attending non-district programs.) Records selected based on Attendance/Residence Code of 01 - 08. Report #4- District Summary of Pupil Counts by School, Grade, Racial/Ethnic Group and Gender For specific schools (school code is not 0000) the criteria is attendance code 01-08 and grade level <> 002 (infant) & gender coding 1 and 2 & race/ethnic coding 01,02,03,04, and 05. For other district programs (school code is 0000) the criteria is attendance code 03-08 and grade level <> 002 & gender coding 1 and 2 & race/ethnic coding 01,02,03,04,and 05 Report #5 - District Summary of Pupils Counts Identified as English Language Learners, Section 504 Handicapped, and Instructional Program Service Type Last Modified: 10/26/2012 3 (Includes headcount of pupils attending educational programs administered by the reporting district. Excludes pupils attending non-district programs.) (Does not include students who have exited an ESL/Bilingual Program.) Records selected based on Attendance/Residence Code of 01 - 08. Report #6 - District Summary of Resident and Non-Resident Pupil Counts (Includes headcount of pupils attending educational programs administered by the reporting district. Excludes pupils attending non-district programs.) Records selected based on Attendance/Residence Code of 01 - 08. Report #7 - District Summary of Pupil FTE by County Fragment Records selected based on Attendance/Residence Code of 01-08 and sorted by applicable counties for reporting district. Report #8 - District Summary of CPP Allotments Records selected based on Grade 004 & a PSFA Funding Code of 81, 83, or 89. 81 is valid providing the district is a participant in a Consolidated Child Care Pilot. Report #9 - District Summary of On-line Allotments Count of students by funding code 90,91,92,93,94,95,96 Count Half-time- count of students for funding codes 93,94,95 FTE half-time –count of students for funding codes 93,94, 95divided by 2 FTE not Elig For fund-count of students for funding code 96 Allotments only contains data for 2002-2003 school year Report #10 - Summary of Pre-Coded Labels by School and Grade. Count of students by grade 3-10 Where school code is not 0000 and attendance code is 01-08 and funding status is not 88 or 85 Report #11 - Summary of Time and Accountability Elements for Pre-Coded Labels. Last Modified: 10/26/2012 4 Count of students by school—Where school code is not 0000 and grade is 3-10 and attendance code is 01-07 (probably should be 01-08) and funding status is not 88 or 85 Cont in District No - time in district is 0 Cont in District Yes - time in district is 1 Cont in School No - time in school is 0 Cont in School Yes - time in school is 1 Cont in Colorado No - continuous in co is 0 Cont in Colorado Yes - continuous in co is 1 Total - (cont in district no + cont in district yes + cont in school no + cont in school yes + cont in Colorado no + cont in Colorado yes) / 3 Report #12 - Summary of Language related Elements for Pre-Coded Labels. Count of students by school—where school code is not 0000 and grade is 3-11 lang prof NA - proficiency code is 0 lang prof NEP - proficiency code is 1 lang prof LEP - proficiency code is 2 lang prof FEP - proficiency code is 3 lang prof FELL – proficiency code is 5 bilingual no - bilingual code is 0 bilingual yes - bilingual code is 1 bilingual year1 - bilingual code is 2 bilingual year2 - bilingual code is 3 bilingual exited - bilingual code is 4 bilingual not in program - bilingual code is 5 esl no - esl code is 0 esl yes - esl code is 1 esl year1 - esl code is 2 esl year2 - esl code is 3 esl exited - esl code is 4 esl not in program - esl code is 5 cont ELL no - continuous ell is 0 cont ELL yes - continuous ell is 1 Last Modified: 10/26/2012 5 total - lang prof NA + lang prof NEP + lang prof LEP + lang prof FEP Report #13- Summary of Pupil Counts for Specific Schools (For School Accountability Report) The first part of the report shows the count of students by school and grade. The select criteria are attendance code 01-08 and all grades except infant. If the grade level is prek (004) and funding is 81 or 83 then they are counted as Prek CPP If the grade level is prek (004) and funding is 84 then they are counted as Prek Sped If the grade level is prek (004) and funding is 86-89 then they are counted as Prek Regular The free lunch portion of the report is a count of students where funding is less than or equal to 85 and have a free/reduced lunch eligible code of 01. Report #14 - Summary of Pupils being reported by another District. Dup count calculation IF funding for district A is 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 70, 71 AND funding for district B is 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 70, 71 THEN dup count = 2 IF funding for district A is 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 70, 71 AND funding for district B is 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95 THEN dup count = 1.5 IF funding for district A is 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95 AND funding for district B is 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 70, 71 THEN dup count = 1.5 IF funding for district A is 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95 AND funding for district B is 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94, 95 THEN dup count = 1 if the grade level for the student in district A is 1st grade or higher and dup count > 1 Last Modified: 10/26/2012 6 or if the grade level for the student in district A is below 1st grade and dup count > .5 then they are identified as a duplicate. Report #15 - District Summary of ELL Pupils. Total # Students - count of students with attendance code 01-08 Total # ELL - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and ESL is not 4 and bilingual is not 4 Total % ELL - total # ELL divided by total # students * 100 Total # NEP - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and language proficiency is 1 and esl is not 4 and bilingual is not 4 Total % NEP - total # NEP divided by total # students * 100 Total # LEP - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and language proficiency is 2 and esl is not 4 and bilingual is not 4 Total % LEP - total # LEP divided by total # students * 100 Total # FEP - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and language proficiency is 3 and esl is not 4 and bilingual is not 4 Total % FEP - total # FEP divided by total # students * 100 In Program - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and (esl is 1 or bilingual is 1) Year 1 - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and (esl is 2 or bilingual is 2) Year 2 - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and (esl is 3 or bilingual is 3) Year 3 - count of students where language background is not 0002 (English) and (esl is 4 or bilingual is 4) Report 16 - count of students by primary nighttime residence homeless flag is 3 or 4 and attendance code is 01-08 Report 17 - ELPA Summary of Evaluation Total NEP - count of students who have a proficiency code of 1 Total LEP - count of students who have a proficiency code of 2 Year in program 1 - count of students who were not in ELPA program in the prior year Year in program 2 - count of students where the ELPA year in program in the prior year is 1 Last Modified: 10/26/2012 7 Report 18 - ELPA Summary of Evaluation by Student List of students who have a proficiency code of 1 or 2 who were either not in ELPA program last year or ELPA year in program for last year is 1. They are NEP if proficiency code is 1. They are LEP if proficiency code is 2. #19 - ELPA Summary of Evaluation by Language Count students by English_language_learner code where proficiency_code = ‘1’ or ‘2’ Report 20 - ELPA Summary of Evaluation by School NEP Yr 1 - count of students by school who were not in ELPA program last year and proficiency code is 1 NEP Yr 2 - count of students by school who were the ELPA year in program last year is 1 and proficiency code is 1 LEP Yr 1 - count of students by school who were not in ELPA program last year and proficiency code is 2 LEP Yr 2 - count of students by school who were the ELPA year in program last year is 1 and proficiency code is 2 Report 21 - ELPA Eligible Student List ELPA year is 1 if they were not in ELPA program last year and proficiency code is 1 or 2 ELPA year is 1 if the ELPA year in program last year is 1 and proficiency code is 1 or 2 language proficiency is NEP if proficiency code is 1 language proficiency is LEP if proficiency code is 2 Last Modified: 10/26/2012