5th Grade Expectations Packet

Grit to Great
Kay Granger Elementary
Welcome to Fifth Grade!
Attached is our 5th Grade Expectations packet. The policies and procedures outlined in this
packet will help guide you and your child through their 5th grade year at Granger Elementary.
Please read through the packet with your child and sign below stating that you have read and
understand the topics and details outlined. Please keep the rest of the packet at home for future
reference. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teachers.
Erin Johnson – Language Arts teacher: ejohnson@nisdtx.org
Meagan Tarvin – Language Arts teacher: mtarvin@nisdtx.org
Karin Beirne – Math teacher: kbeirne@nisdtx.org
Emily Sosa – Math teacher: esosa@nisdtx.org
Cindy Slye – Science teacher: cslye@nisdtx.org
Susan Jacobs – Science teacher: sjacobs@nisdtx.org
My child and I have read the 5th Grade Expectations packet. I understand the policies and
procedures outlined in the packet.
Student Name:_______________________ Student Signature: __________________________
Parent Name: ________________________ Parent Signature: __________________________
Date: _____________________________
5th Grade Expectations
We are looking forward to a successful year and are excited to work with you.
Thank you for being such involved and caring parents! With your help and
cooperation at home we can all make this a successful year for your child. If you
have any questions regarding the information below, please feel free to contact any
of the fifth grade teachers. Please check each teacher’s website and the team
website for current information (http://www.nisdtx.org/Domain/2148).
General Information
Language Arts:
In language arts class, students will work on reading a wide variety of literature and
practicing strategies to help them become more fluent, capable, and critical readers.
We will also work on becoming stronger writers, speakers, listeners, and viewers.
Students will have reader's workshop during class, as well as guided instruction of
various novels, poems, short stories, and non-fiction texts throughout the year.
Students will also participate in literature circles that will allow students to read
with others to help build their vocabulary, strengthen their reading fluency, and be
able to discuss and reflect on the novel with their peers.
In order to promote a deeper understanding of math concepts, we will be using the
Stepping Stones program. We are excited about NISD's math adoption, as it will
teach your child valuable problem solving strategies and sharpen their critical
thinking skills. Students will be provided a Stepping Stones workbook which will
be used in the classroom on a daily basis. All students are encouraged to bring their
workbook and classroom notebook home on a daily basis to review and practice
concepts taught that day as well as to review previous concepts. The workbooks
and notebooks MUST return to school each day, as these materials are critical
components of their learning process. Students will be given homework that
reinforces the skills learned in the classroom. The expectation is that students come
to fifth grade knowing their facts – addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. Practicing these facts for 10 minutes a night at home will help refresh
your child from the “summer slide” or fill in any gaps. We are looking forward to a
great year!
Science this year will consist of three broad topics: Earth Science, Life Science,
and Physical Science. While learning about these areas, the students will be
incorporating skills such as predicting, reading charts and graphs, drawing logical
conclusions, using science equipment, and using the scientific processes. A special
emphasis on learning about systems and cycles within the three areas of study will
help students understand how all things are connected with cause and effect
relationships. Students will maintain a science notebook in which their daily notes,
reflections, and questions will be kept.
Social Studies:
Social Studies curriculum for Fifth grade is an introduction of the history and
geography of the United States. We will have several projects throughout the year
that provide a meaningful experience for students to better understand our history.
Late Work
Per district grading guidelines, students shall be assessed a penalty of ten points per
day for up to three days for work not turned in on time. Major work turned in after
three days may be recorded as a zero. If an assignment is not turned in before the
end of the six-weeks grading period, a grade of zero will be given for that
Homework assignments will be recorded in the student planner along with the date
due. Unfinished daily work will be due the next school day. Homework helps
reinforce what has been learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons
and tests, teaches responsibility, helps develop positive student habits, and allows
students extra time to complete unfinished class work. Students are responsible for
writing all homework assignments in their planners.
The recommended 100 minutes of after school reading should be charted in in the
student’s reading log weekly.
All fifth graders will have a planner. It is the student’s responsibility to write down
learning targets, assignments, due dates, materials needed from home, and quiz/test
dates. These planners are an essential tool for communication between home and
school. Please be sure to check and sign your child’s planner daily.
Citizenship Grades
To help you and your child monitor their citizenship grades (the E, S, N, and U
grades that are recorded on the report cards) a visual chart indicating your child’s
six-week citizenship grades based on “Work/Study Habits” and their “Personal
Behavior” is stapled onto the back of your child’s planner. This tool will help
determine the grades that will appear on the student’s report card at the end of the
six-week grading period.
Punch Cards
In addition to citizenship logs, students will be provided a punch card each six
weeks to reinforce positive behavior. Students will be responsible for wearing their
punch card on a lanyard each day. Students can use the school provided lanyard or
may purchase their own. Students will be rewarded with a “Fun Friday” if they have
not used up all ten punches and have E’s/S’s on their report cards. If a student
should lose their punch card, they will not be allowed to attend the “Fun Friday”
and all students will be given a new card at the beginning of the next six weeks.
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report cards and progress reports will be sent home electronically unless
arrangements are made for a paper copy. Report cards will be sent home every six
(6) weeks and progress reports are sent home on the third week of each grading
period. Students, whose grade is 75 or lower, will receive a paper copy of the
progress report. This should be signed and returned to class the next day.
If your child is riding home a different way than they usually do, please send a note
or contact the office indicating this. While this may be difficult to do, it is for your
child’s safety. Even if your child tells me that you said they are to go home a
different way, without a note or notice from the office, we will send them home the
way they normally go. Furthermore, if your child is not signed up to ride the bus,
you must contact Durham Transportation before they will be allowed to ride the
Due to time constraints, all birthday celebrations will take place in the cafeteria.
You may contact the cafeteria to order ice cream treats for your child’s classroom.
Students are responsible for checking with the teacher/ folder if they are absent.
The assignment folder will state what we did on that day. Students are always
encouraged to ask their teacher for assistance if an assignment is unclear. If a child
is going to be missing class for a planned absence, please contact his/her teacher in
advance to make arrangements for assignment completion.