Fact Sheet - Albyn Medical Practice

Small blemishes, thin veins, spider veins or threadveins occur in a surprisingly large
number of people. Laser treatment is often effective as the sole method of treatment.
Although the vast majority of vascular lesions are not harmful in a medical sense they
can cause irritation or psychological problems for the bearer especially when the
problem concerns the face. By offering not one but two potential laser treatment
options, we can help remove many of these unsightly lesions. This factsheet explains the
method used.
What are thread veins and why do they occur?
Many vascular lesions develp as a result of either ageing or environmental conditions.
Typically the blood vessels become abnormal in some way - usually through
enlargement. Common sites to develop thread veins are on the face or the legs. In those
of us who have obvious blood vessels eg just under the surface of the skin in the legs,
valves in the deep veins of the leg are not working effectively. The result is
backpressure and back flow of blood away from the heart and towards the foot. This
extra pressure, or venous hypertension as it is known, causes new vessels to grow
towards the skin. These are often called threadveins or spider veins because of their
How can small thread veins be treated?
The pulsed dye laser treats most of the smaller threadveins effectively. If the veins are
small then this is often an effective treatment on its own and has the advantage of being
a convenient effective and safe procedure. Often one or two procedures are enough to
clear the lesion, though up to three or four can be required with an interval of about
three months between each procedure.
What about larger thread veins?
For these vessels we offer treatment with the diode laser. The diode laser treats larger
vessels more effectively than the pulsed dye laser. The treatment has a higher
incidence of side effects than the pulsed dye laser and should be fully discussed and
understood before you proceed with the test patch. You will only be allowed to
proceed with treatment if the test patch has shown no side effects and both you and the
Doctor are happy with the outcome. A combination of small and larger threadveins at
the same site often requires treatment with both lasers to achieve a complete result.
How do the lasers work?
Our laser treatments use the body’s own defence mechanism to remove the aberrant
vessels over a period of time. When the laser is applied to the lesion’s blood vessels,
the blood becomes coagulated within the vessel, which results in the death of these
aberrant vessels. Normal vessels and the surrounding skin are unaffected by the laser.
Only abnormal vessels, as found in many lesions, are affected by this treatment. New
vessels of the correct size and shape are then grown by the body to replace the original
aberrant vessels.
How effective is the treatment?
The number of treatments required depends largely on the particular type of blood
vessel being treated. Thread veins or broken veins may require only a few treatments to
be fully resolved. Larger and more complicated lesions eg port wine stains or
haemangiomas may require up to ten treatments.
What does the treatment involve and how long does it take?
The N-Lite laser pulses are expertly applied in milliseconds over the required areas.
The patient may notice a sense of short light flashes as it passes over the lesion. Some
patients experience a warming glow and tingling sensation while others describe it like
hot rubber bands slapping the skin. The laser does not burn the skin nor does it cut
through it. It only interacts with the blood in the unwanted vessels and does not damage
the skin in any way. The treatment generally lasts 20 – 30 minutes and recuperation
time is not required. It is quite possible to return to normal activities after the treatment.
Are there any side effects?
In rare cases there may be some slight swelling and/or reddening, but on the few
occasions it has happened, this has settled very quickly. There is also a very small risk
of pigmentation changes within the treated area. A very small minority of patients have
had pin -point bruising where the laser has fired, which can look unsightly, but in every
case has settled completely within a few days. This side effect is very much the
exception but can occur and patients should not have laser treatment unless they are
fully aware that this and other side effects are a possibility. At the time of going to
print, no other side effects of any consequence have been noted although of course this
cannot be guaranteed.
What are the costs likely to be?
This will be discussed at the time of the initial consultation which Laserase offers
entirely free of charge and with no obligation to undergo treatment. Costs will vary
between individuals according to the lesions requiring treatment. Treatment will only
be undertaken after the patient has had the chance to have any queries whatsoever fully
explained to them at either the initial consultation or the treatment itself. As a guide,
prices start from £150.
Can the lasers be used for any other purpose?
The N- Lite laser in particular has a number of other uses. It appears effective in the
treatment of fine lines and wrinkles and we also use it for the treatment of ; sunken
scars, some stretch marks, active acne, acne scarring and acne rosacea. With the quite
remarkable effect the N-Lite laser is having on the healing process, we believe that new
treatments will evolve as more experience of the laser is gained.
Is laser treatment safe?
Yes. Lasers have been used in medicine for more than 30 years and there is no evidence
to suggest that the lasers are anything but safe. There is currently no evidence to
suggest that the treatment can lead to skin disorders or an increased risk of skin cancer.
Furthermore, every precaution has been taken to ensure the safety of the patient. The
lasers are regularly serviced and there is a laser protection supervisor and Laser
Protection Advisor appointed by NHS Grampian Radiation Protection Services. In our
clinic, all treatments are performed by fully registered and qualified Doctors or senior
nurses only. Patients are required to wear approved protective goggles at all times
during laser treatment.
Please note that the information given on this sheet is for guidance only and each individual may respond in a different
way. At the time of a consultation you will be given the most current information available.