Dissector Bold terms 3

Unit 3
Week 8
Day 1
Surface anatomy
-Xiphoid process
-Costal margin
-Pubic symphysis
-Pubic crest
-Pubic tubercle
-Anterior superior iliac spine
-Tubercle of the iliac crest
Quadrant system (RU, LU, RL, LL)
-Transumbilical plane
-Median plane
Regional system (hypochondriac, epigastric,
lumbar, umbilical, hypogastric, inguinal)
-Midclavicular lines
-Subcostal plane
-Transtubercular plane
Superficial Fascia
-Camper’s fascia (fatty layer)
-Scarpa’s fascia (membranous layer)
-Superficial epigastric artery and vein
-Anterior cutaneous nerves
-Intercostal nerves (T7-T11)
T7-Xiphoid process; T10-umbilicus; T12-superior
to pubic symphysis; L1-pubic symphysis
-Subcostal nerve (T12)
-Iliohypogastric/ilioinguinal nerves (L1)
-Lateral cutaneous nerves
Abdominal Wall
-External oblique (ribs 5-12; linea alba, pubic
tubercle and iliac crest)
-Internal oblique (ribs 10-12; linea alba, pubic
crest; iliac crest)
-Transversus abdominis
-Inguinal canal
-Superficial (external) inguinal ring (opening in
external oblique aponeurosis)
-Deep (internal) inguinal ring
-Spermatic cord (male content of inguinal canal)
-Round ligament of uterus (female content of
inguinal canal)
-Lateral (inferior) crus (margin of superficial
inguinal ring; attached to pubic tubercle)
-Medial (superior) crus (margin of superficial
inguinal ring; attached to pubic crest)
-Intercrural fibers
-External spermatic fascia
-Ilioinguinal nerve (sensory anterior external
genitalia and medial thigh)
-Inguinal ligament
-Lacunar ligament (medial fibers of inguinal turn
-Cremaster muscle and fascia (connect internal
oblique to spermatic cord/round ligament)
-Iliohypogastric nerve (superior to ilioinguinal
-Conjoint tendon (aponeurosis of internal
oblique fused with aponeurosis of transversus
-Transversalis fascia
-Inferior epigastric vessels (medial to deep
inguinal ring)
-Rectus sheath
-Rectus abdominis (ribs 5-7; symphysis/body of
pubis): Flex trunk
-Superior/Inferior epigastric vessels (ventral
rami T7-T12)
-Tendinous intersections
-Anterior cutaneous branches (T7-T12)
-Arcuate line (between pubic symphysis and
umbilicus; posterior wall of rectus sheath)
-Parietal peritoneum
-Linea alba (aponeuroses external/internal
obliques and transversus abdominis)
Boundaries of inguinal canal
-Deep-deep inguinal ring
-Superficial-superficial inguinal ring
-Anterior-aponeurosis of external oblique
-Inferior-inguinal ligament/lacunar ligament
-Superior-internal oblique/transversus
-Posterior-transversalis fascia/conjoint tendon
Indirect inguinal hernia-lateral to inferior
epigastric vessels through deep inguinal ring
Direct inguinal hernia-medial to inferior
epigastric vessels and directly through
Week 8
Day 2
-Falciform ligament (connect liver to anterior ab
-Coronary ligament (liver to diaphragm)
(Left triangular and right triangular)
-Gastrophrenic ligament (stomach to
-Gastrosplenic ligament
-Splenorenal ligament
-Median umbilical fold (urachus-allantoic duct)
-Medial umbilical fold (umbilical artery)
-Lateral umbilical fold (inferior epigastric artery
and vein)
-Peritoneum (parietal and visceral)
-Peritoneal cavity (potential space)
-Intraperitoneal organs (stomach, small
intestine, liver and spleen)
-Retroperitoneal organs (ureters, suprarenal
glands, kidneys)
-Secondarily retroperitoneal (duodenum,
pancreas, ascending colon and descending
-Gastrointestinal tract
-Liver (right/left lobes-falciform ligament)
-Gallbladder (right 9th costal cartilage)
-Greater omentum
-Small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum)
-Large intestine
-Cecum (appendix attached)
-Ascending colon (ends at right colic flexure)
-Transverse colon (ends at left colic flexure)
-Descending colon
-Sigmoid colon (ends in pelvic cavity at 3rd sacral
vertebral level)
-Rectum (located in pelvis)
-Lesser omentum (hepatogastric ligament/
hepatoduodenal ligament)
-Round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres
hepatis): umbilical vein
-Transverse mesocolon (phrenicocolic ligament)
abdominal wall
-Mesentery (jejunum and ileum from posterior
ab wall)
-Sigmoid mesocolon
-Greater peritoneal sac
-Lesser peritoneal sac (omental bursa):
posterior to stomach/lesser omentum
-Inferior recess (lowest part of lesser sac)
-Superior recess (highest part of lesser sac)
-Omentum foramen (epiploic foramen):
connects the sacs
Boundaries of Omentum Foramen
-Anterior-hepatic portal vein/artery proper/bile
-Posterior-IVC and right crus
-Superior-caudate lobe of liver
-Inferior-1st part of duodenum
-Anterior surface
-Greater curvature
-Lesser curvature
-Cardial notch
-Angular incisure (notch)
-Pyloric part
-Right lobe
-Left lobe
-Diaphragmatic surface
-Inferior border
-Visceral surface (contact gallbladder and
-Porta hepatis (fissure for vessels, lymphatics
and nerves to enter liver)
Celiac trunk
-Hepatoduodenal ligament (bile ducts, hepatic
artery proper, hepatic portal vein, autonomic
nerves and lymphatics)
-Cystic duct
-Common hepatic duct
-Right hepatic duct
-Left hepatic duct
-Porta hepatis
-Left/right hepatic artery
-Cystic artery (from right hepatic to gallbladder)
-Right gastric artery (from hepatic artery proper
to lesser curvature of stomach)
-Hepatic lymph nodes
-Common hepatic artery
-Gastroduodenal artery
-Right gastro-omental artery
-Anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
-Celiac trunk (from aorta at 12th thoracic
-Common hepatic artery
-Left gastric artery
-Splenic artery
-Short gastric arteries (from splenic artery to
fundus of stomach)
-Left gastro-omental artery (from splenic)
-Right Astro-omental (from gastroduodenal
branch of common hepatic)
-Hepatic portal vein
-Left/right portal veins
-Left/right gastric veins
-Visceral surface (stomach, left kidney,
transverse colon, pancreas)
-Diaphragmatic surface (ribs 9-11)
-Right/left lobes
-Inferior border (separates visceral from
diaphragmatic surfaces)
-Bare area
-Coronary ligament
-Visceral surface (right, left, caudate, and
quadrate lobes)
-Left fissure (ligamentum venosum/falciform
-Right fissure (gallbladder/ IVC)
-Porta hepatis (structures passing the
hepatoduodenal ligament)
-Anatomical lobes (falciform ligament division)
-Functional lobes (bile drainage/vascular
-Hepatic lymph nodes
-Celiac lymph nodes
-Cystic artery
-Spiral fold (neck continues into cystic duct)
Week 8
Day 3
-Superior mesenteric artery
-Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
-Intestinal arteries (end in vasa rectae)
-Arcades (connect intestinal arteries)
-Ileocolic artery (to the cecum)
-Appendicular artery
-Right colic artery (ascending colon)
-Middle colic artery (transverse colon)
-Superior mesenteric vein
-Hepatic portal vein
-Mesenteric lymph nodes
-Superior mesenteric lymph nodes
-Superior mesenteric plexus of nerves
Small Intestine
-duodenojejunal junction
-Suspensory ligament of duodenum (right crus
to duodenojejunal junction)
-ileocecal junction
-Root of the mesentery
-Intestinal attach of mesentery
-Inferior mesenteric artery (L2-L3)
-Left colic artery (descending colon/ left third of
-Sigmoid arteries (form arcades)
-Superior rectal artery (right/left branches)
-Inferior mesenteric vein
-Splenic vein
-Superior mesenteric vein
-Inferior mesenteric nodes
Large intestine
-Cecum (with appendix)
-Appendicular artery
-Anal canal
-Teniae coli
-Omental appendices (epiploic)
-Superior (L1)
-Descending (L2): bile/pancreatic duct
-Horizontal (L3): anterior to IVC
-Ascending (L2)
-Head (uncinate process)
-Main pancreatic duct
-Accessory pancreatic duct (superior to main)
-Posterior superior/anterior superior
pancreaticoduodenal arteries
-Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery
-Dorsal pancreatic artery
-Greater pancreatic artery
-Left gastro-omental artery
Hepatic portal vein
-Superior mesenteric vein
-splenic vein
-Hepatic portal vein
-Gastric folds (rugae)
-Pyloric antrum
-Pyloric canal
-Pyloric sphincter
-Pyloric orifice
-Circular folds (plicae circulares)
-Major/greater duodenal papilla
-Minor/lesser duodenal papilla
-Ileocecal orifice
-Superior/inferior lips of ileocecal valve
-Opening of appendix
Transverse colon
-Semilunar folds (plicae semilunares)
Unit 3
Week 9
Pre Quiz 3
Day 1
Posterior Ab Viscera
-Testicular artery and vein
-Right and left testicular arteries (aorta at L2)
-Ovarian vessels (anterior to ureter)
Retroperitoneal space
-Kidneys, ureters, suprarenal glands, aorta, IVC,
sympathetic trunks
-Perirenal fat
-Renal fascia
-Superior pole
-Left renal vein (anterior to renal arteries/aorta)
-Lest testicular/ovarian vein
-Left suprarenal vein
-Left renal artery
-Renal pelvis
-Right renal artery
-Renal capsule
-Renal cortex
-Renal medulla
-Renal pyramids/renal columns
-Renal sinus
-Renal papilla
-Minor calyx
-Major calyx
Suprarenal glands
-Right suprarenal gland (triangular)
-Left suprarenal gland (semilunar)
-Superior suprarenal arteries (inferior phrenic)
-Middle suprarenal arteries (aorta)
-Inferior suprarenal artery (renal)
-Unpaired arteries to the GI tract (celiac, sm,
-Paired arteries to 3 paired organs (suprarenal,
renal, and gonadal)
-Paired arteries to abdominal wall (inferior
phrenic and lumbar)
-Lumbar artery
-Bifurcation of abdominal aorta (L4)
-Common iliac arteries (from bifurcation)
Posterior Ab Wall
-Psoas major (lumbar vertebrals-lesser
-Psoas minor (tendon anterior to major)
-Iliacus (iliac fossa-lesser trochanter)
-Quadratus lumborum (12th rib/lumbar
transverse processes-iliolumbar ligament/iliac
-Transversus abdominis (posterior to quadratus
Lumbar Plexus
-L1-L4 (within psoas major)
-Genitofemoral nerve (anterior to psoas major)
-Subcostal nerve (inferior to rib 12)
-Iliohypogastric/ilioinguinal nerves
-Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (deep to
inguinal ligament)
-Femoral nerve (deep to inguinal ligament)
-Obturator nerve
-Lumbosacral trunk (ventral ramus L4-L5)
Sympathetic trunk
-Lumbar splanchnic nerves
-Rami communicantes
-Central tendon
-Sternal part (attach xiphoid)
-Costal part (attach inferior six ribs)
-Lumbar part (formed by 2 crura)
-Right crus (L1-L3)
-Esophageal hiatus
-Left crus (L1-L2)
-Arcuate ligaments
-Lateral arcuate ligament (anterior quadratus
-Medial arcuate ligament (anterior psoas major)
-Median arcuate ligament (unpaired-anterior of
-Venal caval foramen (T8 at central tendon)
-Esophageal hiatus (T10 at right crus)
-Aortic hiatus (T12)
-Left/right phrenic nerves
-Greater splanchnic nerve
-Celiac ganglion (largest on aorta)
Week 9
Post quiz 3
Day 2
Pelvic inlet (superior pelvic aperture)
-transition pelvic cavity-abdominal cavity
-divides greater (false) pelvis and lesser (true)
Pelvic outlet
-Inferior margin of pubic symphysis
-Ischiopubic ramus
-Ischial tuberosity
-Sacrotuberous ligament
-Tip of the coccyx
Pelvic cavity
-Rectum, bladder, internal genitalia
Pelvic diaphragm
-separates pelvic cavity from perineum
Skeleton of Pelvis
-Hip bones (os coxae)
-anal canal, urethra, external genitalia
-Iliac fossa
-Iliopubic eminence
-Arcuate line
-Pecten pubis
-Superior pubic ramus
-Pubic symphysis
-Pubic arch
-Ischiopubic ramus
-Obturator foramen
-Ischial tuberosity
-Ischial spine
-Sacral promontory
-Anterior sacral foramina
-Sacrotuberous ligament
-Sacrospinous ligament
-Greater sciatic foramen
-Lesser sciatic foramen
-Greater/lesser sciatic notches
-Greater/lesser sciatic foramina
-Anterior sacroiliac ligament
-Posterior sacroiliac ligament
-Iliolumbar ligament
-Subpubic angle
-Pelvic brim
-Superior margin of pubic symphysis
-Posterior border of pubic crest
-Anterior border of the ala (wing) of the sacrum
Anal triangle
-Perineum (diamond)
-Anal triangle (posterior)
-Urogenital triangle (anterior)
-Gluteus maximus
-Inferior cluneal nerves
-Sacrotuberous ligament
Ischioanal fossa (wedged-shaped)
-Inferior rectal nerve/vessels
-Dorsal nerve of the penis (paired)
-Penis (root-bulb/crura, body/shaft, glans,
corona, prepuce, frenulum, external urethral
-Superficial external pudendal vein
-Prostatic urethra
-Membranous urethra
-External anal sphincter (subcutaneous,
superficial, deep)
-Inferior surface of pelvic diaphragm (medial
-Fascia of obturator internus (lateral boundary)
-Pudendal canal
-Pudendal nerve
-Internal pudendal artery/vein
Male external genitalia/perineum
-Dartos fascia (dartos m)
-Scrotal ligament (gubernaculum testis)
-Scrotal septum
-Coverings of spermatic (external spermaticexternal oblique; cremasteric-internal oblique;
internal spermatic-transversalis)
-Ductus deferens (vas deferens)
-Pampiniform plexus of veins
-Artery of ductus deferens
-Testicular artery
-Tunica vaginalis (visceral/parietal/cavity)
-Epididymis (tail/body/head)
-Tunica albuginea (fibrous capsule)
-Posterior prostate scrotal nerve/vessels
-Colles’ fascia (membranous layer of superficial
-Dartos fascia
-Perineal membrane
-Superficial perineal pouch (superficial
transverse perineal, bulbospongiosus,
ischiocavernous, crura of the penis and bulb)
-Perineal body
-Dorsal surface of the penis
-Superficial dorsal vein of the penis
-Buck’s fascia (deep fascia of the penis)
-Deep dorsal vein of the penis
-Prostatic venous plexus
-Dorsal artery of the penis (paired)
-Spongy urethra
-Navicular fossa
-Bulbourethral glands
-Tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa
-Tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosus
-Septum penis
-Deep perineal pouch (membranous urethra,
external urethral sphincter, bulbourethral
glands, branches of internal pudendal, branches
of pudendal)
-Urogenital diaphragm
Female external
-Mons pubis
-Anterior labial commissure
-Labium majus
-Clitoris (prepuce, glans, frenulum)
-Labium minus
-Vestibule of vagina (between minora)
-External urethral orifice
-Vaginal orifice
-Openings of paraurethral ducts
-Frenulum of labia minora
-Posterior labial commissure
-Posterior labial nerve/vessels
-Colles’ fascia (membranous layer of superficial
-Perineal membrane
-Superficial perineal pouch (ischiocavernosus,
bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse
perineal, crus of clitoris, bulb of vestibule and
greater vestibular gland)
-Perineal body
-Perineal membrane
-Commissure of the bulbs
-Deep perineal pouch (urethra, vagina, external
urethral sphincter, branches of internal
pudendal, branches of pudendal)
-Urogenital diaphragm
Week 10
Pelvis and Perineum
124-133; 137-147
Male Pelvic Cavity (bladder, internal genitalia,
-Rectovesical pouch
-Paravesical fossa
-Pararectal fossa
Male Internal Genitalia
-Perineal membrane (deep to bulb)
-External urethral sphincter muscle
-Membranous urethra
-Prostatic urethra
-Spongy urethra
-Interior of prostatic urethra:
Urethral crest, seminal colliculus, prostatic
sinus, prostatic utricle, opening of ejaculatory
-Ductus deferens
-Deep inguinal ring
-Rectovesical septum
-Ampulla of ductus deferens
-Seminal vesicle
-Ejaculatory duct
-Prostate (apex, base, lobes)
Bladder, Rectum, and Anal canal
-Endopelvic fascia
-Retropubic space (prevesical space)
-Puboprostatic ligament
-Bladder (apex, body, fundus, base, neck)
-Bladder surfaces (superior, posterior,
-Internal urethral sphincter
-Wall of urinary bladder
-Detrusor muscle
-Internal urethral orifice
-Orifices of ureters
-Ampulla of the rectum
-Anorectal flexure
-Transverse rectal folds
-Anal canal
-Anal columns
-Superior rectal artery/vein
-Pectinate line
-External/internal anal sphincter muscles
-Internal hemorrhoids
-External hemorrhoids
Internal iliac artery/Sacral plexus
-Common iliac artery
-External/Internal iliac arteries
-Umbilical artery
-Medial umbilical ligament
-Superior vesical arteries
-Obturator artery
-Aberrant obturator artery
-Inferior vesical artery
-Middle rectal artery
-Internal pudendal artery
-Inferior gluteal artery
-Iliolumbar artery
-Lateral sacral artery
-Superior gluteal artery
-Prostatic venous plexus
-Vesical venous plexus
-Rectal venous plexus
-Deep dorsal vein of penis
-Sacral plexus
-Coccygeal plexus
-Inferior hypogastric plexus
-Lumbosacral trunk (L4/L5)
-Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
-Superior gluteal artery
-Ventral ramus of spinal nerve S1
-Inferior gluteal artery
-Ventral rami of spinal nerves S2-3
-Pudendal nerve (S2-4)
-Pelvic splanchnic nerves (nervi erigentes)
-Sacral portion of sympathetic trunk
-Ganglion impar
-Gray rami communicates
-Sacral splanchnic nerves
Pelvic Diaphragm
-Urogenital hiatus
-Anal hiatus
-Tendinous arch of levator ani
-Levator ani
-Anorectal flexure
-Anococcygeal raphe
-Obturator internus
-Internal iliac, external iliac, common iliac,
sacral and lumbar nodes
Female Pelvic Cavity
-Adnexa (ovaries, uterine tubes and ligaments
of uterus)
-Vesicouterine pouch
-Rectouterine pouch (Pouch of Douglas)
-Paravesical fossa
-Pararectal fossa
-Broad ligament of uterus
-Uterine tube
-Round ligament of uterus
-Ovarian ligament (in broad lig & connects ovary
to uterus)
-Suspensory ligament of ovary
-Endopelvic fascia (extreperitoneal fasciasupports uterus)
-Uterosacral (sacrogenital ligament)
-Uterosacral fold
-Transverse cervical ligament (cardinal
-Pubocervical (pubovesical) ligament
-Pubic symphysis
Female Internal genitalis
-External urethral orifice
-External urethral sphincter
-Vaginal fornix (anterior, lateral, posterior)
-Uterus (fundus, body, isthmus, cervix)
-Uterus surfaces: vesical, intestinal
-Uterine cavity
-Uterine tube (isthmus, ampulla, infundibulum,
-Tubal (distal) extremity
-Uterine (proximal) extremity
-Ovarian fossa (bounded by ureter, external iliac
v, uterine tube)
-Suspensory ligament of the ovary
Internal Iliac artery/Sacral plexus
-Uterine artery
-Vaginal artery