Chair of the general surgery, children's surgery of medical faculty and surgical illnesses of mediko-preventive faculty The Tashkent Medical Academy Lecture for students of a 3-course of mediko-preventive faculty on a theme: «the Sharp surgical infection» The lecturer: д.м.н., professor Ergashev U.J. Composers: д.м.н., professor Ergashev U.J. TASHKENT 2007 The lecture purpose: 1. To Give concepts to students about a sharp surgical infection. 2. Will acquaint students principal views and classifications of sharp surgical infections. 3. Will explain to students main principles of diagnostics, differential diagnostics and treatments of sharp surgical infections. One of environment factors causing protective organism reactions is pathogenic microorganisms. The majority хирургикческих diseases grows out of organism interaction чедловека and microorganisms. Than quantity and вирулентность more than microbes попавщих in an organism, the protective forces of an organism are weaker, the it is more possibility of development of illness and наборот. For hit of microbes in an organism owe a life «entrance collars», i.e. presence of damages of a skin or mucous membranes. At the heart of preventive maintenance of a surgical infection lies: ü Strengthening of protective forces of an organism ü Reduction of pollution of a skin by microflora ü Reduction of pollution of mucous membranes Microflora ü The Prevention of various damages ü Timely surgical processing of wounds Treatment of already developed surgical infection spend on the basis: The Maximum increase иммунобиологических forces of an organism Creations of adverse conditions for microflora development Material well-being improvement sanitary-gigenicheskogo population level, and also wide application of antibiotics at purulent diseases promotes decrease in frequency of development of a surgical infection. In due course arise new штаммы the microbes, steady against antibiotics therefore the increase in the purulent diseases demanding surgical intervention again is marked. Last years searches of effective methods of struggle with surgical an infection have led again to studying of own protective forces of an organism, their activization and purposeful creation with which the clinical immunology is engaged. CLASSIFICATION of a surgical infection: А a sharp surgical infection: 1. The Sharp purulent infection 2. Sharp анаэробная an infection 3. A sharp specific infection (a tetanus, the Siberian ulcer, etc.) 4. A sharp putrefactive infection B. chronic surgical infection: 1. The Chronic nonspecific infection 2. A chronic specific infection (a tuberculosis, a syphilis, актиномикоз, etc.) On a clinical current: 1. A sharp purulent infection: The general The local 2. A chronic purulent infection: The general The local On defeat localisation: Skin and hypodermic клетчатки Covers of a skull, its contents Necks The Chest wall, a pleura, lungs Sredostenija Brjushiny and bodies of a belly cavity The Basin and its bodies Bones and joints On an aetiology: ü Staphylococcal ü Streptococcal ü Pnevmokokkovaja ü Kolibatsilljarnaja ü Sinegnojnaja ü Mixed, etc. At the heart of the organisation of the prevention and struggle against a sharp surgical infection lies: Ø Traumatism preventive maintenance Ø First aid and treatment of the victims having open damages Ø The Strict observance of laws асептики in all surgical work and in a life Ways инфицирование wounds: v Endogennyj v Ekzogennyj Sharp purulent (анаэробная) an infection One of the most frequent kinds of a surgical infection is the sharp nonspecific purulent infection with a characteristic heavy clinical current against the expressed purulent intoxication. Activators surgical infections Stafilokokki Streptococci Pnevmokokki Gonokokki The Intestinal stick Various kinds протея Group клебсиелл Sinegnojnaja a stick Group бактериоидов Peptokokki Klostridii Патогенез and reaction of an organism to a purulent infection In development of a purulent infection value of a condition of skin and mucous barriers is great. Intact a skin and mucous are an absolute obstacle for penetration of microbes into an organism. Influence of mechanical and other factors causes damages эпидермиса and эпителия mucous and by that opens «entrance gate» for an infection. Microbes easily get to an organism even at the most insignificant microtraumas, get into interfabric spaces, then in lymphatic system, and with a lymph current - in deeper fabric layers. The further development of a surgical infection and distribution of purulent process depend: - From иммунологического organism conditions - From вирулентности microbes In development of a surgical infection the big role plays: 1. Anatomo-physiological features of fabrics 2. Immunobiologichesky features of fabrics To development of a sharp purulent infection promote: 1. Infringement трофики skin in the field of entrance gate (a hemorrhage, некроз) 2. A polyinfection (синергическое influence of several kinds of microbic flora) 3. A superinfection (introduction or drift of new kinds of the microbes, different expressed вирулентностью). Local signs of a surgical infection: Reddenings The Hypostasis The Pain Temperature Infringement of functions of the amazed fabrics and bodies Degree of expressiveness of these symptoms depends on reactance of an organism. Distinguish following kinds of reaction of an organism on an inflammation: - гиперергическую - нормергическую - анергическую Hyperergichesky reaction: For this reactions fast development of purulent process, a hypostasis expressed лимфаденит and a thrombosis of blood vessels, surrounding the inflammation centre is characteristic. These processes are quite often accompanied by sharp deterioration of the general condition of an organism and can will end with death. Normergichesky reaction At this reaction process proceeds more slowly, is accompanied by moderate fabric reaction (a moderate hypostasis), rather low temperature and small лейкоцитозом. Normergichesky reaction successfully gives in to treatment if it is in due time begun and прапвилно is spent. Anergichesky reaction This kind of reaction is characterised слабовыраженной by the general and local semiology - the inflammation proceeds against almost not expressed fabric hypostasis, has local character, is accompanied normal or субфебрильной by temperature. When immunity of an organism is expressed, diseases easily gives in to therapy or passes spontaneously. If иммунность an organism it is lowered, process has malignant character. Each sharp inflammatory process is accompanied also by the general reaction of an organism which depends: ü From вирулентности microflorae ü From intensity всасывания products of fabric disintegration ü From reactance of a macroorganism Display of the general reaction of an organism: Gektichesky temperature Fever Headaches Weakness Consciousness infringements Tachycardia Frustration of function of a liver Frustration of function of kidneys Treatment principles Conservative which it is spent to stages инфильтративного an inflammation Local treatment: - Rest Local applications of antiseptics Physiotherapeutic procedures Novokainovye of blockade The general treatment: Struggle against a purulent intoxication Activization of protective properties of an organism Decrease вирулентности microorganisms Improvement of functions of vitals Stimulation of regenerative abilities of fabrics Struggle against a purulent intoxication: 1. Evacuation of purulent contents. 2. Applications of preparations of antitoxic action: физ. A solution, 5 % a glucose solution, лактосоль, a haemomisinformation, поливинол, желатиноль. 3. Oksigeno - and витаминотерапия 4. Improvement of function of a liver and kidneys Activization of protective forces of an organism: Ø Transfusion свежеконцентрированной blood and эритроцитарной weights Ø Active immunization: applications анатоксина, special vaccines Ø Passive immunization: applications Staphylococcal antitoxin, antistaphylococcal plasma or scaleThe globulin specific бактериофага Application of antibiotics: ü Local application of antibiotics ü ü ü ü ü ü Intrabone introduction Intravenous introduction Intraarterial introduction Vnutriaortalnoe introduction Intratrahealnoe introduction The Combination выщеукзаннных ways Энзимотерапия v Local application v By means of inhalation v Parenteralnoe introduction Principles of operative treatment: Preoperative preparation: гигеническая a bath, an enema, a toilet of an operational field. Anaesthesia: - The local: инфильтрационная, проводниковая - The general anaesthesia: intravenous, The inhalation Operational cut: Owe a life to the wide It is if necessary supplemented with counterapertures Follows дренировать an abscess двухпросветными drainage tubes Local purulent diseases Фолликулит The purulent inflammation of a hair sack is called фолликулитом. At фолликулите round a hair sack the painless purulent vial is formed Treatment - conservative The Furuncle The purulent inflammation of a hair sack and skin sebaceous gland is called as a furuncle. The furuncle appears in those places which usually are exposed травматизации clothes - in the field of a neck, waists, hips, on a back more often. Furuncle clinic: The Skin itch Pricking pains Skin Reddening A skin Hypostasis Subfebrilnaja temperature Furuncle complications: Thrombophlebitis of obverse veins Thrombophlebitis of brain sine Лимфаденит Phlegmon Purulent arthritis Sepsis Furuncle treatment: Processing of the centre of 70 % by spirit Shaving of hair around the centre Obkalyvanie of the centre solutions of antibiotics The Confinement to bed The Immobilization of the amazed extremity Antibiotikoterapija Sulfanilamidy Physiotherapeutic procedures: УВЧ, соллюкс, quartz Bandages with hypertensive solutions Карбункул Карбункулом name the sharp inflammation of several hair sacks poured purulent-nekroticheskoe and sebaceous glands with formation of the general инфильтрата and некрозом skin and hypodermic клетчатки. Clinic карбункула: Appreciable rise in temperature of a body and a fever - Occurrence dense, painful inflammatory инфильтрата The Hypostasis and pressure of a skin Sine-crimson colouring of a skin Formation некротической zones in a kind a sieve The Nausea, vomiting Headaches The Sleeplessness Complications карбункула: Ø The Thrombophlebitis and лимфангит Ø The Thrombosis пещеристой and сигмовидной bosoms Ø The Sepsis Ø The Purulent meningitis Treatment карбункула is spent in stationary conditions which includes: At an initial stage новокаиновые blockade with antibiotics The Confinement to bed The Immobilization Anesthesia Antibiotikoterapija and сульфанильамиды Operative treatment under the general anaesthesia Гидраденит The purulent inflammation апокринных потовых glands is called гидраденитом. Clinic гидраденита: 1. Localization: axillary area, sexual and перианальная area, mammary gland area. 2. Occurrence of painful knot in hypodermic клетчатке soldered to a skin. 3. The Sinevato-pink shade of a skin Treatment гидраденита: Ultra-violet therapy Applications УВЧ Novokaino-antibiotikovye инфильтрационные blockade Rentgenoterapija in small doses Antibiotics, сульфаниламиды Autogemoterapija In cases абсцедирования инфильтрата The operative is shown Treatment Abscess The limited congestion of pus in fabrics is called as an abscess which meets in hypodermic клетчатке, muscles, bones, and in an internal (lungs, a liver, kidneys, and also in a brain. Abscess clinic: Ø Pains of pulsing character Ø The Swelling and skin reddening Ø Fluctuation (зыбление) Ø Body Rise in temperature Ø Lejkotsitoz with formula shift to the left Abscess treatment: In the beginning it is applied conservative (warming compresses, hotwater bottles, соллюкс, УВЧ, a rest mode) measures to abscess restriction. At fluctuation occurrence operative treatment - abscess opening. Phlegmon As phlegmon is called the sharp poured inflammation of fabrics which is observed more often in a friable connecting fabric. Clinic: Pains Fever High temperature of a body (40оС) The general an indisposition Phlegmon Treatment: Conservative therapy it is admissible only at an initial stage of disease. At its further development urgent operative intervention is necessary. Physiognomy The physiognomy is a progressing acute inflammation of a skin, is more rare than the mucous membranes which activator is the streptococcus And. Physiognomy Clinic The sudden beginning High temperature and fever Headaches Skin reddening in a kind "tongues of flame" Hypostasis and morbidity of a skin Clinical forms of a physiognomy: Eritematoznaja physiognomy Буллезная Флегмонозная or гангренозная Eritematoznaja a physiognomy At this form of a physiognomy there are reddenings of a skin and a hypostasis which in process of process attenuation disappear. Bulleznaja the physiognomy form The bulleznaja form of a physiognomy is characterised by occurrence of skin bubbles which contain yellowish, muddy or геморрагический экссудат. Flegmonoznaja the physiognomy form If the purulent infection joins inflammatory process and arises некроз skin, are formed флегмонозная or гангренозная the form erysipelatous a skin inflammation. Physiognomy treatment Sulfanilamidy (streptocide) in the form of powders местно Greasing of the amazed sites by diamond greens Reception сульфаниламидных preparations (streptocide, этазол, сулфодиметоксин, etc.) Antibiotics whenever possible эндолимфатическое introduction Passive immunization application of an antistreptococcal vaccine of 10-20 ml Vitaminoterapija Desensibilizirujushchie of means - a Dimedrol, etc. At флегмонозной to the form opening of the purulent centre Sharp парапроктит парапроктитом the purulent inflammation околопрямокишечной клетчатки is called as sharp Distinguish: hypodermic, подслизистый, sedalishchno-prjamokishechnyj, tazovo-prjamokishechnyj and behind-prjamokishechnyj парапроктиты. Clinic sharp парапроктита: Strong pulsing pains in the field of an anus Difficulty дефекации Gektichesky temperature a fever Occurrence painful инфильтрата extending to buttock area Fluctuation The Cyanotic shade of a skin over инфильтратом Treatments sharp парапроктита consists urgent operative intervention under anaesthetic.