SESSION PLAN 4 ________________ COLLEGE Group: Originator: Programme Title: Energy efficiency for gas-fired and oil fired domestic heating and hot water systems Course Code: Date: Module/Section: Unit: Session: Four Venue: Lecturer: Week: Time: Aims: By the end of the session students can identify: Compliance standards requirements for hot water storage vessels. Requirements relating to the preparation of hot water systems and wet central heating systems. Requirements relating to the water treatment of hot water systems and wet central heating systems. Planned Learning Outcomes: By the end of the session learners will be able to state Compliance standards requirements for hot water storage vessels. Requirements relating to the preparation of hot water systems and wet central heating systems. Requirements relating to the water treatment of hot water systems and wet central heating systems. Assessment of Learning: Planned learning outcomes to be assessed by: Students confirming which standards and requirements they have found and believe to be relevant. Lesson Evaluation: Health & Safety and Risk Assessment: To be completed by all learners at the start of all new activities and reviewed and updated on a regular basis Key Skills: Not required for this group Links: Level 3 plumbing and heating qualifications Level 3 heating and ventilation qualifications Level 3 environmental technology qualifications Research approaches deployed in previous session Extension exercise: Further research around topic Curriculum Specific Notes: TIME* 10 mins 5 mins 5 mins 10 mins 5 mins 5 mins 20 mins 15 mins 15 mins 5 mins mins 2 TUTOR ACTIVITY /TOPIC Welcome students, take register, check students have relevant paperwork Recap on previous session learning outcomes Summarise expected outcomes for the session, with learning objectives for session visually displayed. Instruct students to research standards, and organise students into small groups or pairs Instruct students to log on and access internet Supervise students logging on and sort any problems Supervise students to complete task, discuss progress with students and provide guidance if needed Supervise feedback session to include review of sites visited Confirm everyone back from the break Instruct students to research requirements LEARNER ACTIVITY RESOURCES LEARNING STYLE A, V, K Students confirm their attendance and that they have relevant paperwork Student list. Course folder Listen (All optional) Powerpoint/ Handout (All optional) Powerpoint/ Handout AV Listen and take notes (All optional) Powerpoint/ Handout A Listen Laptops/PCs connected to internet Laptops/PCs connected to internet List of websites if needed to direct students A Students give verbal feedback as to where they have found relevant information and note websites and parameters mentioned by other students Break time Course folder to note down key websites and parameters A Return to class and confirm attendance Student list A Listen (All optional) Powerpoint/ Handout A Listen Log on Research relevant compliance standards for hot water storage vessels AV K A, V, K 20mins Supervise students to complete task, discuss progress with students and provide guidance if needed 5 mins Redirect students to finish first topic and begin new topic 15 Supervise students mins to complete task, discuss progress with students and provide guidance if needed 20 Supervise mins feedback session to include review of sites visited 15 mins Research relevant requirements relating to the preparation and water treatment of hot water systems and wet central heating systems Listen to instructions for new topic A, V, K A Research relevant requirements relating to the commissioning of hot water systems and wet central heating systems List of websites to direct students to if needed A, V, K Students give verbal feedback as to where they have found relevant information and note websites and parameters mentioned by other students Listen and feedback Course folder to note down key websites and parameters A Review stated objectives, recap on key learning outcomes from session and summarise what to expect from the next session 5 mins Supervise students Clear up room to clear up room, keeping worksheets for future use *Times are indicative of the likely duration of activities 3 List of websites to direct students to if needed A, V K DIFFERENTIATION In this section you should note how you intend to meet individuals’ needs, e.g. those with learning difficulties, different methods of assessment, additional work to challenge more able learners, personal circumstances, and issues relating to Equal Opportunities. Some students are more capable than others and have completed more of the exercises Some students need extra help with exercises Learner 4 Needs/background Example: Currently not working but actively seeks knowledge and practices at home. Differentiation Example: Harness their enthusiasm for the class and challenge them to exceed the level of others.