dmrc minutes - 9th june 2014

The Town Hall, School Road, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QR
Tel: 01747 823588 Email:
Minutes of a meeting of the Development Management Recommendations Committee
held on Monday 9th June 2014 in The Jubilee Room, Town Hall, School Road,
Gillingham at 7.30pm.
These minutes do not constitute a true record until ratified by Full Council.
Members Present:
Cllr R Evill (Chairman), Cllr Mrs B Ridout (Deputy Chairman),
Cllr Mrs A Beckley, Cllr Mrs E Booton, Cllr B Von Clemens, Cllr A Frith,
Cllr S Joyce and Cllr D Walsh.
Also Present:
Cllr Mrs S Hunt (non-member) and four members of the public.
Committee Clerk: Julie Hansford
496. Apologies:
Apologies were received from Cllr D Griffin, Cllr J Robson and Cllr D White.
497. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th May 2014.
Proposed by Cllr Frith, seconded by Cllr Joyce and agreed by all voting members, that the minutes of
the meeting held on 12th May 2014 should be approved as a correct record.
498. Questions: There were no questions.
499. Declarations of Interests
Members are reminded of their obligations to declare their interests in the following items and to
indicate the action they will be taking when the item is considered as per the National Association of
Local Councils (NALC) Model Code of Conduct which has been prepared to comply with the
requirements of Section 27 of the Localism Act 2011.
There were no declarations of interest.
500. To agree retention of the Colesbrook Conservation Area Working Party, membership and Lead
Following a short discussion it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Beckley, seconded by Cllr Von Clemens and
agreed by all voting members that the Colesbrook Conservation Area Working Party should be
retained with the following membership: Cllr Mrs Hunt, Cllr Mrs Beckley, Cllr Mrs Ridout, Cllr Frith,
Cllr Milsted, Cllr Joyce and Ms Hansford. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Hunt should continue as the lead
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Development Management Recommendations Committee Meeting – 9th June 2014
501. Decisions from NDDC:
a. Application No: 2/2014/0341/PLNG Date Registered: 24 March 2014
Location of Development: West Lodge, Bugley Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5RD
Description of Development: Erect side extension; install dormers to rear incorporating juliet
balconies (Amended scheme to planning permission no. 2/2013/1283/PLNG)
b. Application No: 2/2014/0123/PLNG Date Registered: 6 February 2014
Location of Development: Waitrose Ltd, Chantry Fields, Gillingham, Dorset.
Description of Development: Variation of Condition No. 1 attached to Planning Permission No.
2/2001/0052 to extend the delivery times to between 5:00am and 10:00pm Monday to Saturday
and 6:00am to 6:00pm on Sundays.
c. Application No: 2/2014/0044/PLNG Date Registered: 20 March 2014
Location of Development: 38, Bay Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4EF
Description of Development: Erect first floor side extension.
d. Application No: 2/2014/0264/PLNG Date Registered: 12 March 2014
Location of Development: Milton Primary School, Mapperton Hill, Milton On Stour,
Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5QD
Description of Development: Erect single storey extension.
e. Application No: 2/2014/0203/PLNG Date Registered: 17 March 2014
Location of Development: Land adjoining the rear of 22, Palace Road, Gillingham, Dorset.
Description of Development: Change of use from communal amenity land to residential
Application No: 2/2014/0332/PLNG Date Registered: 24 March 2014
Location of Development: 11 Fairey Crescent, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4PE
Description of Development: Erect 1 No. two storey extension, 1 No. single storey extension
and, 1 No. porch and form parking area.
502. Planning Applications:
LOCATION: Springfield, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4HD
PROPOSAL: Develop the land by the erection 1 No. dwelling (outline application with all
matters reserved).
Local resident, Dr Hazeldean, expressed his concerns over the proposed removal of mature trees.
Dr Hazeldean felt that the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site and the proposed erection
of a further dwelling on the grounds of Springfield would represent over-intensification of a
relatively small plot in a very built up area. Dr Hazeldean explained that the proposed access to
the property is along the drive belonging to Peace Cottage and any right of way which the
current owners of Springfield may have, or claim to have, over the drive-way, does not extend to
access to a new development. Dr Hazeldean raised concerns over the wording of paragraph 5.3
of the Design and Access Statement. Dr Hazeldean informed the meeting that the previous
owners of Peace Cottage had been refused planning permission to erect a dwelling.
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502. Planning Applications continued:
Local resident, Mr Bastable, supported the comments made by Dr Hazeldean and stated that the
proposed access was unsuitable. Mr Bastable informed the meeting that his property is in close
proximity to the proposed development and raised concerns regarding the proposed removal of
the mature trees.
Ward councillor, Cllr Mrs Beckley, informed the meeting that she had visited the site and
considered that the proposal will result in a dwelling of cramped appearance. Cllr Mrs Beckley
agreed with the local residents and stated that the proposed drive-way would be unsuitable.
Cllr Mrs Ridout informed the meeting that Springfield is a small, two bed low ridge property
positioned in the corner of a modest plot, which has been cultivated and is full of plants, bushes
and trees. Cllr Mrs Ridout explained that the property is surrounded by historic properties,
Peace Cottage and Crown Cottage and makes a significant contribution to the character and
setting of the area.
Cllr Mrs Ridout stated that the proposal would be detrimental to the character and setting of the
area. Cllr Mrs Ridout explained that the proposal would mean the loss of six trees which can be
seen from the highway, and their loss would have a significant impact upon the area. Cllr Mrs
Ridout also raised concerns regarding the loss of the hedgerow which would have a detrimental
Cllr Mrs Ridout referred to the proposal to close the southern access to Springfield. She
explained that the proposed access is narrow with a difficult bend between the dwellings and
raised concerns regarding access by emergency vehicles.
Cllr Mrs Ridout referred to paragraph 5.3 of the Design and Access Statement and considered
that the wording was misleading. Cllr Mrs Ridout explained that the proposed access would have
to be negotiated and agreed with the owners of the access road.
Cllr Mrs Ridout referred to the plot size and stated, “The plot size is comparatively small to
those in the immediate vicinity and whatever goes in there will be detrimental to Springfield. It
is vitally important, at this outline stage, to have basic details of the proposed dwelling, how
many storeys, ridge height, width and length of proposed dwelling. Any dimensions approved at
outline planning stage should be made a condition. Otherwise we end up in the scenario of a
recent application at Wyke, where outline planning permission was granted with no stipulation
of maximum ridge height.”
Cllr Mrs Ridout stated that in her opinion, the proposal will have an adverse impact upon the
existing adjoining properties and their amenity space and referred to the part low ridge level of
Springfield Cottage itself and the low ridge height of Crown Cottage.
Cllr Mrs Ridout referred to the proposed close boarded fencing and stated that this would be out
of character.
Cllr Mrs Ridout stated, “This proposal has no regard for the character of the area and the visual
properties in close proximity, including historic Peace Cottage and Crown Cottage. The
proposals have no regard to the relevant policies and guidance of the North Dorset District Wide
Local Plan or the National Planning Policy Framework, particularly Policy 1.8 standard
assessment criteria and 2.6 infill within settlement boundaries”.
Cllr Frith supported the comments made by Cllr Mrs Ridout and stated, “This proposal is back
garden development and will result in an overdevelopment of the site”. Cllr Frith raised concerns
over access to the proposed dwelling by emergency service vehicles.
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Development Management Recommendations Committee Meeting – 9th June 2014
502. Planning Applications continued:
Cllr Joyce agreed with the previous comments regarding overdevelopment of the site and stated,
“This is a beautiful cottage with a great garden and it is a shame to spoil it”.
All voting members recommended refusal of the application for the following reasons:
 The proposed removal of the mature trees will have a detrimental affect on the character
and setting of the area.
 The proposed development will be detrimental to the character and setting of the area.
 The plot size is comparatively small. The proposed development will be an
overdevelopment of the site and will result in a dwelling of cramped appearance.
 The proposed development will have an adverse impact upon the existing adjoining
properties and their amenity space.
 The proposed close boarded fencing will be out of character.
 This proposal has no regard for the character of the area and the visual properties in close
proximity, including historic Peace Cottage and Crown Cottage.
 The proposals have no regard to the relevant policies and guidance of the North Dorset
District Wide Local Plan or the National Planning Policy Framework, particularly Policy 1.8
standard assessment criteria and 2.6 infill within settlement boundaries
Cllr Mrs Ridout proposed, Cllr Frith seconded and all voting members agreed that ‘if the Case
Officer is mindful to approve the application then it should be referred to the North Dorset
District Council Development Management Committee’.
LOCATION: Wyke Farm, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5NR
PROPOSAL: Erect 2 m fence adjacent the B3081 road.
Cllr Joyce informed the meeting that the proposal is to erect a 2m feathered edge fence on the
boundary of the property which will extend 62.5m along the B3081 and suggested that the
planting of a laurel hedge in front of a chain link fence would be more in keeping with the
character of the area.
Cllr Von Clemens informed the meeting that there are Grade II listed buildings in the area and
the proposals are not in keeping with the character of the conservation area.
Cllr Walsh informed the meeting that Wyke Farm is situated within the Conservation Area
which is characterised by mature hedges; therefore, the proposed fence will be out of character.
Cllr Mrs Beckley sympathised with the applicants and understood the reasoning behind the
application; however, she raised concerns over the height of the proposed fence and expressed
her preference for a hedge.
Cllr Frith expressed his concerns over the proposed fence and felt that the proposal will urbanise
a rural setting.
All voting members recommended refusal of the application as the proposals will be out of
character and detrimental to the Conservation Area and the setting of Wyke Farmhouse, The
Granary and Wyke Hall all of which are Grade II listed buildings.
LOCATION: Asda Store, Station Road, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4QA
PROPOSAL: Erect 2 No. decal transfer signs to centre of parking bay, 2 No. post mounted
aluminium panel signs and 1 No. post mounted aluminium direction sign.
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Development Management Recommendations Committee Meeting – 9th June 2014
502. Planning Applications continued:
Cllr Mrs Ridout supported the proposals in principal but raised concerns over the details of the
application. Cllr Mrs Ridout referred to the red line on the drawings and asked whether this
indicated a designated pedestrian walkway.
Cllr Mrs Ridout explained that the designated ‘Click and Collect’ point will consist of two
separate marked bays located within the existing customer car park, adjacent to the east
elevation of the store, and informed the meeting that she had parked in the designated bays and
had found it difficult to reverse out as the area is very busy with pedestrians. Cllr Mrs Ridout
raised concerns over pedestrian safety and suggested that the bays should be in an area of the car
park where motorist can pull in and out, without the need to reverse.
Cllr Mrs Ridout also raised concerns over the proposed signage that, in her opinion, is
With regard to existing pedestrian safety Cllr Mrs Ridout suggested that a one way system may
mitigate some of the existing problems.
Cllr Walsh informed the meeting that it was his understanding that the application is part of a
larger proposal to mitigate the existing circumstances and he would therefore be supporting the
Cllr Walsh supported the application as it was his understanding that the application forms part
of a larger proposal.
Four voting members recommended refusal of the application as they consider the proposals will
exacerbate the existing problems and would be likely to cause additional danger to users of the
car park and an increased risk to pedestrians.
LOCATION: Stirling Stables, Bay Road, Gillingham, Dorset
PROPOSAL: Erect 1 No. dwelling with associated parking.
Cllr Joyce informed the meeting that the County Highway Authority recommends that
permission be refused as the existing access lacks adequate visibility onto Bay Road (the C74)
and its increased use would be likely to cause additional danger to road users.
Cllr Mrs Beckley informed the meeting that this application is the resubmission of a previous
application turned down by the council and, therefore, the previous comments were still relevant.
The application is still outside of the town’s settlement boundary and situated within The Royal
Forest; if permission is granted for the application then a precedent would be set for building in
the open countryside.
Cllr Walsh stated that the application was effectively a resubmission of a previous planning
application which was refused on appeal.
Cllr Mrs Ridout stated that there was no justification of need and that the proposal lacked detail.
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502. Planning Applications continued:
All voting members recommended refusal of the application for the following reasons:
The application is a resubmission of a previous planning application which was refused on
There is no justification of need.
The application is outside the town settlement boundary and contrary to Policy 1.6
(Development in the Countryside) of the North Dorset District Wide Local Plan First
The proposed development falls within The Royal Forest Project Area and is therefore
contrary to Policies GH2 and GRF1 of the North Dorset District Wide Local Plan First
Allowing the application will set a precedent for future development.
APPLICATION NO: 2/2013/1375 and 2/2013/1382 AMENDED PLAN
LOCATION: Sandley House, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 5DU
DEVELOPMENT: 1375 - Convert south office to dwelling and convert stable to 2 parking spaces,
(refurbish estate office and 2/2013/1382 - Convert existing foaling unit to 1 No. dwelling. Form 2 No.
parking spaces in existing stable block. Erect 1 No. agricultural building demolish/reconfigure part of
existing barn).
The Committee Clerk informed the meeting that the amendments have been submitted in order to
address an error in the original paperwork which incorrectly marked the boundary line.
Five voting members had no objections to the amendment of the boundary line. Cllr Mrs Beckley
abstained from voting.
503. To receive an update from the Gillingham Neighbourhood Plan Group (GNPG) and make
recommendations thereon.
Cllr Joyce informed the meeting that the Gillingham Neighbourhood Plan Group had attended the
recent event held at Gillingham Recreation Ground and it had been a successful day.
Cllr Walsh informed the meeting that he had recently attended a meeting of the Gillingham
Neighbourhood Plan Group and the possibility of extending the Conservation Area had been
discussed. Cllr Walsh asked if any progress had been made regarding this proposal.
The Chairman agreed that the matter should be passed to the working party for further investigation.
Cllr Mrs Hunt, lead member of the Colesbrook Conservation Area Working Party agreed that the
matter would be discussed at the next scheduled meeting and it may therefore be necessary to change
the name of the working party in order to incorporate the two projects.
504. To receive an update regarding the Colesbrook Working Party and make recommendations
Cllr Mrs Hunt, Chairman of the working party, informed the meeting that work is ongoing. Cllr Mrs
Hunt explained that the working party is collecting historical information and Cllr Mrs Ridout and Cllr
Frith are in the process of completing a tree survey.
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Development Management Recommendations Committee Meeting – 9th June 2014
505. To receive an update on Planning Enforcement issues and to make recommendations thereon.
The Chairman informed the meeting that the town council has received enquiries concerning several
alleged breaches of planning control. Cllr Evill explained that each enquiry will be investigated by an
Enforcement Officer who will visit the sites concerned in order to establish the facts and to assess
whether a breach of planning control has occurred.
506. To receive information regarding Footpaths in Gillingham and make recommendations thereon.
Cllr Mrs Beckly informed the meeting that footpath number 44 at Peacemarsh is still overgrown and
impassable in some places and that the stile at Dolphin Lane is still broken and needs repairing.
The Committee Clerk reported that the footpath between Barnaby Mead and Bay Road and the
footpath between Peacemarsh Road and the Peacemarsh Surgery is overgrown. A request for the grass
to be cut along the footpath adjacent to Milton-on-Stour Church has also been received and all issues
have been reported to the Rights of Way Officer at Dorset County Council. The Committee Clerk
reminded the meeting that it is the responsibility of the land owner to cut back overhanging vegetation
that may obstruct a public right of way.
Cllr Joyce asked for an update on the progress of Footpath 73 at Milton-on-Stour. The minute clerk
informed the meeting that work is ongoing.
507. MATTERS PERTINENT TO THIS MEETING. Members are advised that inclusion of items is at
the Chairman’s discretion and that ‘A Council cannot lawfully decide any matter which is not specified
in the summons (agendas)’. The Chairman to be advised prior to the commencement of the meeting.
There were no matters pertinent.
The meeting closed at 8.21pm
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