Minutes of The Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 12th

Minutes of The Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2009 @ The Barn @
Mrs E Mort (Chairman)
Mrs S Bunce
Mrs L Colbourn
S Watson
G Baxter
W Harbage
J Savage
Clerk: Ms R H Woolley
D.Cllr: A Moore
C.Cllr: M Trollope-Bellew
6 Members of public
194/09 Public Forum (Max. 30mins)
Cllr. Mrs Mort opened the public forum.
Nick Rickett BPFMC/B-Active (subcommittee of BPFMC) gave a report on the committees’ plans to
improve the tennis courts & playground by applying for various grants & hoped that the parish council
would support their efforts. A question & answer session followed. Cllr. Mrs Mort thanked Mr Rickett
for the information which would be useful when the councillors discussed it during the meeting (201/09
(c2). Cllr. Harbage wished it to be known that he had a personal interest, a member of the tennis club.
Paul Colam gave an update report on the progress of the fireworks display to take place in November.
He asked that the parish council become involved or give a grant. Cllr. Mrs Mort thanked Mr Colam &
informed him that it would be discussed during finance (201/09 (c.1).
C.Cllr. Trollope-Bellew informed the meeting that he had spoken to Kevin Brumfield, highways, about
the Puffin Crossing. He said that the bus shelters would stay until after the puffin crossing was built
then one or both would have to be moved at the parish councils’ expense. The yellow box at the cross
roads would be added at a later date as it would require a safety audit. Lincolnshire highways have
enough grit for fifteen Lorries to date. He also reported that he had been approached about placing a
grit bin at Baston Fields. It was suggested that the one situated at the T-junction, Outgang Road was not
used & could be moved.
Public meeting closed 20:20
Parish Meeting commenced 20:20
195/09 Chairman’s remarks
Cllr. Mrs Mort gave a briefing on what was to be conducted during the meeting. She also reported on
the training session, relating to the Code of Conduct, which took place at West Deeping. She reenforced the need for councillors to be careful if representing outside bodies in the village, especially
personal or personal/prejudicial interests.
196/09 Apologies for absence & reasons given
Cllrs. Lee, Boulderstone & Saunders, their reasons were noted & accepted by the parish council.
197/09 Declarations of interest
Cllr. Watson, item 201/09 (c.2) Tennis court, personal interest, member of the tennis club.
Cllr. Watson, item 201/09 (c.2) BPFMC/B-Active, personal/prejudicial interest, parish council
reprehensive on the committee
Cllr. Watson, item 201/09 (c.1) Fireworks, personal/prejudicial interest, member of the committee.
Minutes of The Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2009 @ The Barn @
Cllr. Harbage, item 201/09 (c.2) Tennis Court, personal interest, member of the tennis club.
Cllr. Savage, item 202/09 (h) St John the Baptist Church, personal interest, member of the PCC
198/09 Minutes of the last meeting
It was proposed by Cllr. Harbage & seconded by Cllr. Savage that the minutes of the last meeting held on
15th January 2009 be received after additional items 118/09 e) include 1,2,3, to separately identify each
item. It was resolved that the Chairman Cllr. Mrs Mort sign the minutes as a correct record. All agreed.
199/09 Clerks report on matters outstanding
180/09 Audit Commission-the clerk has received a reply which will be circulated. Action Clerk.
180/09 Puffin Crossing-the clerk has received a reply from Cliff Lambert relating to the borrowing of
£40k it will be approved in early April & will be valid for six months. Action Clerk
182/09 (c) The clerk has written to Brian Edwards & thanked him for his years of loyal service to the
parish. No Action.
182/09 (d) Glyn Mould is happy for the sign to be delivered direct to his workshop, depending on the
amount of work involved he may need to revise his estimate of £300. Action Clerk/Chairman.
183/09 (d) request it be placed on the February agenda no longer required. No Action.
184/09 The clerk reported that she had placed various information on the Baston website. She had
received a couple of feedbacks which were very encouraging.
185/09 The clerk & chairman had arranged to meet Mr A Freeman on 18th February. Action
188/09 The clerk had received an email regarding graffiti, reply sent. No Action.
189/09 The chairman had laminated 4 SKDC notices & they had been placed in appropriate places.
Action Clerk/Chairman.
Cllr. Mrs Colbourn expressed her displeasure on the way the agenda had been presented to members of
the council. Action Clerk/Chairman.
200/09 Planning
a) S08/1351/07/NB/PC1 Mr R Sembhi, Home Farm-Major Full (Non-Residential) required. No
b) S08/1343/07 Mrs V Ross-Gilmore, Thetford House Farm-creation of access to farm. Approved
conditionally 29.01.09
c) S08/1138/07/NB/PC1 Mr R Sembhi, Home Farm-change of use of barn to dwelling (C3) Full
Planning Permission. Refused 14.01.09.
d) S08/1132/07 Mr P Dobson, 127 Main St., erection of garage. Approved conditionally 24.11.08.
e) Street Naming Mr & Mrs Lewis, 63 Main St., development at rear, proposed name Atter’s Court
changed to Atter’s Courtyard. Approved.
f) Additional-none.
201/09 Finance
a) The clerk gave a report on the balances as 12th February 2009 as follows:Current A/c
+ Receipts
- (£100.00)
Minutes of The Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2009 @ The Barn @
Current A/c
-Reserve (Puffin Crossing)
b) Payments-
1. Mrs M Phillips, Community Cleaner-Jan
2. BPFMC Barn Hire-Jan
It was approved that Cllrs. Mrs Mort & Baxter sign cheques 689-Mrs Phillips & 690-BPFMC. All
agreed. Action Clerk.
c) Additional1. Fireworks 2009 Cllr. Watson gave a brief report on the success of 2008 fireworks display.
(20:50 Cllr. Watson left the meeting). After debate it was proposed by Cllr. Savage &
seconded by Cllr. Mrs Colbourn that the parish council would contribute £500 towards the
fireworks. It was resolved that the parish council would give a grant of £500 during the
2009/10 financial year. (21:05 Cllr. Watson returned). Action Clerk.
2. BPFMC/B-Active. Cllr. Watson gave a report on the importance of receiving the parish
councils’ support. (20:06 Cllr. Watson left the meeting). It was proposed by Cllr. Savage &
seconded by Cllr. Mrs Bunce that the parish council apply for a grant towards the
improvement of the tennis courts. It was resolved that the parish council would liaise with
BPFMC/B-Active regarding the grant application from Lincolnshire County Council.
3. Parish Council Newsletter. It was proposed by Cllr. Savage & seconded by Cllr. Baxter that the
quotation of £42 for 600 leaflets be accepted from Queensbank Print, Thurlby. It was resolved
that Cllr. Mrs Mort contact Queensbank Print. All agreed. Action Chairman.
202/09 Correspondence
a) SKDC-South Kesteven Development Framework Consultation, Cllr. Savage informed the meeting
that there would be an increase in traffic along the A15 because of the amount of development
which was proposed for Bourne. Action Clerk.
b) SKDC-Parish Councils involvement in the emerging Local Development Framework. No Action.
c) SKDC-Invitation to attend a workshop & briefing at Bourne. No action to date.
d) SKDC-Standards training for parish councils-3 councillors & clerk attended. No action.
e) Welland & Deepings Internal Drainage Board-No action to date.
f) Lincs Police Authority-budget survey on line. No action to date.
g) Deepings Community Centre, presentation about local crime & community sentencePostponed.
h) St. John the Baptist Church-request to clean out ditch behind churchyard, Thetford Avenue.
Action Clerk.
i) Additional-SKDC-Notice relating to the problems with bin collections due to adverse weather
conditions. Information placed on Baston website, noticeboard & email. No action.
203/09 Highways
It was reported that the road over Manor Bridge & Little Meadow Bridge, West Deeping, would be
closed from 9th February to 20th February due to maintenance of damaged bridges. Action Clerk.
Minutes of The Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 12th February 2009 @ The Barn @
204/09 Village Concerns
205/09 Any Other Business
Cllr. Bunce asked that grit bins be placed on the March agenda. Action Clerk.
206/09 Closed session
207/09 Date of next meeting
Thursday 12th March 2009 @ The Barn @ 20:00hrs
208/09 Public Forum (Max. 10 mins)
Mr Rickett informed the meeting that he would contact the clerk with details of an auditor. He would
also like an SKDC Dog Fouling Notice placed near a strip of grass outside Brook House. Action
C.Cllr. Trollope-Bellew asked if everyone was happy with the gritting during the last two weeks, there
was a mixed response.
Meeting closed 21:30