ST. HELEN’S NEWS NEWYDDION SANTES ELEN ISSUE 597 7th MARCH 2014 Our attendance this term to date: 96.85%. WELL DONE – that’s 0.04% up (again) on our last week of term. Congratulations to all of the children in Miss Hughes and Mrs Zamudios’ classes who have 100% attendance this week. The winner of the class attendance cup for February 2014 is Mrs Young’s class with a fantastic 99.52%. Congratulations children. This is an achievement to be very proud of. Mrs Davies 98.89% Miss Jones 98.02% Mrs Zamudio 97.33% Miss Hughes 97.26% Mrs Mansfield 96.93% Miss Evans 96.92% Mrs Sellick 96.78% Mr Shore 96.56% Mrs Helyar 95.86% RUGBY AND NETBALL CLUBS-YEARS 5&6 Will resume next week. Please complete and return the slip if your child would like to participate. DRAMA CLUB-CANCELLED Unfortunately we have had to cancel our weekly drama club as Mrs Davies will be absent from school for a prolonged period as she has broken her hip. Get well soon Mrs Davies. ANNUAL EISTEDDFOD-FRIDAY 21ST FEBRUARY All of the children in our junior classes took part in our annual Eistedffod on Friday 21st. It was a wonderful event and the children were superb. Our Eisteddfod Rhestru Anrhydedd (Eisteddfod Roll of Honour) is as follows: BARD-MELANIE BENEDICT CREATIVE WRITING PRIZE-ISABEL JENKINS Art work 1st Place: Mrs Young – St Cadoc (joint effort) Mrs Zamudio-St Cadoc (joint effort). Mrs Davies-Sam Devine. Miss Evans-Sofia Raposo. Miss Jones-Corey Llewellyn-Cave. Mrs Mansfield-Isobel Longstaff. Mr Shore- Ellen Healy. Writing 1st place : Mrs Young: poem-Louis Chadd/story – Gabrielle Batenga, Mrs Zamudio: poem Tesni-May Horley/story Esme Wall. Mrs Davies- poem-Oliver Hard/story-Caitlin Seaborne Miss Evans- poem-Molly Newsam/story-Emily Williams Miss Jones-poem-Michael Trodd/story-Sam King Mrs Mansfield-poem Isobel Longstaff/story Isabel Jenkins Mr Shore – poem Melanie Benedict/story-Sam Davies. Story 1st place: Mrs Young – Gabrielle Batenga. Mrs Zamudio-Sean Cooper. Mrs Davies-Giulia Celestini/Cameron Little/Iwan Ganderton. Miss Evans-Bethan Langley. Miss Jones- Alex Morgan/ Bailey Long/Gerwyn White. Mrs Mansfield-Bethan Powell. Mr Shore-Robbie Divine. Song 1st place: Mrs Young – Marie Faulkner. Mrs Zamudio-Tesni-May Horley. Mrs Davies-Amy Rivers/Rebecca Wilshire. Miss Evans-Molly Newsam/Isabel Branch. Miss Jones- Ben Jenkins. Mrs Mansfield-Sienna Andrews. Mr Shore-Nyah Jackson. BELGIUM 2015 – YEARS 5&6 All places for the Belgium holiday in 2015 are now allocated. If you have paid a £100.00 deposit your child’s place is secured. We will send home payment cards as soon as our tour operator (Great Group Holidays) delivers them to us. We will also let you have a payment schedule. WORLD BOOK DAY To celebrate World Book Day all of the children have a £1.00 book token. BUS CHANGES A reminder that all bus changes need to be made in writing on the day. We realise that emergencies arise and you need to telephone in those circumstances but please try to remember that we prefer changes in writing. This is for the safety of your children. MRS HELYAR AND MRS SELLICKS’ CLASSES – VISIT TECHNIQUEST-THURSDAY 20TH MARCH All of the children in Mrs Helyar and Mrs Sellicks’ classes have a letter regarding this trip. ST. HELEN’S SUMMER BALL 2014-FRIDAY 4TH JULY 2014 CAERPHILLY CASTLE All of the arrangements are now finalised for our spectacular 2014 Summer Ball at the Great Hall, Caerphilly Castle. Everyone is very welcome to attend (parents, family, friends). The cost (as in 2012) is £50.00 per person. As places are limited please return your form and (non refundable) deposit of £10.00 per person to school as soon as possible. All tables will accommodate a maximum of 10 (if you would like to reserve a table please let us know). If you have any questions/queries please contact the office. KEYBOARD LESSONS Unfortunately the keyboard teacher that offered lessons to our pupils has been offered a post-graduate place for next academic year and will unable to teach here. Mr Crosse has been in contact with the Caerphilly Music Service to enquire if they can offer keyboard lessons. Thank you for your interest. Please watch this space! NUT STRIKE DAY PLANNED You may be aware that the NUT are planning to strike on Wednesday 26th March. We have yet to receive official notification from the NUT. We thought it best to give parents prior warning. We would probably have to close the school to pupils if the proposed strike goes ahead. RAINBOW SWIMMING Will meet again on Sunday 9th March. ST. HELEN’S PARISH YOUTH CLUB Youth Club will meet again on Thursday 13th March for the children in years 3 & 4. Doors open at 6.00pm. Please collect your child promptly at 7.15pm. FRUIT TUCK SHOP-PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FRUIT TUCK SHOP Fruit is on sale to all of the juniors during morning break: 20p for apples, bananas, pears, oranges and 30p for grapes . SPACES – YEAR 1 & RECEPTION We have 1 space in year 1 and 2 spaces in Reception. ST. HELEN’S FILM CLUB – FRIDAY 7TH MARCH Friday 7th March our film club will be screening ‘The Croods’. Please collect your child at 5.15pm. SMARTIES! We hoped the children enjoyed the smarties. Thank you for keeping the box and filling it up with loose change. MY DAY FRIDAY – YEARS 3 AND 4 – FRIDAY 14TH MARCH Mrs Zamudio and Mrs Youngs’ classes will be celebrating ‘Heroes and Villains’ Miss Evans and Miss Watson will be celebrating ‘Wales’. Da iawn. Miss Evans and Miss Watsons’ classes have chosen to dress in a ‘Welsh’ theme (anything goes). Please send in ‘junk’ materials as the children will be making ‘junk’ castles. ST. HELEN’S PARENTS’ FUNDRAISING ASSOCIATION – MEETING Will be held at the school on Friday 7th March (during film Club). Everyone is very welcome to come along. Fundraisers have a private Facebook page. It is: St Helen’s Parents Fundraising Association. ASH WEDNESDAY Was celebrated by the junior classes at St. Helen’s Church and by the infant classes with a short liturgy on Wednesday afternoon. The infant children were joined by members of the Caerphilly SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) who were very complimentary about our children. All of the children (infants and juniors) behaved impeccably throughout both services. FOUNDATION PHASE UPDATE NURSERY Sound of the week is ‘qu’ as in quiet. Please send us your empty egg boxes (the ‘girls’ are all laying). RECEPTION Big book next week: ‘Nia’s First Day’ Sounds off the week next week: ‘ff, ll, j, v. The children will be writing ‘instructions’. Need…recycled items to make an African drum (by Thursday please). MRS HELYAR’S CLASS Big book nest week: ‘Handa’s Surprise’ Writing: A postcard from Wales. Can each child bring in a photograph of them with their Mum please. MRS SELLICK’S CLASS Big book next week: ‘Kabo’s Diary’ Writing: A diary. Need…Spices for Messy Monday please. Diolch. SAINSBURYS - ACTIVE KIDS Our total to date is 200. Please keep them coming. Diolch. NESTLE BOX TOPS Please send your ‘box tops’ into school (they are printed on some Nestle cereal boxes). Diolch. ST. HELEN’S PARISH – SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATIONTHE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU Many of us remember making our First Confession as a child. It’s one of the many greatest, but sometimes forgotten and misunderstood, gifts we can receive from God. This Lent, if you are baptised Catholic, however long it might have been since your last confession, come along with your family ansd receive and celebrate God’s unconditional love and mercy. Tou won’t be judged and a warm welcome awaits you. Every Wednesday from 5th March – 9th April inclusive, the light is on for YOU (confession) is avaiaable between 7pm-8pm in St. Helen’s Church, and in churches across the diocese. For more details please see: Also see FOLLOW US ON TWITTER If you would like to be a ‘follower’ please return your TWITTER follower form to the school (if you would like a copy of the form please contact the school). BATTERY RECYCLING INITIATIVE We are participating in the CCBC Battery Recycling Initiative. Last year we collected more than 77kg of used batteries! We have a collection box in our foyer. Please send your batteries in and we will recycle them for you. WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK? Monday 10th – year 6 to Wings to Fly (CCBC Drugs Awareness) Friday 14th – Mrs Sellicks’ class assembly followed by tea and coffee. My Day Friday