9th January 2009


Lea Primary School

Church Street, Lea, Matlock

Derbyshire, DE4 5JP

Headteacher: Simon Gostick

Learning, enjoying, achieving

Working in partnership with:

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Extra Curricular Activities

At Lea Primary, we pride ourselves on the variety of opportunities which we offer to the children both in and out of the curriculum. We are now planning to develop this even further and to provide an extra curricular activity programme that hopes to broaden pupils’ horizons in many areas of their school life.

As well as adult led activities, we are also introducing ‘child initiated’ activity stations. The older children will take responsibility by planning, organising and running (under adult supervision!) interests of their choice. These will run on a rota half termly.

We have included a timetable and a brief description of each extra curricular activity available.

To ensure the clubs can be planned for correctly, a commitment by the children to each session will be expected. If for any reason, your child cannot attend a particular session, please inform the adult involved.



Whole School Signing

Mrs Emm

Tuesday KS2 Football – Mr

Maycock/Mrs Mount

KS2 Homework Club

KS1 French

– Mrs Nieper

Wednesday KS1 Multi Sport


KS2 French

– Mrs Nieper

KS2 Tai Chi – Snapdragon

KS1 French – Mrs Nieper

Y4-6 Drama - Miss Jepson/Mrs


Telephone: 01629 534286 E-mail: info@lea-pri.derbyshire.sch.uk

Website: www.lea-primary.ik.org

Thursday KS2 Chess Club – Mrs



Child Initiated Activities:

Y4-6 Netball - Mrs Roach/Mr



Mrs Nieper, a former parent of Lea Primary, is continuing the after school French club

– see attached letter. “It is so much easier to pick up a language as a child.” As a school, we have decided to study Spanish as a language in KS2, therefore, the extra classes provided by Katie would be an extra ‘string to their bow’ and run alongside the school’s own curriculum. The emphasis will on spoken French and last for 40 minutes for KS1 and 1 hour for KS2.

If you are interested in your child attending the French club with Mrs Nieper, please complete and return the attached letter before Friday 26 th September .

Tai Chi

Tai Chi will commence on Mondays from 29 th September after school with Snap Dragon Tai



– Y5/6

Mrs Dewhirst is developing the Lea Primary School Choir. Many of the songs will be fun and enjoyable with the overall aim to join in ‘Young Voices,’ a nationwide project to enable children to sing in arena venues around the country – check out the website!


Mrs Emm is British Sign Language Level 2 qualified and would like to pass on her skills to the children. She is opening up this activity to all children. This can be a very useful life skill to develop.


Mr Maycock and Mrs Mount are planning to continue with football alternate Tuesday lunchtimes for boys and girls. This will take place at Lea Green

– the children will have an early lunch then walk up to Lea Green.

Lea Primary School

Church Street, Lea, Matlock

Derbyshire, DE4 5JP

Headteacher: Simon Gostick

Learning, enjoying, achieving

Working in partnership with:


Drama club is commencing on Tuesday 23 rd September and is open to all children in Y4, 5 and


Multi Sport

Each Wednesday lunchtime, Helen Greer a Derbyshire hockey and sports coach, will be coming to do a variety of sporting activities with children in classes 1 and 2.


Chess club is aimed at beginners or experienced chess players who want to improve their game and play against other peers. All welcome.


Netball will continue after school on a Friday at Lea Green with Mrs Roach, parent of Jack &

Louis and a PE teacher at Lady Manners. We will walk up to Lea Green at 3.30 from school – please collect your child at 4.45 from Lea Green Sports Hall.


If you are finding homework difficult or not enough time at home, join Mr Woodruff on a

Tuesday lunchtime. A quiet area with support in which to complete your homework tasks

Child Initiated Activities

Next term, Y5 and 6 will take responsibility, choose, plan and organise lunchtime activities for other children.

Activities will start w/c 29 th September unless otherwise stated.

Telephone: 01629 534286 E-mail: info@lea-pri.derbyshire.sch.uk

Website: www.lea-primary.ik.org

If you feel, as an adult, you have a skill to offer the children and can add to the experiences at our school, we would love to hear from you!

Please complete the reply slip below and return to school before Friday 26 th September

Thank you

Karen Maycock

Childs name_____________________________________________________________

My child would like to attend the following extra curricular activities (please tick):

Classes 1 and 2

Lunchtime Tick After School Tick

Monday Signing with Mrs Emm



French with Mrs Nieper (please also complete attached form

– additional cost required)

Multi Sport with Helen Greer

French with Mrs Nieper (please also complete attached form

– additional cost required)

Classes 3 and 4

Lunchtime Tick After School Tick

Monday Signing with Mrs Emm Y4,5,6 French with Mrs Nieper

(please also complete attached form – additional cost required)


Tai Chi with Snapdragon

(please also complete attached form – additional cost required)

Y4-6 Drama with Miss Jepson &

Mrs Dewhirst




Football with Mr Maycock &

Mrs Mount (alternate boys/girls)

Y3 French with Mrs Nieper

(please also complete attached form – additional cost required)

Chess Club with Mrs Maycock

Y3 French with Mrs Nieper

(please also complete attached form – additional cost required)

Y4-6 Netball with Mrs Roach

Lea Primary School

Church Street, Lea, Matlock

Derbyshire, DE4 5JP

Headteacher: Simon Gostick

Learning, enjoying, achieving

Working in partnership with:

Telephone: 01629 534286 E-mail: info@lea-pri.derbyshire.sch.uk

Website: www.lea-primary.ik.org
