PTC Meeting 27th October 7

PTC Meeting 27th October 7.15pm
Action points in bold
Present Kathy Nicolson, Sylvie Richalot, Cherif Merrouche, Laura Gilpin, Susan Lawson, Liz Britten,
Sue Downie, George Smith, Anne Grant
1. Apologies from David Formstone, Mara Roelofse, Marjorie Phillips.
2. Minutes of previous meeting were accepted. Matters arising;
Laura will apply for extra insurance cover, though no immediate need.
Hilary and Sheila will represent Shawlands Academy at the SPTC annual conference, Laura is
also going on behalf of Shawlands Primary.
The current suggestion (by 6th years) for placement of the study carrels is in the social area.
However this recessed area is vandalised periodically, with ceiling tiles and walls damaged.
The damage seems to be infrequent, by different pupils, at different times of day. A CCTV
camera could be re-routed from another area, at a cost of £600. No decision made.
Issue of tutor time for Higher modern languages to be put on a future agenda.
3. Correspondence. A committee report of the Glasgow Parent Councils Forum had been received by
all by email.
Laura receives several copies of the bimonthly SPTC newsletter “Backchat”. It was agreed that Laura
would scan the newsletter and let the PTC know of anything of particular relevance to us, and bring
the copies to the meeting for those particularly interested.
4. Head Teachers Report
Currently one Pastoral PT and one Science PT are off ill. The Deputy HT has returned- credit was paid
to the Acting DHT and Acting Maths PT during his absence.
Shawlands Academy recently received several awards:
An SFA Quality Award, presented at Hampden.
International School Award from the British Council, presented by George Alagiah, received
by 3 staff members who travelled to London.
A “Plato”, the UK Teaching Award for Sustainable Schools in 2008, received by Mrs Grant
and Basia Gordon . This is very much for the whole school, and has been celebrated by
showing the award at assemblies, a staff get-together, and a meal for 35 children who were
particularly involved. Much media interest has resulted from this achievement.
One Shawlands pupil has work displayed in the SQA Art Show in Edinburgh.
5. Treasurer’s report
Cherif reported that there is £1245.33 in the account. Money will soon need to be paid for Art Fair
expenses, the cheque book was left with Laura as Cherif is away for a time. Susan is to be added to
the signatories, Cherif will initiate this.
6. Art Fair- report from Sue. She showed us the draft flier and we agreed some alterations in the
text- the overall design was happily accepted. Sue cannot now come to the next sub-committee
meeting on Wednesday, Susan agreed to lead this. It will be at 7pm, then planning for another
meeting in the week of 10th November.
We agreed that PTC members could provide food, Sue started a list of who could bring sweet or
savoury items, around 50-100 each, of very small finger food items, to be passed round on trays by
the pupils. Mr Smith will find out what trays are available, and PTC members could bring more if
required. On the evening of the Art Fair the library could be used for setting up food and drink, and
these can be brought in any time after 5.30pm on that day. Sue will buy drink and napkins. Cherif
will bring plastic cups. Laura will bring some cleaning items.
The importance of advertising was again stressed. The idea of a banner was approved. Sue thought
an MC would be good, no ideas of anyone yet. Once fliers are printed, Sue will make sure we each
get some to distribute.
7. Issues from AGM.
Work Experience. This year’s 4th Years were in the unfortunate position that all the centrally
allocated positions had already gone before the system was opened to Shawlands. Despite this,
about 50% of them got work experience arranged, by themselves or by the school. Next year we
should be better prepared even if the central system again fails us.
Susan raised the issue that some parents that she knows were caught unawares by work experienceas it happens these were not mother tongue English speakers, but the issue was not so much
language as not understanding the whole concept. Mrs Grant agreed it could be better publicised ,
there is already a plan for a display board with feedback quotes from employers, which should catch
the interest of younger pupils. Also it should be possible to put a page on the website explaining
what work experience is, and the timetable of the different steps. Mrs Grant will take this forward.
Communication with parents. Cherif encouraged us to keep communication with parents on the
agenda, as it is a primary aim of the PTC. Mrs Grant told us of a trial of text reminders that will be
used for the 5th and 6th Year Parents’ Night. This utilises the SEEMIS database which may mean it is
cumbersome but free; we can hear of the outcome after the event.
Review of the 33 Period Week. A school organised review is planned for February, and the PTC will
be involved.
8. Parent Event which Strathclyde Police have offered for parents of young drivers. It was agreed to
discuss this at the next meeting as a future event that all parents could attend, David should have
the details.
9. AOCB. Sue Downie is involved in SEMSA (Scottish Ethnic Minority Sports Association) and from
there had met a woman involved in encouraging sporting involvement amongst young ethnic
minority women. Mrs Grant is happy to be approached by her about the possibility of working with
students of S4 up.
Rockfest to be discussed at next meeting.
10. Dates of future meetings were set:
24th November
26th January
23rd February
30th March
11th May
1st June
All at 7.15pm, in school library. Mrs Grant will submit these dates for the website.