Troon Primary Lesson Plan

Troon Primary School P6 Lesson Outline
Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM
In order to complete the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM, the pupils must illustrate and
write 100 words in response to the question: If you could be an Engineer in Scotland – what would
you do?
Lesson Outline
Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Launch of Scottish Engineering Leaders Award – Friday 27th Sept 2013
9.10am – 10.30am
Egg drop challenge – set the scene. Watch video-clip ‘Science of Speed – Car Safety’
( up to 3 minutes 30 seconds –
pupils note how the driver is kept safe on individual wipe-able whiteboards – discuss
Egg drop challenge – work in co-operative groups
How do engineers benefit society? Co-operative group grafitti boards
Scottish Engineering Hall of Fame Powerpoint Presentation
Overview of Engineering and Pupil Applications (any date Fri 27th Sept – Tues 2nd Oct)
What is Engineering? Overview of types of Engineering Powerpoint, Tomorrows
Engineers Careers Pack.
Pupils write individual application letters explaining why they want to be a leader for
STEM and take part in this award
(see Primary Application Help Sheet attached)
Post to: Susan Loxley | Project Co-ordinator Leaders Award for STEM | Primary
Engineer | Smithills School | Smithills Dean Rd Bolton BL1 6JS
Preparing to Interview an Engineer (any date Friday 27th – Tues 2nd Oct)
Whole class lesson: Using the Primary Interview Help Sheet (within the Primary
Engineer Pack), the pupils prepare questions to ask the Engineers who they are going
to be interviewing. This could be typed up into a proforma for the pupils to make
notes on as they interview the Engineers (do this with class on Interactive Whiteboard
– could do this with P6 as a year group).
Published with the authors permission: Fiona Paterson – Troon Primary School – South Ayrshire. 2013
Lesson 4, 5, 6 and 7: Interviews with Engineers
Lesson 8: Writing about my Favourite Interview
 Pupils choose their favourite interview with an engineer and write about it in a short
letter to the Primary Leaders Award.
(see ‘Primary Interview’ Help Sheet within the pack)
Post to Susan Loxley at Primary Engineer (address below)
Lesson 9: Completion of the Award
 Using the ideas gained from their interviews and research, the pupils must interpret
the question “What I would do if I was an engineer in Scotland?”.
 Primary pupils are asked to illustrate and annotate their response (minimum of 100
words) – maximum size of entries is A3
 Attach this to the Pupil Entry Form 2013 (within the pack)
Make sure all work is attached to individual entry forms. All entries and forms should be posted to
arrive at the following address on or before 20th November 2013:
Primary Engineer, Scottish Engineering Special Leaders Award, c/o Smithills School, Smithills Dean
Road, Bolton, BL1 6JS
Published with the authors permission: Fiona Paterson – Troon Primary School – South Ayrshire. 2013