BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 21 31 JANAURY 2012 PLEASE DISPLAY THE BULLETIN CLOSE TO THE DOOR IN YOUR CLASSROOM 1 S2 PARENTS’ EVENING and EDUCATION SCOTLAND FEEDBACK The S2 parents’ evening and Education Scotland feedback sessions which were postponed because of the snow last Thursday will now take place on Tuesday 7 February. Please pass this information onto your parents. Mr Nicholls 2 FIFTH and SIXTH YEAR PRELIMS The prelims for fifth and sixth year will take place over the next two weeks. Please be aware that classrooms may be used for exams and to keep noise to a minimum when moving around the school. Mr Nicholls 3 SENIOR FOOTBALL Local derby league match against St Andrew’s Academy this Thursday after school 4.15pm kick off. Football at its best! Mr Nicholls S1-S6 4 5 TABLE TENNIS Congratulations to Martin Perry for his 3rd place at the West of Scotland Senior Open Championships. A fantastic performance for Martin, Well done! Mr Menzies S1 SCIENCE PUPIL OF THE MONTH Congratulations to the following pupils who have been awarded Science Pupil of the Month for their class:A B C D E F 6 Emma Leighton (Gl) Chloe McNicholl (Mo) Cameron Lyle (Gl) Bethany Furze (Gl) Amy Bingham (Br) Islay Morrison (Mo) G H J K L M Callum Haining (Gl) Cara Quinn (Mo) Hayley Watt (Th) Stephanie Dunne (Br) Caitlin Reid (Th) Rebecca Bell (Br) Mr Downie S4 S4 WORK EXPERIENCE Can any pupil who has not yet handed in their work experience booklet and / or expenses form to Mr Ramsay please do so as soon as possible. Mr Ramsay D NICHOLLS HEAD TEACHER 31 JANUARY 2012 BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 20 24 JANUARY 2012 PLEASE DISPLAY THE PUPIL BULLETIN CLOSE TO THE DOOR IN YOUR CLASSROOM 1 S2 PARENTS’ EVENING Please remember that the second year parents’ evening takes place this Thursday from 5.00 – 7.30pm. Mr Nicholls 2 EDUCATION SCOTLAND FEEDBACK The Education Scotland parent feedback sessions take place this Thursday (same evening as the second year parents’ evening) at 5.30, 6.00 and 6.30pm. Please ensure that you have passed the letter to your parents. Mr Nicholls 3 ASSEMBLIES The January year group assemblies take place at the following times today Tuesday 24 January. Period 1 Fourth Year Period 2 Second Year Period 3 Third Year Period 4 First Year Period 5 Fifth and Sixth Year 4 5 6 Pupils should report to class before being escorted to the Social Area. Mr Nicholls S1-S6 ALTON TOWERS TRIP Could all pupils going on the above trip please collect a letter from Mrs Innes as soon as possible. It concerns payment of the next instalment. Mrs Innes PAIRED READING CLUB Just a reminder to all about the Paired Reading Club that meet every Wednesday and Friday lunchtime. The club are looking for more First and Second year readers who would be interested in coming along. The Club are also looking for more Fifth, Sixth and staff volunteers. S6 S3 DIP.TETANUS.POLIO CONSENT FORMS Could all consent forms be returned as soon as possible to the school office. Vaccinations will take place on Monday 30 January and appointment times will be issued later this week. Thank you. Mrs McIntosh S2-S6 HPV CATCH UP The above will take place on Monday 30 January and appointment times will be issued later this week. Mrs McIntosh D NICHOLLS HEAD TEACHER 24 JANUARY 2012 BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 19 17 JANUARY 2012 PLEASE DISPLAY THE BULLETIN CLOSE TO THE DOOR IN YOUR CLASSROOM S2 INFORMATION 1 S2 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE INFORMATION EVENING Pupils in second year should remind their parents to attend the very important curriculum meeting on Wednesday evening starting at 6.00pm in the Social Area. Mr Nicholls SENIOR PUPILS 2 FOOTBALL The senior boys are now leading their league section and with four games left have a great chance of making it to the play offs. If you are interested in seeing pure football and raw emotion, then come along to the synthetic pitch today after school as the boys take on Barrhead High School. Kick off scheduled for 4.30pm. Hope to see you there. Mr Nicholls S1 – S6 INFORMATION 3 PUPIL DIARIES/PLANNERS If any pupil needs a pupil diary/planner, please collect one from the school office during intervals or lunch times. Mrs Elliot 4 SCOTTISH YOUTH THEATRE DRAMA/DANCE Anyone interested in taking part in the Scottish Youth Theatre drama/dance classes, please see information in the English corridor. Suitable for all year groups. Also anyone interested in taking part in auditions for Youth Music Theatre, further information is available in the English corridor. All ages may apply. English Dept. 5 6 7 SKATEPARK VISIT All pupils who were due to visit the East Kilbride Skatepark before Christmas to meet with Andrew Mitchell Tuesday Interval in the PE Classroom. Mr Mitchell BADMINTON All badminton players that were due to play against Paisley Grammar before Christmas to meet Andrew Mitchell in the Games Hall Tuesday Lunchtime. Mr Mitchell PUPIL SPORTS COUNCIL All members of the pupil sports council to meet with Andrew Mitchell on Wednesday 25th January after school in the PE Classroom for the first meeting of the year, if any other pupils wish to join the sports council then leave your name in the PE Base. Mr Mitchell BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 19 contd 8 PAGE 2 BAKE SALE Thank you to everyone who donated and bought cakes. We managed to Raise £188.20 for the Disability Resource Centre, which will go a long way. A special thanks to Hannah Martin from S2 for donating cakes. S6/Mrs Sangster BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 18 10 JANUARY 2012 PLEASE DISPLAY THE PUPIL BULLETIN CLOSE TO THE DOOR IN YOUR CLASSROOM 1 2 S1 INFORMATION S1 BOYS FOOTBALL There is a 7 a-side tournament coming up soon. There will be a trial for this on Wednesday after school. See the notice board in the social area, the notice board in the PE corridor and Mr Wilson’s door for further information. Mr Wilson S4 INFORMATION Could all S4 Duke of Edinburgh pupils come and see Mrs A Gibson about completion of the Award. Mrs Gibson S1-S6 INFORMATION 3 EMA STUDENTS S6 - please collect peer support registers from the school office for this week. All EMA students are reminded that self certs. are to be used for illness only and not for doctor,dentist appointments or any other reason. If you receive an EMA appeal letter please take it by the morning interval, to the school office or your Pastoral Teacher. Mrs Sangster 4 INSPIRED? GET WRITING! CREATIVE WRITING COMPETITION 2012 This is an interesting competition which requires you to write in any way you like, prose or poetry, a piece no more than 1,000 words long, inspired by ANY artwork from the National Galleries of Scotland’s permanent collection. There are two categories Age 12-14 and Age 15-18. The closing date is Friday 20th January, so entries should be with Mrs Kennedy in G010 before Monday 16th to make sure they arrive on time. You can look at most of the collection online at www.nationalgalleries.org for inspiration. Mrs Kennedy 5 SHOW RACISM THE RED CARD – CREATIVE COMPETITION 2012 All you have to do to enter is develop a piece of creative work that gets across loud and clear the message that racism and sectarianism are not welcome in Scotland. It could be: Artwork, poetry, short story, creative writing, music, research project, multimedia presentation, film. Any entries need to be with Mrs Kennedy in G010 by 23 rd January, 2012. Mrs Kennedy /- BULLETIN (PUPILS) NO 18 contd. PAGE 2 6 SPAIN TRIP Can all pupils who have returned their forms for the Spain trip, please hand in their deposit BY THE END OF THE WEEK – Friday 13 January. Thanks. Mrs Gillen 7 SCHOOL SHOW 2012 – S1-S6 Calling all wannabe stars. Gleniffer High School presents back to the 80’s… the totally awesome musical! If you are interested in taking part, please come along to an information meeting in FO58 on Wed. 11 January at 12.45 pm. Auditions will take place soon – don’t miss out! Mrs Stewart 8 LOST & FOUND There has been a purse found with a considerable amount of money inside. If you think this might be yours then please speak to Mr Ross the janitor to claim. Thanks. Mr Ross D NICHOLLS HEAD TEACHER 10 JANUARY 2012