March 2015 Curriculum The same topics continue this half term as it is only a short one. The Key Stage 2 historic topic on war and conflict will end with a visit to the Royal Armouries in Leeds. Key Stage 1 is looking at Journeys. They have a history focus on the past and a Science one on the future. They will continue to look at the lives of significant individuals from the past and journeys into space in the future. Reception has a theme of Growth. Mrs. Jacques has been working 3 days a week with a range of focus groups across school. We have appointed Mrs. Rowland as the new Dinner Supervisor who will support reading in the Y1 class for the 1st half hour after lunch. Sadley Mrs. Donson, who has been a long serving Dinner Supervisor, has handed in her resignation due to other commitmements so we will be replacing her. Mr. Bailey continues to support Oxspring school as Acting Headteacher for 3 days a week until Easter. Parents Meeting The Parents Group met on 9th Feb. to finalise the arrangments for the Spring disco and Easter coffee morning. The coffee morning is to be held on 27th March from 9.15. Children do not need to come in school uniform that day. We ask that they come wearing something brightly coloured. Coffee and tea will be on sale at 50p and soft drinks for the children at the cost of 20p. We would like donations of cakes and biscuits to sell on that day, (prices from 20p to 50p) The money raised goes to subsidising the School Trips e.g the real cost of the trip to the Armouries was almost £10 instead of the £8 we charged parents. The cost of the trip to the Wildlife park was £12.50 but we only charged parents £10. On the 27th March we will be having our annual egg decorating competition. This is where we ask children to decorate an egg at home and bring it to school that morning. We will have an Easter Bonnet Parade for the School Environment The new bird hide on the field is in use and the children in Y2, Y1 and willow dome and tunnel is in place. Groups of R. (These activities are children have used the new binoculars purchased by voluntary). We will the Parents Group. We have been working with an also hold a raffle. Ecology group that has undertaken a survey of the Donations for the raffle school grounds and is providing us with bird boxes. can be left at the Members of the group have already been into School Office. The school and worked with the Y5 class. children will be singing some of our Easter and Spring songs to entertain you during the morning. Reading Champions The new reading challange is underway with Key Our next Parents meeting is to be held on Monday 27th Stage 1 and Reception reading fairy tales and Key April at 9 a.m. It is open to any parent. Stage 2 completing their reading passport from the Barnsley Chronicle. Book Swap Our next Book Swap is planned for Wednesday 11th March. from 8.30. This is organised by the Parents. Head Lice Alert We are having a particular problem with head lice. They have a selection of books children can swap with Please check your child’s hair and comb it through ones they have brought from home. carefully. If you require any support and help in This event takes place each half term. We are asking getting rid of them, then contact us so that we can for further donations of books, particularly ones for pass your information to the School Nurse. older children in school. We had a lot of new books last half term that children took to read. We hope they will return them and swap them for another book. Red Nose Day On Friday 13th March the children can come to school dressed in anything red. On that day we would like to have a red nose tuck shop and ask for donations of buns or biscuits with a red nose theme, for us to sell. All money made that morning with go to Comic Relief. The children will be designing their own red noses and can bring something red to school to talk about to their class. (a show and tell activity). The most interesting ideas will be shared in our Red Nose assembly at 2.30. on 13th March. We are asking each class to create a Red Nose dance/song/poem to share in assembly. I would like to invite parents to the assembly, but space is limited and you will need to make a donation if you attend. There will be a Red Nose bucket in school for any donations. Parents Drop in This is a session on Wednesday morning from 8.45 when Lynn Burgin from Hoyland Common Children’s Centre will be in school to support parents. She is able to give advice on parenting, housing benefit, finances, debt management and links with other support agencies. Lynn will also do home visits if requested. Lynn will meet with parents in the room that is between Pre School and the Reception class. Breakfast Club Pre School are running a breakfast club each morning. It starts at 8a.m. and they will provide:cereal, toast, milk and juice at a cost of £5 a session. You need to book a place for your child 48 hours in advance by ringing Debbie Corson 350790 or 07930345457 Events Reminders We have an overflowing bin of lost property in the entrance hall. This is just from half a term. If the clothes are not claimed it gets sent to the clothing bank, please could you check the bin for anything your child might have lost and anything without a name on could parents just take, if it fits your child. Chances The children who received the most Chances last half term were R Oliver-Jay Bentley, Y1 Ruby AtkinsonLomas, Y2 Max Mayhew, Y3 Thomas Cherrett, Y4Emma Wroe, Y5 Evie Wood, Y6 Bethany Siddons. Staff Training Day Can I remind you that there is a Staff Training Day on 13th April so the children do not return to school after the Easter holidays until Tuesday 14th April 6th March Brass performance by PADS 6th March Y5/6 Tag rugby event 11th March Book swap 13th March Red Nose Day 16th March Y3 Parent Consultation 17th March Y1 and Y5 Parent Consultations 18th March R and Y4 Parent Consultations 19th March Y2 and Y6 Parent Consultations 20th March Girls football event 25th March KS2 trip to Royal Armouries 27th March Easter Coffee morning 9.15. 27th March Break up for Easter 13th April Staff training day, learning festival 14th April Children return to school Term times School Year 2015/16 Further information can be found on our school Please look at these dates when booking holidays to web site. avoid booking them in term time. Please note the children return to school on Tuesday 1st Sept. which 2014/15 Term dates is the day after the August Bank holiday. Spring Term 5.1.15 – 13.2.15 23.2.15 – 27.3.15 Autumn 1. 9. 2015 - 23. 10. 2015 Summer Term Autumn 2. 11. 2015 - 18. 12. 2015 13.4.15 – 22.5.15 1.6.15 – 20.7.15 Spring 4. 1. 2016 - 5. 2. 2016 Spring 15.2.2016 - 18.3 2016 Training Days 13.4.15, 26.6.15, 20.7.15 Summer 4. 4. 2016 - 27. 5. 2016 Summer 6. 6. 2016 - 19. 7. 2016