Widnes Academy West Bank Newsletter Week Ending 27th February 2015 www.widnesacademy.co.uk Dear Parents / Carers, UNIFORM UPDATE Welcome back to the start of the new half term. I would like to update you on the situation regarding the new school uniform. The new school logo has been agreed and the process of putting this onto the new sweatshirts has begun. Unfortunately, this is taking longer than was anticipated and, although we were hoping to have these ready for our return to school, this has not been possible. I have been in touch with the suppliers again and we are hoping to have the uniform ready in the very near future. In the meantime there will be sample sweatshirts available during Parents’ Evening on Thursday so that you can decide which size you would like when you receive your two free sweatshirts. These will be placed next to the school office and a member of staff will be on hand to take your size requests. I would like to extend my apologies for the delay but I am confident that you will be pleased with the final design and colour of the uniform. WORLD BOOK DAY Thursday 5th March is this year’s World Book Day. Children may come to school dressed as a character from a book. They will be taking part in activities based around a story, spend a session in the library and enter competitions from World Book Day organisers. At 2.30 a "book swap" will take place in the Music Room off the hall where parents are invited to collect their child and swap one of their old books for a different one. Books to swap can be brought along or donated books can be handed in earlier to the office. PARENTS’ EVENING Parents’ Evening for Reception to Year 6 children will take place on Thursday 5th March. Letters were sent out earlier this week with reply slips for appointment requests. If you haven’t had a copy, and would like an appointment, please contact the School Office. Nursery children will have a drop-in day instead of a parents’ evening. You can call into Nursery between 8.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m. on Thursday 30th April to have a look at your child’s work and to discuss any concerns you may have. If you have any questions in the meantime please speak to Miss Minns. NETBALL PRACTICE Netball practice next Wednesday will take place on the court at Spike Island. Could parents please pick the children up from there at 4.30 p.m. or send a letter into school giving permission for them to walk home. NEW STARTERS A big welcome to James Ricketts who joined our Nursery this week and to Alfie Salmon who has joined Miss Smith’s class. NURSERY NEWS Congratulations to Lucas Watmore and Jason Leigh who have been awarded Sunshine certificates this week. WEEKLY CLASS AWARDS Congratulations to the following children who have been selected by their Class Teacher to receive a weekly award: Reception – Steven Cottington for an improvement in reading. Year 1-2 (Miss Fallon) – Kelvin Keenan for being a very good friend. Year 1-2 (Miss Smith) – Alfie Salmon for a super, sensible start at Widnes Academy. Year 3 – Emily Gleavey for excellent intonation in her performance poem. Year 4 – Ephriam Lightfoot for being a really great helper all week and for trying hard. Year 5 – Lewis McAloon for extraordinary work when learning his spellings. Year 6 – Jamie Leigh Harrison for 100% effort in all lessons this week. BIRTHDAYS Many happy returns Maisie Jones and Kacey Bennett who celebrate their birthdays this week. PRAISE POINTS Congratulations to the following children who have earned praise points. 100 Points Olivia Lightfoot, Hannah Williams, Jackson Wright, Scott Moore. 200 Points Jasmine Hughes, Lily Melia, Ellie Bradbury, Chloe-Ann Boland, Richie Swales, Hannah Tague, Lewis Swift, Ebony Whitehurst, Olivia Cowley. Widnes Academy West Bank Newsletter Week Ending 27th February 2015 www.widnesacademy.co.uk ATTENDANCE A huge improvement this week with all classes over 95%. Well done to Reception with 99%. Reception Year 1/2F Year 1/2S Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 99% 98% 96% 95% 96% 97% 97% DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Thursday 5th March World Book Day Thursday 5th March Parents’ Evening 3.30-6.00 p.m. Thursday 2nd April School closes for the Easter break Monday 20th April School opens after the Easter break Thursday 30th April Nursery drop-in for parents/carers 8.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Have a great weekend! Mrs K. Highcock Principal