WOODCROFT FIRST SCHOOL Wallbridge Drive, Leek, Staffs Moorlands, ST13 8JG Tel; 01538 483186 Email; office@woodcroft.staffs.sch.uk Website; www.woodcroft.staffs.sch.uk Headteacher Mrs S.R. Cartlidge Thursday 19th June 2014 Dear Parent/Guardian We have planned a visit for our Year 3 pupils to the New Vic Theatre on the afternoon of Friday 27th June. We will be watching our Year 4 children perform Romeo and Juliet as part of a Shakespeare drama festival. We will be leaving school after lunch and arriving back at school by about 4.15pm. There is no interval, but we will be taking the children’s water bottles from the classrooms with us. Please sign and return the permission by Thursday 26th June. Yours sincerely, Mrs S.R. Cartlidge _______________________________________________________ Romeo and Juliet at New Vic Theatre on Friday 27th June 2014 I give my permission for …………………………… to go to New Vic Theatre on Friday 27th June 2014. PUPIL’S NAME ......................................... CLASS .................... Signed ............................................................... (Parent/Guardian)