BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING JUNE 18, 2012 The Board of Trustees held a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 18, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at School Administration Building with Chairwoman Ann Boston presiding. Trustees present: Scott Ferguson, Linda Sorini Granger, Patti Hepola, Vikki O’Brien, John Ries, Debbie Shea and Carol Wold. Also present were: Dr. Linda Reksten, Superintendent, Therese McClafferty, Director of Human Resources and J.R. Richardson, Business Manager. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Item 1 – Regular Board Meeting, May 21, 2012 Item 2 – Special Board Meeting, May 31, 2012 Item 3 – Special Board Meeting, June 12, 2012 Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS Item 4 – Retired & Senior Volunteer Program Presentation with Recognitions Michele Brennick, Director of the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program, reported that she has 327 active volunteers; giving 53,000 hours of service to our schools and community. The following is an example of placement opportunities for RSVP volunteers: Kiwanis Sunshine Camp Low Income Tax Preparation Assistance Back to School Drive Statewide “Warm our Community and Feed the Hungry” Hats, Mittens & Bears Donations Butte Food Bank Butte Chamber of Commerce Martin Luther King Birthday (stop, drop and read) Fun Fair for Seniors Volunteers serve on various community boards Ms. Brennick shared that the RSVP grant was approved for the 2013 fiscal year. Darlene Welsh, an RSVP Volunteer, shared that she has volunteered at the Belmont Senior Center and has over 5,000 hours of volunteerism to date. Ms. Welsh has assisted at Emerson School for eight years and will be returning next fall. Pat Sorich, RSVP volunteer, has been volunteering with RSVP for five years. Ms. Sorich has over 2,500 hours of volunteerism to date. Her other volunteer duties include; St. Ann’s Parish, Mining Museum and the Energy Share Program through NorthWestern Energy. Ms. Sorich has chaired the Tax Aide program for low income. This program assisted with 5,000 tax returns and over one-third of these returns were in the Butte area. Ms. Sorich stated “volunteerism is most rewarding – you get more out of it than you give”. Ms. Brennick stated that the RSVP volunteers are a positive reflection in our schools and community. Brennick also thanked the Trustees for their commitment to the RSVP program and gave an open invitation to all functions and activities of the program. Item 5 – Public Comment on Items Not On Agenda None a) Proposed Park at the Greeley School – Terry L. Schultz, Commissioner Dist. #4 Mr. Terry Schultz stated that he requested to come before the Trustees as a Commissioner, representing District #4, asking that the District deed the property at Greeley for the betterment of youth. Mr. Schultz stated that the Greeley School is dilapidated and sees this as a chance to offer something to the kids in the neighborhood. At this time, the neighborhood children have to cross Grand Avenue to get to a park. The Racetrack Park is located at the intersection of Grand and Farragut. Mr. Schultz shared that the property of Greeley School, at this time, is representing a liability to the City of Butte and the School District and has proposed to the Council of Commissioners to move towards making this property a park; with re-built tennis courts and an upgraded play area. Schultz stated that the property is owned by three parties; the County, School District #1 and the Human Resource Council. Mr. Schultz stated that Mr. Babb is opposed to receiving the building; but would not stand in the way of using the land for the park. The park would be maintained by a neighborhood group that has enough people that are committed to this project. Trustee Hepola asked Mr. Schultz who would be responsible for the property taxes as the School District is exempt. Mr. Schultz stated that the county is also exempt from taxes. Mr. Schultz stated “I want to see our kids have softball fields, have tennis courts as good as any”. Chairperson Boston stated that the Board would not take action on this request tonight; but will discuss it at a later time and send a response. Item 6 – Office of Public Instruction Recognition of Dr. Linda Reksten – Chairperson Boston Chairperson Boston presented Dr. Linda E. Reksten with the following letter of appreciation and a certificate from the Office of Public Instruction to say thank you for her service on the Board of Public Education and Joint Task Force on Chapter 55 Standards of Accreditation from April 2010 through April 2012: OFFICE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION STATE OF MONTANA Denise Juneau Superintendent www.opi.mt.gov (406) 444-5643 May 23, 2012 Dear Linda: On behalf of the children of Montana we wish to thank you for your service on the Board of Public Education (BPE) and Superintendent of Public Instruction's Joint Task Force on Chapter 55 Standards of Accreditation from April 2010 through April 2012. The Standards of Accreditation serve the learning needs of all present and future Montana PK-12 students and your contributions and recommendations were invaluable to the continuous improvement of Montana K-12 education. On April 13, 2012, the Task Force met for the final work session fulfilling its purpose and charge by completing the review and revision of the Administrative Rules of Montana Chapter 55 Standards of Accreditation; and by providing to the State Superintendent recommendations of amendments of Chapter 55. We celebrate your hard work, insight, perseverance and skill in reaching consensus. Your efforts are appreciated and commended. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to Montana education. Sincerely, Denise Juneau Superintendent of Public Instruction Dennis Parman Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Patty Myers, Chairperson Board of Public Education 1 CONSENT AGENDA Item 7 – Consent Agenda Payroll, Claims & Budget Transfers (May 2012) LETTER # 6 PAYROLL RECAP MONTH: MAY 2012 DATE: JUNE 5, 2012 FUND TOTAL GRAND TOTALS ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY RETIREMENT ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH RETIREMENT HIGH ADULT EDUCATION FUND BUS ACTIVITY HIGH SCHOOL CO-CURRICULAR FEDERAL PROGRAMS $1,193,766.30 $61,014.85 $59,741.51 $166,475.40 $1,669.17 $15,621.98 $607,413.89 $30,280.25 $83,796.61 $3,894.77 $13,576.96 $1,140.46 $314,364.76 $1,193,736.29 $61,103.91 $59,741.51 $166,416.35 $1,669.17 $15,621.98 $607,229.46 $30,327.24 $83,311.17 $3,894.77 $14,199.84 $1,140.46 $314,364.76 TOTAL PAYROLL CLAIMS (400) GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $2,552,756.91 $2,552,756.91 $2,552,756.91 CLAIMS RECAP LETTER #5 MONTH: MAY 2012 DATE: JUNE 5, 2012 FUND TOTALS REIMBUSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL ELEMENTARY GENERAL ELEMENTARY TRANSPORTATION FOOD SERVICE ELEMENTARY ADULT EDUCATION MEDICAID SPECIAL SERVICES ELEMENTARY TECHNOLOGY FUND ELEMENTARY DEBT SERVICES COBRA HIGH GENERAL HIGH TRANSPORTATION HIGH SCHOOL TRAFFIC EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY FUND HIGH SCHOOL DEBT FUND BUS ACTIVITY CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FEDERAL PROGRAMS $290,013.65 $13,257.91 $74,346.04 $690.57 $331,439.74 $13,718.00 $24,625.84 $32,280.08 $220,976.78 $6,624.08 $400.00 $6,858.00 $12,311.09 $446.00 $19,525.84 $68,800.11 $1,198.53 $1,577.96 $28.00 $288,815.12 $11,679.95 $74,318.04 $690.57 $331,426.39 $13,718.00 $24,625.84 $32,280.08 $219,819.03 $5,835.10 $400.00 $6,858.00 $12,311.09 $446.00 $19,333.38 $68,281.04 $13.35 $1,157.75 $788.98 $192.46 $519.07 2 TOTAL CLAIMS (400) LESS REIMBURSEMENTS GRAND TOTAL PAID THIS MONTH $1,116,313.73 $5,476.10 $1,110,837.63 $5,476.10 $1,110,837.63 Note: A complete and detailed listing of the Claims and Budget Transfers is on file in the Clerk’s Office and by this reference is made part of these minutes. Policy 2510 – Instruction – School Wellness – 2nd Reading – Mark Harrison Policy 3403 – Students – Extra Curricular Participation Policy – 2nd Reading – Chuck Merrifield Student Activity Fund Report from East Middle School (May 2012) Granger moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. PERSONNEL Item 8 –Personnel Action Report – Therese McClafferty BUTTE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 PERSONNEL ACTION REPORT June 18, 2012 Name Effective Assignment/Location Roger St. Aubin Jake Yelenich William Ryan William McLean Bill Durham 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/19/12 06/19/12 07/24/12-08/07/12 Bill Durham 07/30/12-08/10/12 Michelle Gelling 07/09/12-07/23/12 John McArthur Lee Clark Lee Clark John Riley John Riley Jill Weatherson Randy McCarty Dan Hickey Diane LaBuff 07/09/12-07/19/12 07/09/12-07/19/12 07/20/12-08/01/12 07/20/12-08/01/12 08/02/12-08/10/12 08/02/12-08/10/12 07/30/12-08/10/12 07/09/12-07/23/12 07/24/12-08/07/12 Substitute Engineer Substitute Engineer Substitute Engineer Substitute Engineer Summer Cleaner, Admin/Curriculum Summer Cleaner, Margaret Leary Summer Cleaner, Admin/Curriculum Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, BHS Summer Cleaner, Kennedy Summer Cleaner, BHCC Summer Cleaner, BHCC 05/21/12-08/10/12 Engineer, Whittier 08/29/12 Speech Language Pathologist, District 06/06/12 Teacher, Special Ed CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Dan Brown CERTIFIED PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT: Rebecca Reiten RETIREMENT: Nancy Summers 3 Resource, East RESIGNATION: Jolene Huntsberger Dr. Linda Reksten 06/06/12 06/30/12 Counselor, West Superintendent 09/04/12-09/30/12 Kindergarten teacher, Emerson 07/01/12 Head Football/Strength & Conditioning Coach Travis Kirby 06/06/12 Justin Hartford 06/05/12 Co-Assistant Football Coach, BHS Assistant Tennis Coach, BHS LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Misty Warner SUPPLEMENTAL PERSONNEL RENEWAL: Arie Grey RESIGNATION: Wold moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 9 – Approval of Tentative Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and the Butte Teachers Union – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of the Tentative Agreement reached through contract negotiations with the Butte Teachers’ Union. The District was notified that the Union voted to ratify this agreement on May 29, 2012. Ries moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 10 – Approval of Non-Union Employment Contracts – Therese McClafferty Therese McClafferty stated that the Board approved an extension to the non-union employee’s contracts in May with an adjustment to wages and benefits equal to that provided to union employees for the 2012-2013 contract year. As the District agreement with the Butte Teachers’ Union included a wage increase of 1.55% and an increase to the employer contribution of health insurance of $25/month, these increases have been applied to the non-union contacts as well. Ries moved to approve all non-union contracts with the exception of William Klapwyk, second by Shea, motion carried. Aye: Boston, Ferguson, Granger, Ries, Shea and Wold. Nay: Hepola, O’Brien. Trustee Ries made a motion to amend William Klapwyk’s contract; indicating that Mr. Klapwyk be under the supervision of the Curriculum/Technology Director and his office be relocated to Butte High School. Second by Trustee Shea, motion carried unanimously. Trustee Granger stated the Technology Department is disjointing again and there needs to be more consistency within the department. Trustee Ries stated that this would behoove the District until changes are made and will give the department leadership while Dr. Reksten is out of the office and the District is able to fill the position on an interim basis. Therese McClafferty clarified that these changes will be reflected in William Klapwyk’s job description. Ries made a motion to approve; second by Granger, so moved. Item 11 – Approval of CRS Contract for Sub-Finder System – Therese McClafferty 4 Therese McClafferty requested Board approval of an annual contract between the District and CRS Advanced Technology, Application Service Provider for the District’s Sub Finder System. Ms. McClafferty stated that, per the renewal agreement, a 5% increase per employee cost is applied every two years, the per employee cost increase from $1.94 to $2.04. The monthly cost will be $577.32. Chairperson Boston asked if this system is for all employees who require substitutes. Ms. McClafferty stated “teachers only”. Granger moved to approve, second by O’Brien, motion carried. Item 12 – Approval of Cooperative Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and Montana Vocational Rehabilitation – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten requested Board approval of a Cooperative Agreement between Butte School District #1 and the Montana Vocational Rehabilitation Program. This agreement will allow the MVR program and the District to work together to help eligible students with disabilities to effectively transition from school to work. Granger moved to approve, second by Wold, motion carried. Item 13 – Approval of Contract Between Butte School District #1 and Interquest Detection Canines for the 2012-2013 School Year – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten requested approval of the annual Contract between Butte School District #1 and Interquest Detection Canines for the 2012-2013 school year. Dr. Reksten stated that the cost of this service will be shared by Butte High School, East Middle School and the Butte High Career Center. The school administrators have all agreed to this costsharing arrangement and have said they wanted to continue this service. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 14 – Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and the Office of Public Instruction Coordinated School Health Unit for Media Literacy Positive Norms Toolkit – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten requested Board approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Butte School District #1 and OPI Coordinated School Health Unit for Media Literacy Positive Norms Toolkit. Approval of this MOU will allow OPI to provide the District with equipment and training to staff to facilitate the Media Literacy Positive Norms Toolkit. This toolkit addresses prevention and health promotion on a variety of subjects. Dr. Reksten stated that this training and equipment will be provided at no cost to the District. Ries moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 15 – Approval of Changes to the Elementary Handbook – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten requested Board approval of the changes to the Elementary Handbook. The handbook has been updated to include the addition of the Video Surveillance Policy (3235). The Index was also revised to reflect the change. Whittier Elementary School has installed a video surveillance system. Policy 3235 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE Video Surveillance 5 The Board authorizes the use of video cameras on District property to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of all staff, students, and visitors to District property, and to safeguard District facilities and equipment. Video cameras may be used in locations as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. The District shall notify staff and students through student/parent and staff handbooks that video surveillance may occur on District property. Students in violation of Board policies, administrative regulations, building rules, or law shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Others may be referred to law enforcement agencies. Video recordings may become a part of a student's educational record or a staff member's personnel record. The District shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to record maintenance and retention. Audio shall not be part of the video recordings made, reviewed, or stored by the District. (Complete copy of Video Surveillance, Policy 3235, is on file in the Principal's Office) Wold moved to approve, second by Ries, motion carried. Item 16 – Approval of 2012 ESY Independent Contract for Ms. Marni Prigge – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten, on behalf of Kathy Cannon, requested Board approval to enter into an Agreement with Ms. Marni Prigge, Speech/Language Pathologist (SLP) for the 2012 ESY program. Ms. Prigge’s rate of pay is $45.40 per hour not to exceed sixty hours. These monies will be paid from the IDEA Part B/Preschool Grants and Medicaid. Ries moved to approve, second by Shea, motion carried. Item 17 – Approval of 2012-2013 Memorandum of Understanding Between Butte School District #1 and Ramsay School for Specialty Services – Superintendent Reksten Superintendent Reksten, on behalf of Kathy Cannon, requested Board approval of the 2012-2013 MOU between Butte School District #1 and Ramsay School for Specialty Services. This contract provides Ramsay School with specialty services in the areas of speech/language and educational evaluations conducted by one of our school psychologist. Dr. Reksten stated that Ramsay School agrees to reimburse the District for these services. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 18 –Approval of East Middle School Handbook Changes for the 2012-2013 School Year – Larry Driscoll Larry Driscoll requested Board approval of the changes to the East Middle School Handbook for the 2012-2013 school year. These are the following changes submitted for approval: New school calendar as per Board adoption. Students are not allowed to place external decoration on theirs or any other student lockers. Failure to bring an excuse the following day will result in the student receiving detention. Student achievement is also measured using a variety of formal and informal assessments during the school year. Those results will be available to parents during conferences with teachers. Achievement data will also be used in placing students in the proper educational setting. In the absence of the classroom teacher, substitute teachers will assume the responsibilities of the classroom teacher. Substitute teachers work extremely hard to maintain the educational structure and processes established by the regular teacher for the students. It is essential that students give the same respect to the substitute teacher that is 6 given to a teacher, parent, or administrator. Failure to show respect will result in disciplinary action including referral to the team teachers. Jewelry and accessories that contain sexually explicit and inappropriate sayings and/or present possible safety hazards are not approved and thus prohibited. Students are not permitted to bring open beverages into the school when arriving at school. Students are not allowed to keep open beverages in lockers unless covered by a specific health plan. Students are not permitted to bring open beverages into the school. Disrespect to substitute teachers will result in detention. Third Lunch: Students experiencing chronic behavioral difficulties maybe assigned to eat lunch in a separate area with adult supervision. Students on Free and Reduced Hot Lunch will have a lunch provided for them. They will e offered a choice from a menu provided by the cafeteria staff or may choose to bring a lunch from home. Students not on Free or Reduced Lunch may choose from the cafeteria menu and have the meal charged to their account or choose to bring a lunch to bring a lunch from home. Students must report to cafeteria entry way across from Room 104 and will be escorted by staff to the lunch area. Students on Third Lunch will be responsible for cleaning restricted lunch area. Ice Room Rules: Students on Free and Reduced Hot Lunch will have a lunch provided for them. They will be offered a choice from the menu provided by the cafeteria staff or may choose to bring a lunch from home. Students not on Free or Reduced Lunch may choose from the cafeteria menu and have the mal charged to their account or choose to bring a lunch from home. Upon completion of In-School Suspension, the student will service at least one week in the Third Lunch period. Wold moved to approve, second by O’Brien, motion carried. Item 19 – Approval of Butte High School Handbook Changes for the 2012-2013 School Year – John Metz John Metz requested Board approval the changes to the Butte High School Handbook for the 2012-2013 school year. The following are the changes submitted for approval: For the purposes of this section only, the following terms are defined: “school building” shall be defined as all buildings owned or leased by a local school district that are used for instruction or for student activities; “weapon” shall be defined as any type of firearm, a knife, a sword, a straight razor, a throwing star, nun-chucks, firecrackers, or brass or other metal knuckles. Addition of new Policy 3403P – Students Suspected of Chemical Use, Abuse or Dependency Who Elect to Participate in Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities. Must be a Junior or Senior to be a student aide. Work Study/Junior/Senior Privileges: Butte High School offers work student privileges to Junior and Senior students as well as special privileges for juniors or seniors in good standing. Juniors and Seniors in good standing will be allowed flexibility within their schedules. Juniors must attend a minimum of five periods per day, these periods must be consecutive. Seniors must attend a minimum of four periods per day, these periods must be consecutive. School Dances: Butte High School sponsors two dances the fall Coronation and the spring Prom. Trustee O’Brien stated that she still has strong feelings about Butte High School not allowing students outside of Butte High School to attend dances. Ms. O’Brien shared that student identification is already being checked at the entrance and questioned whether there could be an age limitation for attendance. Chairperson Boston stated that she has also had conversation with Mr. Metz regarding these rules. Mr. Metz stated that Butte High School dances are for Butte High School students. 7 Trustee Ries stated that his experience, while Dean of Boys at Butte High, was that it was very difficult to control students coming to the dance that were not enrolled in the school. The District could not punish these students because they were not students of the school. Ries moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 20 – Approval of First Amendment to the August 1, 2011 Sports Medicine Services Agreement and Extension of Agreement Between Butte School District #1 and St. James Healthcare for the 2012-2013 School Year – Chuck Merrifield Chuck Merrifield requested Board approval to extend the existing contract between Butte School District #1 and Montana Sports Medicine for the 2012-2013 school year. The cost for two trainers is $34,000.00, plus $2,000.00 to cover additional services. The total cost is $36,000.00. Mr. Merrifield stated that the only change to the 2011-2012 contract is that the contract will run for twelve (12) months, instead of nine (9) months. The contract will be in effect from June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013. Merrifield shared that this will be a trial run to cover summertime activities and strength and conditioning at no extra cost to the District. These services will be evaluated at the end of summer to determine its viability. Wold moved to approve, second by Granger, motion carried. Item 21 – Approval to Solicit Bids for the Replacement of Sidewalks at the Administration and Curriculum Buildings – Jed Hoopes Jed Hoopes requested Board approval to solicit bids for the replacement of sidewalks at the Administration and Curriculum Buildings. This project has been estimated to cost approximately $124,400.00 including a 5% contingency and full scope design fee of $10,400.00. Mr. Hoopes stated that the URA has been contacted regarding the project and, if approved, the costs could possibly be reduced by 50 to 90%. JR Richardson thanked Jed for working on this project and also thanked the URA for their support. Wold moved to approve, second by O’Brien, motion carried. Item 22 – Litigation Strategy (Closed Session) – Chairperson Boston Closed: 6:17 P.M. Opened: 6:28 P.M Item 23 – Personnel Matter (Closed Session) – Chairperson Boston Closed: 6:29 P.M. Opened: 6:59 P.M. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the board, Trustee Shea moved to adjourn, second by Trustee Hepola, motion carried. Chairwoman Boston adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. _______________________________ Chairwoman of Board of Trustees _________________________________ District Clerk pj