Financial Guidelines for Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc. As girls grow up, experiences in Girl Scouting can help them learn to manage money wisely-understanding its value and developing habits of thrift, honesty, and self-reliance. As you consider troop/group finances from the standpoint of the girl, you should focus on: Helping girls realize that some troop/group activities cost money while others do not and talking with them about costs in relation to plans Being aware of the economic situation of the girls' families in order to set dues and costs at a figure everyone can afford Helping girls learn how to handle money through banking, shopping and keeping records Working with girls to plan how to earn money to cover the costs of their plans These financial guidelines have been developed by a group of volunteers and staff to help you carry out your responsibilities for the girls' money, while helping them plan and conduct activities that are appropriate for their age, capabilities, and financial resources. Please become familiar with all the resources and conduct the troop/group's business accordingly. The girls will learn good money responsibility and you will be acting responsibly in handling the girls' money. If you have questions, please discuss them with your service unit troop/group consultant, treasurer, or manager, or call the Girl Scout Balboa office at (619) 298-8391 or (800) 643-4798 or Imperial Valley office at (760) 353-2840, and ask to speak to the volunteer support coordinator. Financial Guidelines Your Troop/Group's/ Money Leaders are responsible for keeping accurate records. This task is simplified when receipts are held for use in balancing year-end records. The financial records of all troops/groups are open to inspection by all troop/group members, parents, service unit manager, service unit treasurer, troops/groups affiliated adults, and council administrative personnel. 1. Troops/Groups should budget and plan to spend their money within a single membership year for the benefit of girls within that group. Year-end financial reports need to include plans for use of any balance that exceeds $300. On occasion, some of the money could be carried over for use on special events, e.g., a troop/group trip. 2. The troop/group funds will be deposited in a troop/group bank account and not in a personal account. 3. Troop/Group events with budgets that exceed $500 will be submitted for approval at least six weeks prior to the activity. Service unit teams will review plans and budgets and may approve them or refer them to the council program department for consultation. Final event records with the actual expenditures will be included with the Annual Troop/Group Finance Report. Use the Activity Approval form to obtain approval for these events. 4. Money within a troop/group belongs to the troop/group and is never the property of individual girls. If girls leave or transfer to another troop/group, all money remains with the original troop/group and is neither given to the girls nor transferred to another troop/group. 5. If an entire troop/group moves from one program age level to another (e.g., from Brownie to Junior Girl Scouts) the money may move along with them. However, in an ongoing troop/group, where only some of the girls are bridging, the money will remain with the original troop/group. 6. If a troop/group divides, all assets are apportioned between the two treasuries on a pro-rata basis according to girl membership records, and subject to the direction and approval of the service unit team. Financial reports are completed and turned in to the service unit team. 7. If a troop/group disbands (e.g., is no longer functioning or has not re-registered within six months of the expiration date of its last registration), all assets, together with a financial report, canceled checks, and all unused checks, will be turned in to and receipted by the service unit team. If some of the girls from the disbanded troop/group continue in a new troop/group, all assets should be apportioned between the treasuries of each new troop/group involved on a prorata basis (girl membership), subject to direction/approval of the service unit team. The service unit team pending reorganization of the troop/group will hold assets for girls not continuing in Girl Scouting. If reorganization does not occur within one year from the date of the troop’s/group’s last registration, the assets will be used in the interest of Girl Scouting in the service unit. The service unit team will determine use. 8. When there is a change of leadership, a financial report by the outgoing leader will be turned in to the service team and a copy kept in the troop’s/group’s notebook. All assets, funds, canceled checks and unused checks will be given to the new leader. 9. If a troop volunteers to plan a service unit event, they will need to account for all expenses through the service unit account not the troop/group account. Bank accounts Any person handling money, writing or signing checks or handling bank accounts and records must be a currently registered member of Girl Scouts of the USA. Troops/Groups with funds in excess of $50 will have a bank account for the purpose of safeguarding funds. Bank accounts will be opened with the name "Troop/Group # _________, Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc." Make sure the bank uses the troop/group leader’s address for mailing bank statements. Bank accounts will use the tax council identification number. W-9 forms are available from the council when opening new accounts. Bank accounts will have at least three authorized signers. One will be a designated service unit team member, usually the service unit treasurer or manager. Troop/Group needs to have a current Bank Authority Form (available in the resource center at the council offices or from our web site at on file with their service unit treasurer or other designated service unit team member, who will then forward the white copy to council membership staff to be retained for auditing purposes. Completed forms should be submitted when a new troop/group registers or when there is any change in the authorized signers on the bank accounts. If no changes exist from the previous year’s Bank Authority Form, a troop/group needs only to confirm with their service unit treasurer that the form on file is still current. Troop/Group money-earning All fundraising methods employed by Girl Scout troops/groups must be in keeping with the principles for which the organization stands (national policy, Leader's Digest 2001). “Group money earning” refers to activities following a planned budget and carried out by girls and adults, in partnership, to earn money for the group treasury. “Council-sponsored product sale activities” are council-wide sales of authorized products, such as Girl Scout cookies or nuts, in which groups participate. The funds are for Girl Scout activities and are not to be retained by individuals as their property. Girl Scout Council Reference Guide, 2001 Troop’s/Group’s dues, along with money earned during the council-sponsored cookie and fall nut sale, should provide most of the money necessary for the troop’s/group's program. Troops/Groups may be given approval from the service unit team or volunteer support coordinator for an additional money-earning project when it is necessary to support-planned program appropriate to the ages and experience of the girls. 1. Daisy Girl Scouts do not collect dues or participate in troop/group moneyearning activities, including the fall product sale and cookie sale. All money transactions occur between the troop/group leader and the parents. Parents may be asked to contribute a certain sum to cover troop/group expenses, although program expenses at this level should be minimal. 2. Brownie Girl Scout troops/groups may participate in one money-earning project in addition to the cookie sale (e.g., Girl Scout fall product sale, recycling). 3. Junior Girl Scout troops/groups may participate in two money-earning projects in addition to the cookie sale per membership year (e.g., Girl Scout fall product sale, recycling). 4. Cadette and Senior Girl Scout troops/groups may participate in three moneyearning projects in addition to the cookie sale per membership year (e.g., Girl Scout fall product sale, recycling). 5. Troops/groups must have written approval from the service unit team prior to beginning any money-earning projects. 6. Additional approval must also be obtained from the volunteer support coordinator if a money-earning project is expected to net more than $250 or if it is not included among the following pre-approved activities: - Recycling cans, paper, plastic, or glass bottles - Putting on a play, show, etc. - Homemade bake sales/craft sales - Cleaning yards - Used book sales - Skating party - Yard sales - Putting on an event (e.g., Badge workshop, Songfest, Bridging workshop) The following activities are not permitted: - Door-to-door sales (except the council cookie sale or fall product sale) - Any kind of gambling or games of chance such as raffles - Commercial parties of any kind (e.g., direct sales parties of kitchenware, jewelry, etc.) - Direct solicitation for money - Commercial product sales except Girl Scout cookie and fall product sales (e.g., candy bars or pizzas) - Money-earning activities on the Internet Troop/group money-earning projects may be scheduled throughout the year, except during the Council Cookie Sale – (From start of pre-orders through final delivery of cookies. Check with the service unit or the council yearly for dates.) Girl Scout Product Sales 1. All girls participating in product sales must be registered members of Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc. 2. All troops/groups, except Daisy Girl Scout troop/group, are encouraged to participate in the council cookie sale. Additional money-earning projects will be approved only for troops/groups that participate in the annual Cookie Sale. Participation provides a service to the council and helps fund services for leaders and girls, and maintain Girl Scout properties and camps. 3. The fall product sale is offered as a troop/group money-earning project. Participation is voluntary; each troop/group decides to participate based on its plans and needs. Fall-Sale products are ordered through the council. (Details will be available through Program News, service unit team or the council web site at Troop/Group Donations Receiving Troop/Group Donations Giving Fundraising for other organizations Troop/group Financial Reporting Annual Troop/Group Finance Report Although funds may not be solicited by troops/groups, occasionally a local business or community organization may wish to donate money to a particular troop/group. Donations are limited to $249.99 per donor per membership year. The troop/group thanks the local donor with an acknowledgement of all gifts below $250. Sponsorships in the form of a cash gift of $250 or more are to be sent to the council, who will acknowledge it as a tax-deductible donation and then provide a check of $249.99 to the troop/group. All monies in excess of $249.99 will remain at the council to be utilized for the benefit of all girls within Girl Scouts, San DiegoImperial Council, Inc. To insure the donation is directed according to the donor’s wishes, the donor needs to identify the troop/group number at the time the funds come into council. The following has been allowed by GSUSA. Girl Scouts, in their role as Girl Scouts, may not raise or solicit money for other organizations. However, girls may contribute a portion of their troop/group treasury to organizations or projects they consider worthwhile if they have funds that are not needed for the activities during the year (for example, Girl Scout campership fund, Girl Scout financial aid, local or international community service organizations or environmental projects.) Girl Scout troops/groups (or individuals representing themselves as Girl Scouts) cannot solicit or be involved in fundraising projects for other organizations. SafetyWise states that “Girl Scouts in their Girl Scout capacities may not solicit money for other organizations. Girl members may support other organizations only through service projects” (e.g., handing out water to marathon runners, running a baby sitting area for the PTA/school carnival). The service unit team, who may consult the council membership staff if necessary, will determine the appropriateness of such an activity/organization. Financial responsibility: An annual financial report indicating the year's income and expenses must be submitted by each council service unit, troop/group, or other group handling Girl Scout monies. An equipment inventory shall be included on the report. Accurate records of income and expenses will be kept and all financial records are to be made available upon request. Special events require a separate financial report. Submit copies of troop/group financial reports by the date set by the service unit treasurer. Troops/Groups should keep copies of their reports. Leader re-appointment depends upon receipt and approval of these reports. Accurate records of income and expenses will be kept and all financial records are to be made available upon request. A copy of the last reconciled bank statement and copy of the Detailed Cash Record for Troops/Groups should accompany the Annual Troop/Group Financial Report & Equipment Inventory and given to the service unit treasurer for audit. Troop/Group Attendance And Dues Records Dues should be collected in the amount and at the interval determined by each troop/group. When setting dues and planning activities, the leader should be sensitive to the financial circumstances of all members. Dues and program activities should be affordable for the smallest pocketbook in the group. Troop/Group Detailed Cash Record for Troop/Group Detailed records of all income and expenditures must be maintained by the troop/group. The council provides Detailed Cash Record for Troops/Groups forms, which may be used for this purpose. All troop/group members, parents and Girl Scout personnel have a right to see your records upon request. Service Unit and Program Cluster Financial Reporting Financial responsibility: An Annual Service Unit/Cluster Financial Report indicating the year's income and expenses must be submitted by each council service unit, troop/group, or other group handling Girl Scout monies. An equipment inventory shall be included on the report. Special events require a separate financial report. Accurate records of income and expenses will be kept and all financial records are to be made available upon request. Financial reporting: Service Unit/Cluster Bank accounts All persons handling money, writing or signing checks, or handling bank accounts and records must be currently registered members of Girl Scouts of the USA. Service units and program clusters will have a bank account for the purpose of safeguarding funds. The person in charge of the service unit or cluster checkbook should not be the same person who reconciles the service unit or cluster bank statement. Service unit bank accounts will have at least three authorized signers, approved by the manager and the council membership staff. Cluster bank accounts will have at least three authorized signers, approved by the cluster coordinator and the staff advisor. Bank Authority Forms for the service unit/cluster will be forwarded to the council staff each fall and when there is any change in the authorized signers on the account Service Unit/Cluster Detailed Cash Record for Troops/Groups Annual service unit/cluster finance report Detailed records of all income and expenditures must be maintained by the service unit/cluster. The council provides Detailed Cash Record for Troops/Groups forms that may be used for this purpose. All members, parents and Girl Scout personnel have a right to see your records upon request. The Annual Service Unit/Cluster Finance Report, recapping the year's financial activity, will be completed and turned in to the council membership staff or cluster staff advisor in June. Supporting documentation will be attached to the report to provide backup of all income and expenditures. A copy of the latest bank statement for the service unit/cluster account should be attached for verification of the cash balance on hand as of the date of the statement. An equipment inventory will also be included on the report. Council staff will audit Service unit/cluster financial records annually. Service Unit/Cluster Event budgets/ records Proposed activities and budgets will be prepared and submitted for approval for all service unit/cluster events. Service unit events: Service unit teams, with the aid of the council membership staff, are responsible for reviewing and approving all plans and budgets for service unit events. Event budgets and records of expenditures will be included with the year-end report for the service unit. Program clusters: Cluster coordinators, with the aid of the council staff advisor, are responsible for reviewing and approving all plans and budgets for cluster events. Event budgets and records of expenditures will be included with the year-end report for the cluster. Service Unit/Cluster Donations Although funds may not be solicited by service unit and program clusters, occasionally a local business or community organization may wish to donate money to a particular service unit or cluster. Donations to service units or program clusters are limited to $249.99 per donor per membership year. The service unit or program cluster thanks the local donor with an acknowledgement of all gifts below $250. Sponsorships in the form of a cash gift of $250 or more are to be sent to the council, who will acknowledge it as a tax-deductible donation and then provide a check of $249.99 to the service unit or program cluster. All monies in excess of $250 will remain at the council to be utilized for the benefit of all girls within Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc. To insure the donation is directed according to the donor’s wishes, the donor needs to identify the service unit or program cluster at the time the funds come into council. Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council, Inc. JF:CVM:njs:cc AD-0049A. 3/01/05