The regular meeting of the Jarratt Town Council was held on Tuesday, January 14, 2014. All Council members were present. Approval of Agenda: Mrs. Wilson added to “Old business” the following: maintenance code, trash pick-up and parks. Mr. Grizzard made the motion to adopt the amended agenda. Mrs. Grizzard seconded the motion and the motion was carried. Approval of Minutes: Without objection, the minutes were adopted. Finance and Personnel: Without objection, Council agreed to pay bills Mr. Grizzard stated that Mr. Rae had been working very hard on drainage solutions and suggested that Council should approve a pay rate for him. Discussion was had about a pay rate that would adequately compensate Mr. Rae for his time and the use of his personal vehicle. Mr. Brown made a motion to pay Barry Rae a rate of $45/hour including gas allowance. Mr. Gregory seconded the motion and the motion was carried. Facilities and Utilities No report. Health, Safety, and Welfare No report. Development and Planning Barry Rae, Drainage Project Manager, thanked the Council members for giving him the opportunity to help the Town of Jarratt with its drainage issues. Mr. Rae stated that he and Michael Grizzard had met with Kevin Gunn from Greensville County VDOT. Mr. Gunn admitted that VDOT was responsible for keeping the ditches in the road right-of-ways clean; and agreed that, with the help of Greensville County, VDOT, VEQ, and an engineer, the Town’s drainage program could be a success. Mr. Rae also stated that more survey work from Dewberry would allow the Town to engineer the necessary components for an effective storm water drainage system. Mrs. Wilson asked Mr. Rae if he knew of any engineers that he would recommend for addressing the Town’s drainage issues. Mr. Rae suggested Jeff Robinson as a local engineer. Mr. Warf thanked Mr. Rae for his hard work thus far and for accepting the challenge of the position. Old Business: Mrs. Wilson stated that review of the property maintenance code by the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office was complete and that Mrs. Watson, while not a practicioner of municipal law, felt that the code was well written and in order. Mrs. Wilson added that the property maintenance code would be available next month. Page 2, Cont’d Regular Council Meeting January 14, 2014 Mr. Warf stated that a letter was sent to Mr. Parson and Mr. Rodgriguez concerning their properties. Mr. Warf stated that extended trash pick-up was approved by Sussex. He has contacted a printer to create a sticker to be used for the program. Mr. Grizzard stated that he had prices for mulch for the playground. Mr. Grizzard made a motion to accept a quote for $4045 for rubber mulch. Mr. Brown seconded the motion and the motion was carried. New Business: Mr. Warf asked how did the Council feel about getting a Christmas tree between the church and the railroad tracks. Council agreed with his suggestion and decided to look into it further. The Council spoke on names of the new park area by Madison and Lincoln. Mrs. Wilson made a motion to name the park “Triangle Park”. Mr. Gregory seconded the motion and the motion was carried. Miscellaneous: Council was reminded of the Neighborhood Watch meeting on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 7 pm at the firehouse. Citizen’s comments: No Report. Having no further business for Council to consider, Mr. Brown made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Grizzard seconded the motion and the motion carried. _______________________ Kenneth Warf Mayor ______________________ Angela B. Simmons Clerk