Wrekin Juniors Welcome letter 2012


Affiliated to the Shropshire FA Established July 1998


Mr. Brian Chambers

Tel: 01952 223824

26 Combermere Drive

Wellington TF1 3HF


Mrs. Judith Delo

Tel: 01743 761588

Welcome to Wrekin Juniors FC 2012/13

Dear Parents and Players

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you as players and parents to Wrekin Juniors Football

Club, either as a new member or one renewing their membership. We hope that during your time with us you will enjoy your football and make many new friends in the process. Members are working hard for and with each other to give children the best possible start and experiences.

Within this pack there should be all the information you should need including a players’ membership form which must be completed for insurance purposes.

Who we are

The Club was founded in July 1988 to provide opportunities for local boys and girls to access football coaching, organized football matches and other occasional leisure activities in a safe and supportive environment, also to develop their individual and team soccer skills and to help develop their selfawareness, confidence and general social skills. We have achieved Charter Standard Status which means we have achieved required standards of provision as laid down by the FA.

Wrekin Juniors Football Club is now a leading provider of qualified organized junior football teams with around 400 boys and girls junior members from the Telford and district area.

Our role in the community

As a leading junior football club, Wrekin Juniors has a role to play in the community in providing quality experiences for healthy exercise and social skill building for local boys and girls as part of a community club for life.

Wrekin Mini Soccer School

The “Wrekin Mini Soccer School” was formed with the objective of introducing five to seven year old boys and girls to organized football coaching and occasional games in an enjoyable and supportive environment.

This is achieved by investing in all the necessary equipment and working to a planned football coaching programme in basic skills, designed and implemented with the assistance of skilled professional coaches to help each player achieve their potential, whatever their ability.

The School acts as a feeder to the Club’s league teams and our aim is to place every member in a Wrekin

Juniors league team. However, there can be no guarantees, because to accomplish this require you, the parents, becoming involved in a coaching or administrative capacity.

If you are interested in helping out, the Club will support you with coaching, first aid and child protection courses, plus all the administrative support you need.

What is most important is you agree with the Club’s philosophy to give the interests of each child equal value irrespective of their football skills, to promote self-esteem, confidence and the development of social skills including loyalty and consideration for others.

Have you the ability to create team spirit amongst the players and to make them feel needed and valued?

Mums and dads are all welcome and what about grandmas and granddads too?

Helping out is a great way to get to know people and contribute to the Club’s development. So don’t stay in the car while your child is enjoying their football. There’s more than one way to support your footballer! Get involved – you will gain more than you give, we promise.

Training and matches

For training times and venues please contact your child’s coach. There is a weekly subscription fee payable of £3.50 be it training or a match. If you do not attend either training or a match then no fee is payable.

These fees pay for insurance, pitch/ground fees, equipment and end of season presentation.

For boys and girls up to 6 years old there is no league for them to play in so the coaching is all about preparing them to join the League when they are old enough. The youngest boys’ league is under 8 as on the 1 st September each year and the youngest girls’ league is under 9 as on 1 st August. However, the girls can play in mixed teams up to and including under 10s. Current FA rules say all players up to and including under 10s shall play small sided soccer (7 aside), under 11 and 12 shall play 9 aside and shall only play 11 aside at under 13 and above.

Executive Committee

Your Committee consists of willing volunteers who are prepared to attend meetings and help with the general running of the Club, along with organized social events and fund raising.

Our committee meetings are held on a monthly basis and we operate an open door policy where all club members are welcome to come along and raise any issues, requests, ideas or complaints that they would like to discuss or to ask any questions. We like to think that all of our committee members are approachable and obtainable. If you would like to be involved with the management of the club please contact any one of them, we are always looking for new and refreshing ways to keep the club moving in an upward direction.


We try to keep our members informed of events though a monthly newsletter. If you have any new ideas or anything you would like to see in the Newsletter please get in touch with our Newsletter Editor, Claire

Harrigan at c.harri@blueyonder.co.uk


If you have access to the internet, you make like to turn to our Wrekin Juniors Web Site, www.wrekin.juniors.co.uk

Our Webmaster regularly updates the site with the latest news and events with photographs of the teams and match details.

Respect Codes

Please ensure that you have read the new Respect Codes of Conduct with your pack and that you understand the details before signing. Copies of all our codes of conduct, confidentiality policy, child protection policy, and complaints policy can be found on our website or a hard copy can be obtained from our Club Secretary.
