FIRST GRADE LESSON PLAN: AUG 24-28 Focus Area: Singing Pitch Matching Tone Harmony Moving Instruments Rhythm Reading Composition Form Dictation Listening Writing Objectives: The learner will be able to… Echo songs by rote in a singing voice. The learner will also be able to pat/march a steady beat. National Music Standards Singing alone, and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines Reading and notating music Listening to, analyzing and describing music Evaluating music and music performances Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts. Understanding music in relation to history a culture Moving alone and with others Verbal Assessment: Informal Non-verbal Multiple Choice Formal Oral Observation Materials Needed: Bach Recording- Air on G String Scarves Shakers Hand drums/percussion instruments Of the Month… Composer: Bach Vocabulary: Beat Instrument: Violin Genre: Baroque Essential Question: What is a steady beat? What does echo mean? Who was Johann Sebastian Bach? Review Activity One Procedure for entering the room: All hold hands outside music room and walk in together singing: “Hey, ho, hi hello. Welcome in and away we go” – SOL, MI Sit down in circle and review “Steady Beat” song. Add 3-4 shakers to pass around the circle. Students “shake-shake” and pass when chorus is sung. Monday SongReview song. Practice body percussion chain. Add: March while singing song. Stop in front of partner when you hear 4 notes and do body percussion chain. Modification: Instead of using partner add the body percussion “snap” or touch shoulders. Transition One Review: Who is Johann Sebastian Bach? What is a composer? What family is the Violin part of? (Ask questions while passing out two scarfs to each student.) Play Air on the G string by Bach and do scarf routine with students. Make this a calm moment – turn off one light and require no talking. Activity Two Listening activity with PercussionStudents form circle. Teacher says “Let’s all play the drums” and claps on drum. Keep saying and encourage students to clap with you on the word “drums.” Pass out hand drums/various percussion instruments (shakers, guiros, tambourines) Teacher stands in the middle of circle and explains to students that now they must play on the word “drums.” Expand: Teacher plays rhythm of “Let’s all play the drums” and students play on correct count. Transition Two My Aunt Came Back (First Steps in Music-For Preschool and Beyond) Verse 1: tap foot Verse 2: Fan face with one hand Verse 3: “snip” with two fingers on one hand (scissors) Verse 4:Rotate hips Verse 5: rock back and forth Verse 6: stop motions and point at group; they point at you Activity Three Introduce next activity by asking students about different types of weather. What happens when it rains? What is it like outside? How does the weather make you feel? Review song with few students coming up to board to tap steady beat on umbrellas. Other students have shakers. Closer/Exit Expansion: Bring up Umbrellas on smart board and sing song with hand gestures. Have students tell you which direction the pitches are moving (high or low). Show students how to move umbrellas on smart board. Line Up Song