Page 1 of 8 PROTOCOL FOR ASSESSMENT / INTERVENTION / REPORTING OF VICTIMS OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT Policy Number: CLIN. 42 Goal: Patients are assessed for indications of abuse or neglect. Patients indicating positive responses to assessment criteria are treated as appropriate to the situation or referred to community agencies. Reporting of actual or suspected abuse is carried out according to current laws and regulations. Scope: This protocol applies to all HDI medical and dental sites. Responsibility: All health care providers have a responsibility to be alert to the indications given by patients that they may be potential victims of abuse or neglect. This responsibility embraces all patients, that is: infants, children, victims of sexual assault, victims of spousal or partner abuse, and geriatric patients. Protocol: 1. The criteria listed below are a representative, but not an exclusive list of indications that health care providers should be alerted as part of any patient care contact: A. Child Abuse: 1. Physical Indications: a. Lacerations b. Bruises c. Unexplained swelling d. Unexplained broken bones e. Significant unexplained weight loss 2. Behavioral Cues: a. Nervous or inappropriate laughing or smiling b. Crying c. Sighing d. Anxiety e. Defensiveness, Anger f. Lack of eye contact, or fearful eye contact g. Minimizes seriousness of injuries h. Reluctance to speak in the presence of a potential abuser 3. Verbal Cues: a. Talks about a “friend” who has been abused b. Refers to a parent’s “anger” or “temper” c. Responds affirmatively to any of the following questions – 1. Have you been hit or harmed any time in the past year? 2. Have your parents ever destroyed things you cared about? B. Spousal or Partner Abuse: 1. Physical Indications: a Lacerations b. Bruises c. Injuries to the facial area d. Unexplained swelling e. Unexplained broken bones f. Significant unexplained weight loss 2. Behavioral Cues: a. Nervous or inappropriate laughing or smiling b. Crying c. Sighing C. D. Page 2 of 8 d. Anxiety e. Defensiveness, Anger f. Lack of eye contact, or fearful eye contact g. Minimizes seriousness of injuries h. Overly attentive, aggressive or defensive partner i. Reluctance to speak in the presence of a potential abuser 3. Verbal Cues: a. Talks about a “friend” who has been abused b. Refers to a partner’s “anger” or “temper” c. Responds affirmatively to any of the following questions 1. Have you been hit or harmed any time in the past year? 2. Are you in a relationship with someone who hurts or threatens you? 3. Has your partner ever destroyed things you cared about? 4. Has your partner ever forced you to have sex when you did not want to? Sexual Assault: 1. Physical Indications: a. Lacerations b. Bruises c. Injuries to the vaginal area 2. Behavioral Cues: a. Nervous or inappropriate laughing or smiling b. Crying c. Sighing d. Anxiety e. Defensiveness, Anger f. Lack of eye contact, or fearful eye contact g. Minimizes seriousness of injuries 3. Verbal Cues: a. Talks about a “friend” who has been abuses b. Responds affirmatively to any of the following questions 1. Are you in a relationship with someone who hurts or threatens you? 2. Has your partner ever destroyed things you cared about? 3. Has your partner ever forced you to have sex when you did not want to? Elder Abuse: 1. Physical Indications: a. Lacerations b. Bruises c. Unexplained swelling d. Unexplained broken bones e. Significant unexplained weight loss f. Any evidence of malnutrition 2. Behavioral Cues: a. Nervous or inappropriate laughing or smiling b. Crying c. Sighing d. Anxiety e. Defensiveness, Anger f. Lack of eye contact, or fearful eye contact g. Minimizes seriousness of injuries h. Overly attentive, aggressive or defensive partner, care giver 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 3 of 8 i. Reluctance to speak in the presence of a potential abuser Verbal Cues: a. Talks about a “friend” who has been abused b. Refers to an adult child’s “anger” or “temper” c. Responds affirmatively to any of the following questions: 1. Have you been hit or harmed any time in the past year? 2. Are you ever hurt or threatened by a caregiver or close relative? 3. Has your caregiver ever destroyed things you cared about? All patients are assessed for abuse/neglect at least annually - usually during a Health Maintenance visit. The “Abuse and Assessment Screen” form #M102, may be used. The form is given to the patient to complete or is read to the patient and completed by the provider support staff, (see attached). Any positive responses to the “Abuse and Assessment Screen” questions or to any of the above questions should be noted by the provider and discussed with the patient. If a “yes” response is indicated on question #2, the patient is given a copy of the “Non-Physical Abuse Danger Assessment” form and asked to complete it. If the patient answers “yes” to questions 1,3, and/or 4, a copy of the “Danger Assessment” form is given and the patient is asked to complete it (see attached). The provider may refer the patient to appropriate community agencies for further assistance, e.g. Underground Railroad, 989-755-0411. Reporting responsibilities: A. Domestic Violence: Michigan does not have mandatory reporting requirements for domestic violence of spouses or partners. It is the responsibility of the abused person in a domestic situation to report the abuse to the proper authorities. However, Michigan does have a law requiring health care professionals to report any gunshot or stab wounds, or any other injuries that they suspect are inflicted by means of violence . Physicians and nurses should thoroughly document in the patient’s records any indication of injuries (physical, sexual and emotional) caused by abuse. B. Child Abuse: Physicians and nurses who have reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect, are required to make or cause to be made an oral report immediately to the Department of Human Services - Child Abuse & Neglect, 989-758-1791 (Saginaw), Child Protective Services Bay County, 989-895-2147. The reporting person must complete a written report, Form 3200, and mail the report to: Centralized Intake for Abuse & Neglect 5321 28th Street Court S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49546 The Form 3200 may also be Faxed to: 616-977-1154 or 616-977-1158 or emailed to: C. A “child” means a person under 18 years of age. “Child abuse” means harm or threatened harm to a child’s health or welfare; sexual abuse; sexual exploitation; or maltreatment. “Child neglect” means harm or threatened harm to a child’s health or welfare which occurs either through negligent treatment (including the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care) or through placing a child at an unreasonable risk to the child’s health or welfare by failure of the parent (or other responsible person) to intervene to eliminate that risk when that person is able to do so and has, or should have, knowledge or the risk. The pregnancy of a child less than 12 years of age or the presence of a venereal disease in a child who is over 1 month of age but less than 12 years of age is reasonable cause to suspect child abuse and neglect have occurred and triggers the requirement to report. Elder Abuse: Physicians and nurses who suspect or have reasonable cause to believe a Page 4 of 8 “vulnerable person” has been abused, neglected, or exploited must make an immediate oral report to Adult Protective Services in the Family Independence Agency. A written report is not required but may be submitted. An exception exists if the suspected incidents involve residents of facilities licensed by the Department of Public Health or the Department of Mental Health. These reports should be sent to the Michigan Department of Public Health or the local Department of Mental Health, Recipient Rights Advisor, respectively. “Vulnerable persons” mean those who are unable to protect themselves from abuse, neglect or exploitation because of a physical or mental impairment, or because of advanced age. “Abuse” means harm or threatened harm to an adult’s health or welfare caused by another person. It includes non-accidental physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or maltreatment. “Neglect” means harm to an adult’s health or welfare caused by the inability of the adult to respond to a harmful situation or by the conduct of a person who assumes responsibility for a significant aspect of the adult’s health or welfare. It includes the failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter or medical care. “Exploitation” means an action that involves the misuse of an adult’s funds, property or personal dignity by another person. Related Policies: Reviewed By: Quality Improvement Committee Effective Date: November 25, 2000 Revision Date: March 20, 2006; January 8, 2007; August 12, 2013 Review Date: November 25, 2001; December 3, 2003; March 20, 2006; January 8, 2007; August 12, 2013 Approval: ________________________________________ Medical Director Page 5 of 8 ABUSE AND ASSESSMENT SCREEN Name:_____________________________________________DOB:___________________________ Date: 1. Are you afraid of your partner or anyone living in your home? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 2. Have you repeatedly been called names, told you were worthless, ugly or verbally threatened by a partner or someone important to you? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES By Whom? How many times has this happened in the last year? Has this happened since you became pregnant? How many times? 3. Have you ever been hit, slapped, kicked or otherwise physically hurt by a partner or someone important to you? If yes, by whom? If yes, has it occurred within the last year? How many times? Has this happened since you became pregnant? How many times since you became pregnant? When was the last time this happened? 4. Has anyone ever forced you to do sexual things that you did not want to do? If yes, by whom? How many times has this happened within the last year? Has this happened since you became pregnant? How many times since you became pregnant? When was the last time this happened? 5. Have you ever told anyone before about how you have been mistreated If yes, who? Page 6 of 8 Non-Physical Abuse Danger Assessment Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________ This questionnaire is designed to measure the non-physical abuse you have experienced in your relationship with your partner. It is not a test, so there is no right or wrong answer. Answer each item as carefully and as accurately as you can by placing a number beside each one as follows: 0 = Never 1 = Rarely 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often ____ My partner belittles me. ____ My partner demands obedience to his or her whims. ____ My partner becomes surly or angry if I say he or she is drinking too much. ____ My partner demands that I perform sex acts that I do not enjoy or like. ____ My partner becomes very upset if my work is not done when he or she thinks it should be. ____ My partner does not want me to have any male/female friends. ____ My partner tells me I am ugly and unattractive. ____ My partner tells me I couldn’t manage or take care of myself without him or her. ____ My partner acts like I am his or her personal servant. ____ My partner insults or shames me in front of others. ____ My partner becomes very angry if I disagree with his or her point of view. ____ My partner is stingy in giving me money. ____ My partner belittles me intellectually. ____ My partner demands that I stay home. ____ My partner feels that I should not work or go to school. ____ My partner does not want me to socialize with my male/female friends. ____ My partner demands sex whether I want it or not. ____ My partner screams and yells at me. ____ My partner shouts and screams at me when he or she drinks. ____ My partner orders me around. ____ My partner has no respect for my feelings. ____ My partner acts like a bully towards me. ____ My partner frightens me. ____ My partner treats me like a dunce. ____ My partner is surly and rude to me. ____ TOTAL SCORE Thank you. Please talk to your nurse, advocate, or counselor about what the danger assessment means in terms of your situation. From: Hudson. W. W. (1992). The WALMYR assessment scales scoring manual. Tempe, AZ: WALMYR Publishing Co. Page 7 of 8 SCORING THE “ABUSE ASSESSMENT SCREEN” If you get a “yes” on question number 2, give the patient/client a copy of the “Non-Physical Abuse Danger Assessment” form and ask him/her to complete it. Use the “Scoring the NonPhysical Abuse Danger Assessment” to score this form and follow the appropriate actions. If the patient/client answers “yes” to questions numbered 1, 3, and/or 4, give him/her a copy of the “Danger Assessment” form and ask him/her to complete it. A “Yes” answer to any of these questions calls for an immediate referral for counseling. When making a referral, include the “Danger Assessment Screen” with the referral information. SCORING FOR THE “NON-PHYSICAL ABUSE DANGER ASSESSMENT” To score the “Non-Physical Abuse Danger Assessment” measurement, use the following steps: 1. Total the scores. This will give you a number between 0 and 75. If the patient/client has not answered all the questions, ask why and encourage him/her to complete the unfinished items. 2. Use the following guide: Score Action Taken: 0 No intervention is necessary at this time. Re-administer screen on next visit. 1 – 25 Mild Danger. Discuss with patient/client that “NO ONE DESERVES TO BE (name specific behavior(s))” and offer a referral for counseling. Readminister screen on next visit. 26 – 50 Moderate Danger. Emphasize to patient/client that “NO ONE DESERVES TO BE (name specific behavior(s))” and encourage referral to counseling. Re-administer screen on next visit. 51 – 75 Severe Danger. Emphasize to patient/client that “NO ONE DESERVES TO BE (name specific behavior(s))” and make a referral to counseling. Re-administer screen on next visit. Page 8 of 8 DANGER ASSESSMENT Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Several risk factors have been associated with homicides (murder) of both batterers and battered women in research that has been conducted after the killings have taken place. We cannot predict what will happen in your case, but we would like you to be aware of the danger of homicide in situations of severe battering and for you to see how many of the risk factors apply to your situation. (The “he” in the question refers to anyone who is currently physically hurting you). Please check YES or NO for each question below. YES NO ____ ____ 1. Has the physical violence increased in frequency over the past year? ____ ____ 2. Has the physical violence increased in severity over the past year and/or has a weapon or threat with a weapon been used? ____ ____ 3. Does he ever try to choke you? ____ ____ 4. Is there a gun in the house? ____ ____ 5. Has he ever forced you into sex when you did not wish to do so? ____ ____ 6. Does he use drugs? Drugs includes “uppers” or amphetamines, speed, angel dust, cocaine, “crack” street drugs, heroin or mixtures. ____ ____ 7. Does he threaten to kill you and/or do you believe he is capable of killing you? ____ ____ 8. Is he drunk every day or almost every day? ____ ____ 9. Does he control most of all of your daily activities? For instance, does he tell you whom you can be friends with, how much money you can take with you shopping or when you can take the car? (If he tries, but you do not let him, check here ____.) ____ ____ 10. Have you ever been beaten by him while you were pregnant? ____ ____ 11. ____ ____ 12. Is he violently and constantly jealous of you? (For instance, does he say, “If I can’t have you, no one can.”) Have you ever threatened or tried to commit suicide? ____ ____ 13. Has he ever threatened or tried to commit suicide? ____ ____ 14. Is he violent outside of the home? ____ TOTAL YES ANSWERS Thank you. Please talk to your nurse, advocate or counselor about what the danger assessment means in terms of your situation.