Newsletter December 2012

Discovery Federation of Endeavour
Primary School, Knights Enham Junior
School & Roman Way Primary School
Governing Body
issue 7
Successful Ofsted Inspection of Knights Enham
Junior School
On 10-12 July 2012 an Ofsted Inspection was carried out at Knights Enham Junior
School and the Governors are delighted to report the following extracts from the
Inspection Report:Inspection Judgements
Overall effectiveness 2
Achievement of Pupils 2
Quality of Teaching 2
Behaviour and Safety of Pupils 2
Leadership & Management 2
The key findings showed that Knights Enham Junior School is a Good school.
Teachers’ subject knowledge and positive enthusiasm make a significant contribution
to the clear sense of purpose and enjoyment in lesson. Overall, pupils report that they
feel very safe, and their parents and carers agree. One parent wrote of a ‘wonderful
nurturing’ place; another referred to the support and help offered to her child in
developing respect for others .Leadership and Management are good. Attainment,
particularly in mathematics and reading, has improved since the last inspection and
attendance rates have risen. The Executive Headteacher and Head of School’s drive
and ambition secure the confidence of the whole school community. Leaders and
governors make sure that safeguarding is secure and meets statutory requirements.
The first meeting of this academic year took
place on 10 October 2012 when Mr Robin
Hughes was elected as Chair and Miss Marion
Orwin was elected as Vice Chair.
Other election results were:Training Liaison – Mrs Irene Thurner
Special Needs Governor – Mrs Liz Hall
Gifted & Talented Governor – Mr Paul Glynn
Curriculum Governor – Miss Marion Orwin
Children in Care Governor – Mrs Alison Paxton
Safeguarding Governor – Mrs Ros Hughes
Learning & Environment
People, Planning & Development
Miss Marion Orwin Chair
Mrs Anne Hughes
Mr Robin Hughes
Mrs Liz Hall
Mrs Ros Hughes
Miss Yana Williams
Mr Hywel Inglis
Mrs Marina Crean
Mr Gareth Hughes
Mr Andrew De Silva
Mr Dom Haydn-Davies
Mrs Nicola James
Mrs Marina Crean
Mr Gareth Hughes
Mr Andrew De Silva
Learning &
Committee meet every half-term and
their responsibilities are to monitor all
aspects of the school curriculum and to
oversee the tenancy of the school
buildings and grounds.
Mr Robin Hughes – Chair
Mrs Anne Hughes
Miss Marion Orwin
Mrs Alison Paxton
Mr Nick Mackey
Mrs Irene Thurner
Mrs Julie Stratton
Mr Hywel Inglis
Mr Paul Glynn
Mr Matthew Main
Cllr Mrs Pat West
Mrs Nicola James
Mrs Marina Crean
Mr Gareth Hughes
Mr Andrew De Silva
The People, Planning & Development
Committee meet every half-term and
their responsibilities are to monitor the
spending of the approved budget, to
assist the Headteacher and Governing
Body on staffing and personnel matters
and to oversee the school’s strategic and
developmental planning.
We recently said goodbye and thank you to Mrs Heppenstall as a parent
representative for Endeavour Primary School, Mrs Dea Hancock as a parent
representative for Knights Enham Junior School and Mrs Jenny Williams a staff
representative.. We are pleased to welcome Mrs Nicola James to the Governing Body
as our new parent representative for Endeavour Primary School, Mrs Jo Baker as our
new parent representative for Knights Enham Junior School and Miss Michelle
Gilbert our new staff representative.
Attendance levels are a regular item on the Governing Body’s agenda and the reports
this term shows that each school is achieving good or high levels as follows:Endeavour Primary School – 96.2%
Knights Enham Junior School – 95.2%
Roman Way Primary School – 94.8%
School Websites and Prospectuses
One of the items for discussion at Governors’ meetings has been new prospectuses
and websites for Endeavour Primary School and Roman Way Primary School. We are
pleased to let you know that all three schools now have a website. Parents will be able
to access the Governors’ newsletter via the school websites and some paper copies
will also be available in the school reception areas. New prospectuses will also be
ready in the near future.
Governor Visits
Miss Orwin attended the sporting activities held in schools during the summer
Mr Glynn continues to listen to children reading in Knights Enham Junior School
twice per week.
Cllr Mrs West has arranged road safety visits to the schools, where traffic had been
monitored, although levels of traffic had not be considered high enough to merit the
installation of formal crossings. However, traffic will again be monitored later this
Mrs Hall attended a training event for Teaching Assistants across the federation that
was held on the day closure 26 November 2012, to gain knowledge for inspiring the
learning environment for children.
Miss Orwin accompanied Year R and Year 1 children when they visited The Lights
Theatre for the Christmas production of ‘How to Catch A Star’.
We apologise that the SATs results for Roman Way Primary School were incorrectly
reported in the last Newsletter and the following results are correct:Roman Way Primary School
Level 4+
Level 5
2+ Levels progress
3+ Levels progress
Open Days
Endeavour Primary School and Roman Way Primary held successful open days and
evenings during the Autumn Term 2012.
Endeavour Primary School hosted a reception on Thursday 18 October 2012 and the
guest of honour was HRH Princess Anne. The reception preceded a visit to the Jubilee
Wood, where the Princess planted a tree. All the pupils and many parents were able to
line the route on the afternoon and some children from all three schools in the
federation were invited to the reception.
Statutory Documents
There is a range of documents in the schools which include the following
(which Governing Bodies are required to have by law):Accessibility Plan
Admissions Policy
Performance Management Policy
Central Record of Recruitment &
Vetting Checks
Charging Policy
School Behaviour Policy
Complaints Procedure
Curriculum Policy
Equality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Freedom of Information Publication
Governors’ Allowance Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Instrument of Government
Governing Body Minutes
Child Protection Policy
Register of Business Interests
Register of Pupils
Special Educational Needs Policy
Premises Policy
Home-School Agreement
Sex Education Policy
Staff Discipline, Conduct &
& Grievance Procedures
Teachers’ Pay Policy