League of Nations, activities on women, 1919-1945 League of Nations. Report on the Employment of Women and Children and the Berne Conventions of 1906. London: Harrison, 1919. Northcroft, Dorothea Mary. Women at Work in the League of Nations. London: Page, 1923. League of Nations. Report on the Work of the Third Session, Adopted by the Committee on April 11th, 1924: Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Women and Children, Geneva, April 17th, 1924. League of Nations documents C.184.73.1924.IV (C.T.F.E. 218 [I].). Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. ---. Minutes of the Third Session, Held at Geneva, from April 7th to 11th, 1924: Advisory Committee on the Traffic in Women and Protection of Children. League of Nations documents C.217.M.71.1924.IV. Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. ---. Extract from the Minutes of the Thirteenth Session of the Council, Second Meeting, Geneva, August 29th, 1924: Protection of Women and Children in the Near East, Geneva, September 1st, 1924. League of Nations documents A.46.1924.IV. Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. ---. Report of the Fifth Committee to the Fifth Assembly: Traffic in Women and Children, Geneva, September 22nd, 1924, Rapporteur: M. Sokal (Poland). League of Nations documents A.83.1924.IV. Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. ---. Report of the Fifth Committee to the Fifth Assembly: Protection of Women and Children in the Near East, Geneva, September 20th, 1924, Rapporteur: Mlle. Forchhammer (Denmark). League of Nations documents A.85.1924.IV. Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. Thomas, Martha Carey. How to Get into the League of Nations: An Address Before the Democratic Women’s Luncheon Club of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Democratic Women’s Luncheon Club, 1924. League of Nations Advisory Committee on Traffic in Women and Children. Summary of Annual Reports for 1922, Received from Governments Relating to the Traffic in Women and Children. C.164.M.40. Geneva: League of Nations, 1924. Avril de Sainte-Croix, Ghenia. 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League of Nations. Report on the Work of the Fifth Session: Traffic in Women and Children Committee, Advisory Commission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People, Geneva, April 17th, 1926. League of Nations Publications IV.Social 1926. IV. 3. [C.240.M.89. 1926.IV (C.T.F.E.311.(2).)]. Geneva: League of Nations, 1926. ---. Traffic in Women and Children: Report of the Fifth Committee to the Assembly, Geneva, September 17th, 1927. A.73. 1927. IV. Geneva: League of Nations, 1927. Harris, H. Wilson, and League of Nations. Human Merchandise, a Study of the International Traffic in Women. London: E. Benn limited, 1928. League of Nations Traffic in Women and Children. Summary of Annual Reports for 1926, Prepared by the Secretariat. C.28.M.14. Geneva: League of Nations, 1928. League of Nations. Report of the Fifth Committee to the Assembly: Traffic in Women and Children, Rapporteur as Mlle. Hesselgren (Sweden), Geneva, September 27th, 1930. League of Nations Publications IV. Social 1930.IV.9 (A.76.1930.IV.). Geneva: League of Nations, 1930. League of Nations Traffic in Women and Children. Summary of Annual Reports for 1928 Prepared by the Secretariat. C.85.M.12. Geneva: League of Nations, 1930. League of Nations. Report on the Ninth Session: Traffic in Women and Children Committee, Adviosry Commission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People. League of Nations Publications IV. Social 1930. IV. 2. (C.216.M.104.1930. IV). Geneva: League of Nations, 1930. ---. Rules of Procedure: Traffic in Women and Children Committee and Child Welfare Committee, Geneva, May 16th, 1930. League of Nations Publications IV. Social 1930.IV.4. (C.333.M.136.1930. IV). Geneva: League of Nations, 1930. ---. Study of Laws and Regulations with a View to Protecting Public Order and Health in Countries Where the System of LIcencsed Houses Has Been Abolished: Traffic in Women and Children Committee, Geneva, June 20th, 1930. League of Nations Publications IV. 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Summary of Annual Reports for 1931 Prepared by the Secretariat, Part I: Traffic in Women and Children. C.857.M.399 1932 VI. Geneva: League of Nations, 1933. League of Nations. Commission of Enquiry into Traffic in Women and Children in the East: Summary of the Report to the Council, Geneva, February 20th, 1934. League of Nations Publications IV. Social 1934. IV. 3 (C.T.F.E. 606). Geneva: League of Nations, 1934. ---. Report on the Work of the Commission in 1934: Advisory Committee for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young People, Geneva, May 10th, 1934, Including the Report on the Work of the Thirteenth Session of the Traffic in Women and Chilren Committee, held at Geneva, April 4th to 7th, 1934; and, the Report of the Joint Session of the Traffic in Women and Children Committee and Child Welfare Committee, held at Geneva, April 7th to 11th, 1934. League of Nations Publications IV. Social 1934. IV.5. (C.149.M.62.1934. IV). Geneva: League of Nations, 1934. League of Nations Traffic in Women and Children. Summary of Annual Reports for 1932-33, Prepared by the Secretariat, Part I: Traffic in Women and Children. C.2.M.2. Geneva: League of Nations, 1934. League of Nations Nationality of Women. Report of the Secretary-General on the Information Obtained in Execution of the Resolutions of the Assembly and the Council. C.342.M.158.1934.V. Geneva: League of Nations, 1934. ---. Report of the Secretary-General on the Information Obtained in Execution of the Resolutions of the Assembly and the Council: Addendum 1 to Part 1--Information Supplied by the Governments. C.342(a).M.158(a).1934.V. Geneva: League of Nations, 1934. League of Nations Traffic in Women and Children Committee. Position of Women of Russian Origin in the Far East. Geneva: League of Nations, 1935. ---. Summary of Annual Reports for 1933-34, Prepared by the Secretariat, Part I: Traffic in Women and Children. C.127.M.65. Geneva: League of Nations, 1935. 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Statements Presented by International Women’s Organisations (Supplement No. 2): International Federation of Trade Unions’ International Committee of Trade Union Women. A.19(b).1935.V. Geneva: League of Nations, 1935. Woodsmall, Ruth Frances. Moslem Women Enter a New World. New York: Round table Press, 1936. League of Nations Traffic in Women and Children Committee. Summary of Annual Reports for 1934-35, Prepared by the Secretariat, Part I: Traffic in Women and Children. C.88.M.32. Geneva: League of Nations, 1936. ---. Summary of Annual Reports for 1934-35, Prepared by the Secretariat, Addendum. C.88.M.32. Geneva: League of Nations, 1936. League of Nations Status of Women. Communications from Governments and Women’s International Organisations since September 1936. A.14. 1937 V. Geneva: League of Nations, 1937. ---. Communications Received from Governments and Women’s International Organisations since September 1936 [Supplement a]. A.14(a). 1937 V. Geneva: League of Nations, 1937. ---. 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