27th September 2007 - Amazon Web Services

Telephone: 01483 473884
e-mail: info@pirbright.surrey.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mr. Tim Hart
Deputy: Miss Jo Redman
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Year 3!
It may feel like the summer has only just finished but the children are already settling well into their new routines in Year 3. As
always we have a jam packed term planned and so that you can keep track of all the wonderful things we are learning, we have
provided you with our topic web (see overleaf). We would also like to take this opportunity to give you a few reminders:
CURRICULUM CHANGES - As you may be aware, we are now following a new National Curriculum from this September. At
Pirbright, we have spent a great deal of time as a staff ensuring we are fully informed of the changes the government have given
us and we are fully prepared as we start the new academic year. The subject Literacy has been renamed English, Numeracy has
been renamed Mathematics and ICT has been renamed Computing. We will keep you fully informed of any important information
regarding the curriculum and how it will affect your child’s learning. However, if you have any questions, please just ask staff.
TIMES – Now that the children are in Key Stage Two, the classroom doors open at 8.30am and all the children need to arrive by
8.40am to begin the school day promptly at 8.45am. In Year 3 we encourage the children to be as independent as possible and we
ask for your assistance in this matter by saying your goodbyes outside on the playground and allowing them to come into class by
themselves. The school day now finishes at 3.15pm where the children will be dismissed to meet you or to make their way to
various clubs. As the children are gaining independence we are happy for them to arrange a place within the school grounds to
meet you however, should you not be there we will remind the children to return to the classroom where you can collect them.
P.E. - Please ensure that full P.E. kits are in school every day as, although we have timetabled P.E. days, these are flexible
depending on the weather. The kits should then be taken home on a Friday to be washed and returned on Monday. Please also
note that if your child wears earrings and cannot take them out themselves then they should not wear them on PE days as we
cannot help to remove them or cover their ears with tape. As well as the school PE T-shirt and shorts, kits should also contain
warm clothing suitable for outdoor lessons.
HOMEWORK – In Year 3 our homework days are Monday and Wednesday. The work we set is expected to take your child
approximately 20 minutes and we would encourage you to remind them of this. If the task appears to take them longer than this
or they find it too challenging, please do not struggle on with it but bring it back to school and we will go through it again with
them. The homework timetable (shown below) provides children with at least two nights to complete each task although they may
hand it in as soon as it is complete. When the homework is set your child will write the task in their diary and you can also use
this to let us know of any problems or misunderstandings that arose whilst completing it.
English or Topic
READING – Sharing a book with your child is still vitally important even as they get older and more independent. Every child has
a Reading Record for you to comment in each time you have heard your child read. Although children may appear to be becoming
far more confident readers at this age it is still important to read with them on a regular basis, to discuss their reading and to
question them to ensure they have fully understood the language and ideas used. Other adults who hear your child read in school
will also use this book to provide positive feedback which you can discuss with your child too.
SPELLINGS – Following the new curriculum changes, your child will be given a set of spellings each week which helps them to
learn and apply an important spelling rule. In addition they will have two bonus (but useful!) words as well as three personalised
words which they have misspelt in their recent independent writing. The new list will be stuck in their homework diary on a
Thursday and will then be tested the following Thursday. Once their tests have been marked they will then highlight the words
in their homework diary that they spelt correctly, this will allow you to keep an eye of their spelling scores! To help your child it
will benefit them greatly if you could support them in learning their spellings and exploring the spelling rules covered within the
lists. Don’t forget to make us of Spellodrome for this too!
Finally, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to pop in, or make an appointment to see us.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Gifford
Miss Godfrey