10th September 2015 To: Parents of all Senior School Pupils Dear Parents, Senior Harvest Festival, St. Andrew’s Church, Mapperley Road Thursday 24th September 11.30am Diospi Suyana – Health and education for the Quechua People of Peru This year’s Harvest Festival will be focusing on the work of Diospi Suyana which provides a hospital and a school for the Quecha people of Peru. Today over 80% of these people live in severe poverty; their medical need is reflected by the high rate of infant mortality, low average life expectancy and low educational aspirations. Indeed 35% of the Quechua people are illiterate. The health and educational opportunities for indigenous Quechua children are especially poor, impeding their future chances to prosper. We will be listening to a presentation and watching a short DVD to explain the work that they carry out for the Quechua people of Peru. Parents and pupils will be invited to contribute to the work of Diospi Suyana. Donations can be given in an envelope. Please could you clearly mark the envelope “Harvest Festival” – Diospi Suyana. Donations can be in the form of cash or cheques (please make cheques payable to Hollygirt School). Then a final amount will be sent by the school to the Diospi Suyana Foundation. .Any gift you make will be gratefully received. Pupils can bring these donations in any day before the Harvest Service. All parents and friends of the school are invited to join us for the Harvest Festival Service. Thank you for helping us to support Diospi Suyana Hospital and school. With best wishes. Yours sincerely, Mrs D Griffiths Head of Religious Studies