The Minutes of the North Cluster Bursars` Meeting held on Thursday

The Minutes of the North Cluster Bursars’ Meeting held on Thursday 12 th July
2012 at 9.30 am at Burton Green Primary School
Jolene Jessiman
Dave Coleman
Gill Johnson
Bev Wright
Julie Thorpe
Linda Goodyear
Jacqueline Walsh
St Wilfrid’s
Yearsley Grove
Clifton with Rawcliffe
Clifton with Rawcliffe
Schools Business Support
Schools Business Support
Burton Green
Carol Boswell
Paula Wilmot
Jane Denner
Val Atkinson
Linda Goodyear welcomed all attendees to the meeting and introduced Nicola Sawyer
from the Childcare Strategy Team.
Early Years Funding
Nicola explained how funding for schools had changed over the past two years.
Before April 2011 schools had been funded for the number of nursery places they had
whilst private providers had been funded on actual take-up. As from 2007 there had
been a single funding formula, which had to be transparent, made up of a base rate –
which could be different for different settings – and a deprivation factor. The team
were working towards the same funding formula for the maintained and private
sectors by 2014. Currently the funding is £3.40 per child per hour plus an additional
£0.40 per eligible child per hour for deprivation based on the actual take-up of
provision. The child’s postcode is used for the deprivation index with the top 30%
IDACI attracting the additional funding.
If children change providers an adjustment to the funding can be made each half-term.
The forms for claiming funding or changing provider are now on the LA portal and
these new forms will be used from September 2012. It will not be necessary to fill in
a new form each half-term if provision has not changed but just for the parent and
provider to sign to confirm the arrangements.
Maintained nursery schools have some transition protection so that their funding
eventually matches that for private providers and this adjustment is made at the end of
the financial year.
There was some discussion around the Inclusion Funding Pot which stands at only
£50K per year and is used to fund additional one-to-one support for young pupils
usually as they move to being awarded a statement of Special Educational Need.
Nicola informed the meeting that reports from professionals were needed before
funding was given from the Inclusion Pot and the criteria for funding are listed on the
YorOK website/early years all links/all other forms.
Shade Structures
Jolene was in the process of sourcing some sort of shade for the playground at St
Wilfrid’s. There was a discussion regarding shade sails and canopies and various
suppliers were mentioned as having provided a good service in the past to other
schools: Danby, Playscheme, William Birch and Sovereign.
Any Other Business
It was reported that St Wilfrid’s are in negotiations with Document Logic in
Dunnington for the provision of a colour photocopier and colleagues were invited to
inspect the new machine once installed – colour is provided by a block of wax. There
were further discussions regarding the best method of financing the provision of
photocopiers. Schools are not allowed by financial regulations to enter into finance
leases but may use operating leases or alternatively buy machines outright and then
organise a CYC lease.
Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 18th October 2012 at 9.30 am at Clifton
with Rawcliffe School.