Barbara Outland Baker L – 228, Extension 1682 Student-Teacher Contract Welcome to Moorpark College and to this class. I look forward to a mutually beneficial learning experience with you. My intention is to forge a partnership with you in order to make a difference in your skills so that you feel more empowered in language arts. The following structure is designed to enhance our optimum learning environment. Please read and understand each point clearly. Then sign your name to express your agreement of this course’s expectations. Please date this contract and return it to me by the start of Week 2 to confirm your seat in the classroom. CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE I understand that 52 (fifty-two) to 64 (sixty-four) hours of attendance is mandatory. 1. Attendance involves the start of class to its finish, with assigned breaks only. 2. A lengthy tardy may be considered an absence, especially if a chronic problem arises. 3. Any departure from class mid-stream must be communicated to the professor prior to class and in writing. You must plan ahead if you need to leave class for any reason. 4. One absence is allowed without penalty. 5. Each further absence, depending upon the length of the class, can drop your grade by one letter grade. 6. Five absences constitute a class drop. CLASSWORK I understand that my learning process demands my pro-active involvement. 1. Assignments are due as announced, unless otherwise altered by the professor. 2. Late work will be marked down 10% for each session past due date. 3. Work, generally, is to be typed: double-spaced, 12 point font, stapled, and must reflect proofreading and neatness. Points will be deducted accordingly. 4. A series of 3 (three) late assignments constitutes a class drop, resulting in a W or F, based upon the drop date deadline. 5. Pop quizzes or assignments cannot be made up. 6. Mid-term and final test/assignments must be completed to earn a grade in the class. 7. All written work which is due for a grade must be submitted directly to the professor. Papers delivered to her mailbox or under her office door are not acceptable unless otherwise approved. 8. An “Incomplete” is not an option. 9. You are responsible for dropping the class for a “W” so as not to earn an “F”. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE I realize that in order to improve in my language skills, I must be a responsible student, to myself, to my classmates, and to my professor. 1. Electronic equipment must remain in the off position and be housed in a backpack, etc. This includes but is not limited to telephone, beepers, portable CD players, and games. Exceptions include an electronic dictionary, palm pilot, and calculator as is needed in class. 2. Private conversations are to be reserved for breaks and after class. 3. Participation constitutes 15% of my grade, reflecting thoughtful consideration of relevant homework, as well as thoughtful attention to class discussion and assignment. 4. High caliber sharing demands polite, respectful language, devoid of swearing, mumbling, and undue criticism. 5. Any clarification or problem regarding an assignment, a peer, or the professor needs to be communicated to Professor Baker at the earliest possible sign. 6. Disruptive behaviors cannot be tolerated and will result in a written notification of necessary corrective behavior. Three such notifications will result in a class drop. 7. Full, receptive attention is necessary, with no private activity occurring at my desk, such as other course homework. 8. College rules dictate no food or drink in the classroom, including gum, and excluding water. SCHOOL POLICIES: Access Center – If you have a learning, attention, physical, or psychological disability that may require classroom or test accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible to ensure that accommodations are implemented in a timely manner. If you have not already done so, please register with ACCESS. This department is just to the right of the Campus Center Building and their phone number is (805) 378-1461. Verification from ACCESS is required before any classroom or testing accommodation can be made. Smoking Policy – Smoking is only allowed in designated areas which are described in the Schedule of Classes map located in the back of the schedule of classes. Let’s all of us be considerate of others regarding smoking. Plagiarism -- It is the responsibility of each student to know what constitutes plagiarism as defined in Moorpark College’s code of academic practice, summarized in the College Catalog. Towards the goal of academic integrity, all major assignments for this course must be submitted electronically to before they will be accepted. (Full instructions and training will be given in class.) Any student who plagiarizes will automatically be assigned an “F” for the course. Also, this incident will be referred to the Dean of Student Learning for notation in your permanent record. A second incident of plagiarism may warrant your dismissal from the college. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY – Submit to Professor Baker. I agree to the above Student-Teacher requirements, and look forward to this structure to maximize the semester’s teaching/learning experience. Please write legibly. Print if necessary. Student:______________________________________________________ Course title:___________________________________________________ Course semester and time:________________________________________ Date:_________________________________________________________ Optional: I give Professor Baker permission to contact me through e-mail, telephone, or mail in case of need. (Again, write legibly.) ______________________________________________ Name e-mail address:______________________________________________________ Telephone number with answering capabilities:_____________________________ Address, including zip code:____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________