Low Level Laser Therapy for Healing - Pro

Making a Difference in Your Health
Low Level LASER Therapy
Technology Overview
In 1917, Albert Einstein established the physical principle of “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation,” thus paving the way for the development of the laser. In June 1960, Theodoro H. Maiman
constructed the world’s first laser using a ruby crystal, now known as the ruby laser. In 1965, doctors Sinclair,
Knoll and Mester pioneered the way for therapeutic lasers through their research with human tissue. These
lasers do not cut or destroy tissue, but biostimulate the tissue creating a therapeutic curative effect.
Therapeutic lasers work by supplying energy to the body in the form of non-thermal photons of light. The body
is able to absorb this external energy on a cellular level and transform light energy into chemical energy, which
the body uses to accelerate the normal healing rate of tissue for a wide range of ailments.
Laser Light vs. L.E.D Light
When people are introduced to laser therapy there is often confusion as to the difference between Laser light and
L.E.D light. Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser is
referred to as a coherent beam of light. Laser light is coherent because all of the light waves stream out in the
same direction and phase. If one points a laser on a surface close to them, the laser light will have a noticeable
diameter. If one pulls the laser further from that surface the diameter and intensity of the light will not change.
L.E.D lights are referred to as non-coherent. In other words the light that is emitted from an L.E.D spreads out in
all directions and are out of phase. If one points a L.E.D on a surface close to them, the L.E.D light will have a
noticeable diameter. If one pulls the L.E.D further from that surface the diameter of the light will become larger
and more diffused.
Laser and the Language of the Body
The text you are reading is obviously written in English. You can read and understand these words and ether
accept or reject the content. What if it were written in an unfamiliar language—Spanish, Japanese, German,
Korean, or Swahili? Would you understand the content? Would you be able to make rational decisions based on
what you can piece together? Like most people, probably not. This is the dilemma our bodies have when being
treated by various therapies. Our bodies do not communicate in ultrasound or electrical stimulation—it
communicates in coherent light. In the book, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis by James L. Oschman,
multiple references are made to the communication within the body—from cell to cell as coherent (laser) light.
It makes sense that we should stimulate the body with the same language that the cells in the body communicate.
That is why there is so much success with wound healing, neurological rehabilitation, and illness reversal when
using LLLT.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Measuring Light
Light occurs in wavelengths and is measured in nanometers. A nanometer (nm) is one billionth of a meter,
which can be represented by scientific notation as 10-9 meters or .000000001 meter = 1nm. The visible
spectrum of light occurs in range of 380 – 760nm. Below 380nm we have ultraviolet light and above 760nm we
have infrared light. Although all levels of light can have biological effect, most laser research suggests that the
most advantageous levels of stimulation for healing purposes occur in the 630 – 640nm range. The biological
effects that have been measured in this range have been proper oxygenation and detoxification of the cell, DNA
replication, and regeneration of damaged nerve tissue.
Tune in on Laser Communication
When listening to your radio, you must first choose a station— such as 102.7 KIIS FM. Similarly, when
purchasing a laser, you must first choose a wavelength of light. Most lasers on the market used by professionals
are in the red or infrared range. The advantage of using a red laser over an infrared is treatment time. It is much
safer to use a red (630-640nm) laser over an area for a longer period of time without worry of damaging tissue.
This makes it ideal for an unattended therapy. When working with infrared (760nm or higher) lasers more
caution should be taken with treatment.
Pump up the Volume
The output of a laser is measured in Watts. It is easier to understand output as the volume of the laser. For
example: when the Beatles’ song, “We All Live in a Yellow Submarine,” is playing on the radio, one can raise
or lower the volume without affecting the message of the song. One can lower the output/volume of the song,
“we all live in a yellow submarine,” and it occurs as a faint whisper possibly inaudible. Or one can blast the
song, “WE ALL LIVE IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE,” and damage our eardrums. Regardless of the
output/volume the message remains the same. The same occurs with laser. The output will not change the laser
wavelength (i.e. 635nm); it will only determine the intensity.
Hot Laser
Most lasers used by medical professionals on the market are “HOT” or high powered lasers. Hot lasers are lasers
that have an output larger than one Watt and ability to increase the temperature of what it is contacting—Ouch!
Hot lasers are used for a variety of procedures from cutting and cauterizing tissue, removing tarter from teeth,
hair removal, and even eye surgery.
Cold Laser
Cold Laser is the common term for a Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) device. It is considered cold laser
because it will not increase the thermal temperature of what it is contacting. When dealing with LLLT, the
output is well below one Watt of energy, usually measured in milliwatts (mW). In scientific notation this is
represented as 10-3 or .001Watts = 1mW. In the United States the FDA requires that all Low Level Lasers be
5mW or less at the point of aperture (where the laser light exits). Although very few people can actually feel a
laser with this output, the positive biological effects are amazing. A wide range of professionals have used cold
laser therapy with success including chiropractors, physical therapists, medical doctors, veterinarians, dentists,
etc. The common goal among these practitioners is improved healing time and results for their patients.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Results are Rapid and Sustainable
While some patients get immediate results, others usually require three to six treatments before they notice a
lasting effect. Again, each patient will respond differently according to his or her own body’s natural healing
Although it is recommended that you come in daily for the first three visits, following this two to three times per
week is usually sufficient to maintain your cells in biostimulation. Your clinician is best able to develop a
schedule tailored specifically to your condition.
There are three main components of tissue that affect the absorption of light specifically: water, hemoglobin
(pigment that renders blood red) and melanin (pigment that gives skin its natural color.) The absorption curves
for these three substances versus the laser wavelength will determine the precise impact that a particular laser
will have on tissue.
This laser light has the unique properties of monochromaticity, (a single wavelength,) coherence (travels in a
straight line) and defined location (concentrated beam). These properties are what allow lasers to penetrate the
skin surface, non-invasively, delivering energy directly to the cells, which the cells then convert into chemical
True Lasers versus Super-luminous Diodes
True lasers such as the Quantum System focus all of their energy in one direction in a very concentrated line. A
super-luminous diode, on the other hand, diffuses its energy in all directions with only a small percentage of the
energy traveling in the direction of the treatment. A true laser system will deliver 90% more power to the
treatment area than a super-luminous diode system.
Oshiro’s Studies Confirm This Fact:
“A laser beam travels only in one direction from its source, unlike a light bulb. The resulting (true laser) beam
has a considerably higher photo density than a monochromatic beam produced by filtering and collimating a
conventional multi-wavelength light source. In in-vivo tissue targets, several layers of non-homogenous
particulate matter have to be penetrated before the beam can reach the LLLT targets and it is the superior photon
density of coherent light which ensures this penetration; even though actual coherence may be lost in the first
few cell layers.”
Generally speaking, LLLT is remarkable in the fact that it safely and effectively reduces inflammation, relieves
pain, and heals tissues. In healing tissues, the mechanism increases the synthesis of collagen—the same matrix
found in cartilage. As the synthesis of collagen is increased, the cartilage begins to rebuild.
The fact that therapeutic lasers work by supplying energy to the body in the form of photons of light and
allowing the body to effect its own repairs allows therapeutic lasers the ability to treat an extensive list of
ailments. Ailments that involve skin, tendons, nerves, blood vessels or muscles can be treated with therapeutic
Reasons That Using Low-Level Laser Therapy Will Enhance Your Practice and
Patient Results:
Low level laser therapy causes certain photochemical reactions to occur to help control pain, reduce
inflammation, and accelerate healing of damaged tissue. Low level laser therapy treats a variety of
conditions including arthritis, tendon and ligament problems, nerve root irritation, shoulder and back pain,
repetitive strain injuries, TMJ, plantar fasciitis, burns, wounds, and a variety of other skin conditions
Low level laser therapy is painless and gives great clinical results with a minimum time involvement. Low
level laser therapy will increase your patient compliance and satisfaction through efficient and highly
effective treatment.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
You will grow your practice by providing additional proven pain management rehabilitation to your
existing patient base. Many patients have claimed that the laser is what made the difference in accelerating
their healing and getting them well. You will find that many returning patients specifically request to have
laser therapy.
You will attract new patients which will seek your care due to the need for therapeutic laser rehabilitation
treatments. Referrals will come in from medical doctors, healthcare practitioners and coaches who know
you use low-level laser therapy.
You will set your clinic apart from the competition by providing the most modern form of therapeutic
Increase the profitability of your practice though additional billable services.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Tumor of blood vessels, haemangioma from “Low Reactive-Level
Laser Therapy-Practical Application,” by T. Ohshiro, 39 month
period soft (cold) low level laser therapy before and after.
Picture at left shows large and spreading strawberry haemangioma on
left face of 5-month-old girl. It is beginning to close the eye, and
bleeds very easily. Recent trauma is visible.
Six months after LLLT with diode laser only. Regression is clearly
visible, as is the eye.
Present status, 39 months after first treatment. The strawberry
haemangioma is now in spontaneous regression, and LLLT will be
continued. The skin texture in the cheek is almost normal, and the
bulk of the lesion has gone.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is quickly
becoming the first line of attack in pain control
and tissue healing in rehabilitation medicine. It is
safe, painless, quick and easy to apply and
results are often immediate with no side effects.
Laser therapy has been valuable in the
treatment of a variety of conditions, including
patient suffering acute, chronic or post-operative
pain. Other conditions which have responded
well are: arthritis, osteoarthritis, tendon and
ligament problems (tendonitis), nerve root
irritations (back and neck dysfunction), shoulder
and back pain, repetitive strain injuries, TMJ,
plantar fascitis, burns, wounds and a variety of
other skin conditions.
The term laser is an acronym for Light
Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation. It is a pure form of light energy of a
specific color and wavelength, which has special
healing properties.
Low power lasers do not generate perceivable
heat. Therefore, when the laser contacts the
skin the patient experiences no warmth or
burning as a result of the laser. Although certain
nerves may be stimulated by the laser light,
most people feel nothing at all while a few may
feel a slight tingling during the treatment.
There are two general types of medical lasers:
high power lasers, which cut through tissue, and
low power lasers, which stimulate tissue repair.
This is referred to as photo-bio-stimulation.
Stimulation of tissue includes wound healing,
tissue repair, swelling reduction, increased blood
flow and pain reduction.
Treatments may last as little as 2 minutes or as
long as 20 minutes. The total number of
treatments required is usually 6 to 20,
depending on the body’s natural healing rate.
This will be different for each patient. The less
severe or acute the condition, the fewer number
of treatments required. The more severe of more
chronic the condition, the greater number of
treatments required.
Lasers used for tissue stimulation have
insufficient strength to damage cells. However,
as the laser beam is often invisible, the patient
should avoid staring directly into the beam as it
could irritate the retina and in sustained dosage
permanently damage the eye. After 30 years of
clinical use, low power lasers have not been
found to have any adverse effects or cause
cancer. In fact, lasers are proving useful in pain
management for chronic cancer patients.
While some patients get immediate results,
others usually require 3 to 6 treatments before
there is a lasting effect. Again, each patient will
respond differently according to his or her own
body’s natural healing rate.
When laser light interacts with tissue, it causes
certain photochemical reactions to occur and
stimulates natural biological processes. Many of
these reactions have beneficial effects on the
body which help to control pain and accelerate
Although it is recommended that you come in
daily for the first three visits, if this is not
possible, two to three times per week is usually
sufficient to maintain your cells in biostimulation.
Your clinician is best able to develop a schedule
tailored specifically to your condition.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Ailments Treatable by Therapeutic Laser Include:
Rheumatic pain and rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis (inflammation between the vertebrae of the spine and sacroiliac joints)
Buerger’s disease (inflammation of the arteries, nerves and veins in the legs and arms)
Osteoarthritis (degeneration of the cartilage that lines joints or formation of osteophytes (bony outgrowths)
Frozen shoulder
Radiculopathy (damage to the nerve roots that enter or leave the spinal cord)
Lumbago (lower back pain)
Occipital and trigeminal neuralgia (severe pain of the trigeminal nerve)
Headache and migraine pain
Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear)
Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses)
Cervical vertebral syndrome (pain in the neck joints)
Tennis epicondylitis (inflammation in the tendon that attaches the extensor muscles to the humerus
Golfer’s elbow (inflammation of the epicondyle (bony prominence) on the inner side of the elbow)
Tendonitis (inflammation of a tendon)
Bursitis (inflammation of a bursa – fluid filled pad that acts as a cushion at a pressure point in the body)
Tenosynovitis (inflammation of the cartilage directly behind the kneecap)
Sore heel cushion
Plantar fascitis (heel spurs or inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue of the foot)
Sciatica (pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve in the leg)
Morton’s metatarsalgia (pain in the metatarsal bones in the foot)
Post-operative pain
Diabetic neuropathy (inflammation of the peripheral nerves between the central nervous system and other
Neuralgia (pain associated by the irritation of damage of a nerve)
Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland)
Teitze’s syndrome (inflammation of the rib cartilage)
Muscular pains
Healing of wounds
Lessening of pain in geriatric wearing of joints
Accelerating the healing of a fracture
Sprains and Strains
Intercostal Neuralgia
Menstrual Pain – reduces pain, increases regularity in cycles
Immune System Modulation
Muscle regeneration
Nerve regeneration
Bone regeneration
Cerebral Palsy – reduces muscle spasm and increases the mobility of muscles
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Laser Photons and Pharmacological Treatments in Wound Healing
Farouk A.H. Al-Watban, MSc, PhD, and Bernard L. Andres, MT(AMT) Laser Medicine Research Section,
Biological and Medical Research Department, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The exploitation of photobiology in medicine has been of great interest to mankind. There is a growing interest
in the use of lasers for treatment purposes because of the photochemical alterations induced in biomolecules by
light energy. In this paper we present our data on laser biostimulation, the combination of pharmacological
treatments SolcoserylTM (SS) and PolygenTM (PG) with light therapy using in-vitro and in-vivo models. Invitro experiments indicate the ability of laser photons and pharmacological agents SS or PG to augment or
abate the cloning efficiency of various cell lines. In-vivo studies focused on the dosimetry of various laser
wavelengths and the use of wound healing drugs and 632.8nm laser in wound healing. The application of
pharmacological treatments combined with laser therapy reveals the utility of light-drug treatment
combinations. Given the ever-increasing cost of medical care, the burden incurred on patients, caregivers and
society, this line of research fulfills the increasing need to develop treatment methods that enhance wound
healing, especially in situations involving resistance to healing.
The Biological Effects of Laser Therapy and Other Physical Modalities on
Connective Tissue Repair Processes
Chukuka S. Enwemeka, P.T., Ph.D., FACSM, G. Kesava Reddy, Ph.D., Department of Physical Therapy
and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS 66160-7601, USA
Connective tissue injuries, such as tendon rupture and ligamentous strains, are common. Unlike most soft
tissues that require 7-10 days to heal, primary healing of tendons and other dense connective tissues take as
much as 6 - 8 weeks during which they are inevitably protected in immobilization casts to avoid re-injury.
Such long periods of immobilization impair functional rehabilitation and predispose a multitude of
complications that could be minimized if healing is quickened and the duration of cast immobilization
reduced. In separate studies, we tested the hypothesis that early function, ultrasound, 632.8 nm He-Ne laser,
and 904 nm Ga-As laser, when used singly or in combination, promote healing of experimentally severed and
repaired rabbit Achilles tendons as evidenced by biochemical, biomechanical, and morphological indices of
healing. Our results demonstrate that: (1) appropriate doses of each modality, i.e., early functional activities,
ultrasound, He-Ne and Ga-As laser therapy augment collagen synthesis, modulate maturation of newly
synthesized collagen, and overall, enhance the biomechanical characteristics of the repaired tendons. (2)
Combinations of either of the two lasers with early function and either ultrasound or electrical stimulation
further promote collagen synthesis when compared to functional activities alone. However, the biomechanical
effects measured in tendons receiving the multi-therapy were similar, i.e., not better than the earlier single
modality trials. Although tissue repair processes in humans may differ from that of rabbits, these findings
suggest that human cases of connective tissue injuries, e.g., Achilles tendon rupture, may benefit from
appropriate doses of He-Ne laser, Ga-As laser, and other therapeutic modalities, when used singly or in
combination. Our recent meta-analysis of the laser therapy literature further corroborate these findings.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Thermographic Study of Low Level Laser Therapy for Acute-Phase Injury
Yoshimi Asagai, M.D.1, Atsuhiro Imakiire, M.D.2, Toshio Ohshiro, M.D.3, 1. Shinano Handicapped
Children’s Hospital Shimosuwa, Nagano, Japan 2. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tokyo Medical
University Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan 3. Japan Medical Laser Laboratory, Shinanomachi, Tokyo, Japan
Acute-phase injury is generally treated by localized cooling of the region, and rarely by the active use of low
level laser therapy (LLLT) in Japan. Thermographic studies of acute-phase injury revealed that circulatory
disturbances at the site of trauma occurred due to swelling and edema on the day following the injury, and that
skin temperature was high at the site of the trauma and low at the periphery. Following LLLT, circulatory
disturbances rapidly improved, while temperature in the high temperature zone around the site of trauma fell
by 3 degrees on the average, but at the periphery the low temperature rose by 3 degrees on the average to
nearly normal skin temperature. Clinically, swelling and edema improved. LLLT was also useful in treating
necrosis of the skin in the wound area and in accelerating healing of surgical wounds of paralytic feet, which
are prone to delayed, wound healing and also wounds due to spoke injury. LLLT is useful in treating swelling
and edema in acute-phase injury and in accelerating healing of surgical wounds.
Advances in Laser Therapy for Bone Repair
A. Barber 1, JE. Luger 1, A. Karpf 1 , Kh. Salame 2 , B. Shlomi 3,G. Kogan 3, M. Nissan 4, M. Alon 5, and
S. Rochkind 2,6.
1Foot & Ankle Unit, Departments of Orthopedic Surgery "B", Departments of 2Neurosurgery, 3Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, and 5Rehabilitation, 6Division of Peripheral Nerve Reconstruction, Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv University; 4Ben Gurion University, Israel.
During the last decade, it was discovered that low-power laser irradiation has stimulatory effects on bone cell
proliferation and gene expression. The purposes of this review are to analyze the effects of low- power laser
irradiation on bone cells and bone fracture repair, to examine what has been done so far, and to explore the
additional works needed in this area. The studies reviewed show how laser therapy can be used to enhance
bone repair at cell and tissue levels. As noted by researchers, laser properties, the combinations of wavelength
and energy dose need to be carefully chosen so as to yield bone stimulation. With better study designs, the
results will be more credible, allowing for greater recognition of advances in bone repair using laser therapy.
Many studies on the effects of laser therapy on bone healing and fracture repair have used biochemical and
histological methods. However, in order to establish the effects of laser treatment on bone, additional studies
need to be performed using biomechanical tests, the ultimate evidence of bone repair. Finally, future studies
are needed to demonstrate that the same bone stimulation effects occurring in animals may also be seen in
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Attenuation and Penetration of Visible 632.8nm and Invisible Infrared
904nm Light In Soft Tissues
Chukuka S. Enwemeka, Ph.D., FACSM Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences,
University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, and Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, Kansas City, MO, U.S.A.
We studied the depth of penetration and the magnitude of attenuation of 632.8nm and 904nm light in skin,
muscle, tendon, and cartilagenous tissues of live anaesthetized rabbits. Tissue specimens were dissected,
prepared, and their thicknesses measured. Then, each wavelength of light was applied. Simultaneously, a
power meter was used to detect and measure the amount of light transmitted through each tissue. All
measurements were made in the dark to minimize interference from extraneous light sources. To determine the
influence of pulse rate on beam attenuation, the 632.8nm light was used at two predetermined settings of the
machine; continuous mode and 100 pulses per second (pps), at an on:off ratio of 1:1. Similarly, the 904nm
infra-red light was applied using two predetermined machine settings: 292 pps and 2,336 pps. Multiple
regression analysis of the data obtained showed significant positive correlations between tissue thickness and
light attenuation (p < .001). Student's t-tests revealed that beam attenuation was significantly affected by
wavelength. Collectively, our findings warrant the conclusions that (1) The calf muscles of the New Zealand
white rabbit attenuates light in direct proportion to its thickness. In this tissue, light attenuation is not
significantly affected by the overlying skin, a finding which may be applicable to other muscles. (2) The depth
of penetration of a 632.8nm and 904nm light is not related to the average power of the light source. The depth
of penetration is the same notwithstanding the average power of the light source. (3) Compared to the 904nm
wavelength, 632.8nm light is attenuated more by muscle tissue, suggesting that is absorbed more readily than
the 904nm wavelength or conversely that the 904nm wavelength penetrates more. Thus, wavelength plays a
critical role in the depth of penetration of light.
Biomodulation Effects on Cell Mitosis After Laser Irradiation Using
Different Wavelengths
R. Sroka, C. Fuchs, M. Schaffer, U. Schrader-Reichardt, M. Busch, T. Pongratz, R. Baumgartner LFL
Laser – Research Laboratory – Clinic of Urology and Clinic of Radiotherapy, University Munic, FRG
The biostimulative effects on cell mitosis induced by laser light at different wavelengths in cell cultures was
investigated. Murine skeletal fibroblasts (C2), normal urothelial cells (HCV29), human squamous carcinoma
cell line of the mouth (ZMK) and urothelial carcinoma cells (J82) were irradiated with laser light at ^=488,
630, 640 and 805+25 pm using a computer controlled irradiation chamber. The irradiance was set to
10mW/cm(2) and 100mW/cm(2), while the irradiation varied between 2 and 201/cm(2). The mitotic was
determined by single cell counting after Orecein staining 24h post irradiation. The mitotic rate showed a
wavelength dependency with maxima at ^=635 and 805+nm for HCV29 and J82 cells. While the mitotic rate
of C2 and J82 cells has the maximum value at about 41/cm(2), the maximum was at about 81/cm(2). ZMK
cells showed no increase. At ^=805+25pm C2 and ZMK cells showed slight decrease in the mitotic rate after
irradiation with 201/cm(2). An irradiation of 10mW/cm(2) was more effective than with 100m/Wcm(2). The
biostimulation of the mitotic rate of both normal and tumor cells depends on the wavelength, irradiation and
irradiance on the cell line. The wavelength dependency in the ^=630 to 640nm range could indicate a
participation of endogenous porphyrins. Because the results show stimulative as well as inhibiting effects it
should be considered to change the term biostimulation into “biomodulation.” Information Application:
Supports laser induced biomodulation
Stimulation and Inhibition Effect of Lasers for Wound Healing on Rats
Farouk AH Al-Watban, Msc PHD and Xing Y Zhang, M.D. Laser Research, KFSH&RC, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
The comparison of wound healing stimulation effects on rats using HeCd, Argon, He Ne, and GaAIAs lasers
(for 0.39 cm 2 wound size and three times per week treatment schedule) were carried out. The inhibition effect
of low power Argon laser of wound healing was also investigated. The results showed that the % of
acceleration in healing days were of 15.09, 22.93, 23.21 and 20.37 in 442nm, 514nm, 632nm, 786nm and
830nm at the incident dose of 20 J/cm 2 , respectively. The results also suggested that He Ne laser with 632nm
was the most effective in promoting wound healing in all wavelength used in this study. The inhibitory effect
of low power Argon laser showed the zero bioactivation at the incident dose of 80 J/cm 2 and the deceleration
in healing days was –8.65% at the incident dose of 130 J/cm 2.
Computerized Morphometric Assessment of the Effect of Low Level
Laser Therapy on Bone Repair: an Experimental Animal Study
Silva Júnior AN, Pinheiro AL, Oliveira MG, Weismann R, Ramalho LM, Nicolau RA. J Clin Laser Med
Surg. 2002; 20: 83-87
The aim of this study was to evaluate morphometrically the amount of newly formed bone after GaAlAs laser
irradiation of surgical wounds created in the femur of rats. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been used in
several medical specialties because of its biomodulatory effects on different biological tissues. However,
LLLT is still controversial because of contradictory reports. This is a direct result of the different
methodologies used in these works. In this study, 40 Wistar rats were divided into four groups of 10 animals
each: group A (12 sessions, 4.8 J/cm2 per session, observation time of 28 days); group C (three sessions, 4.8
J/cm2 per session, observation time of 7 days). Groups B and D acted as nonirradiated controls. The specimens
were routinely processed to wax and cut at 6-microm thickness and stained with H&E. For computerized
morphometry, Imagelab software was used. RESULTS: Computerized morphometry showed a significant
difference between the areas of mineralized bone in groups C and D (p = 0.017). There was no difference
between groups A and B (28 days; p = 0.383).
Therapeutic Low Energy Laser Improves the Mechanical Strength of
Repairing Medial Collateral Ligament
Fung DT, Ng GY, Leung MC, Tay DK. Lasers Surg Med. 2002; 31:91-96.
Twenty-four rats received surgical transection to their right MCL and eight received sham operation. After
surgery, 16 received a single dose of gallium aluminum arsenide laser to their transected MCL for 7.5 minutes
(n = 8) or 15 minutes (n = 8) and eight served as control with placebo laser, while the sham group didn't
receive any treatment. The MCLs were biomechanically tested at either 3 or 6 weeks post-operation. The
normalized ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and stiffness of laser and sham groups were larger than control (P <
0.001). The UTS of laser and sham groups were comparable. Laser and sham groups had improved in stiffness
from 3 to 6 weeks (P < 0.001). A single dose of low energy laser therapy improves the UTS and stiffness of
repairing MCL at 3 and 6 weeks after injury.
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
Research Summary
Laser Stimulation of 630-640nm Promotes:
Wound Healing – Various studies suggest that laser therapy is effective for reducing wound size and
accelerating healing time.
Nerve Regeneration – Various studies have demonstrated the regenerative effects that laser has on
damaged spinal cord and peripheral nerve tissue.
Biomodulation – Refers to the balancing effect that laser therapy has on tissue. It stimulates damaged
tissue towards repair and inhibits hyper-active tissue.
Cellular Oxygenation – Research suggests that coherent (laser) light of 630nm is released during DNA
Cellular Detoxification – Research suggests that coherent (laser) light of 634nm is released during
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638
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City __________________________________________ State/Prov. _________________ Zip/Postal Code _________________
Phone (________) _____________________________________ Fax (________) _______________________________________
Shipping Address
Name _________________________________________ Suffix _________ Clinic _____________________________________
Shipping Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________ State/Prov. _________________ Zip/Postal Code _________________
Phone (________) _____________________________________ Fax (________) _______________________________________
Laser Product Description
Quantum IV™ Laser (includes carrying case and protective eyewear) LED capable
Quantum II™ Laser (includes carrying case and protective eyewear) LED capable
Excalibur™ (includes carrying case and protective eyewear) NOT LED capable
Quantum IV™ upgrade
Quantum Infrared™ LED upgrade
Quantum LED™ upgrade
Protective Eyewear
Quantum IV and II Lasers:
Two year warranty on parts and labor, 30-day, 100% money back guarantee, delivery
approximately three days after receipt of order, shipping = $35.00 per unit
Unit Price
Tax (CO only)
Total Price
Payment Information
Form of Payment:
 Check Enclosed
 Visa
 MasterCard
 Discover
 American
Credit Card # ___________________________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________________
Credit Card 3 or 4 Digit Code ______________________________________________
Name on Card / Cardholder Signature ____________________________________________________________________________
2950 S. Jamaica Ct., Suite 201, Aurora, CO 80014, Phone: 303-755-0112 Fax: 303-755-3022 Toll Free: 877-315-8638