EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 7TH GRADE WITH MRS. ABBOTT Hi! Welcome to 7th grade. I look forward to getting to know each of you this year. Here is some information to help you get off to a positive start. CLASS 1. 2. 3. EXPECTATIONS Arrive on time to class, ready to learn. Bring all materials. Respect the rights and property of others. WHAT YOU’LL BE LEARNING THIS YEAR Language Arts—As you might expect, we will be writing, reading and speaking. We will be also learning new vocabulary. In your outside reading this year you will be challenged to read different genres of books. We will be writing every day in class and will follow the writing process when completing writing pieces. As you probably remember, the writing process consists of prewriting, rough draft, editing, final piece and publishing. Social Studies—We have a lot to cover this year. The topics that are part of the curriculum are: Medieval Europe, The Rise of Islam, The Cultures and Kingdoms of West Africa, Imperial China, Japan During Medieval Times, Civilizations of the Americas. Europe’s Renaissance and Reformation, Europe Enters the Modern Age. Students will receive an Interactive Notebook to go along with the History Alive social studies text book. We will also be keeping up with world events this year. Students will report on one world event each week. LOCKERS Lockers will be given out in homeroom as soon as you return your locker contract. HALL PASSES Sign out on the clipboard and take the Abbott Hall Pass if you need to use the restroom. Do not leave class when direct teaching is going on or when students are presenting. As 7th graders I know you can limit your time out of the classroom. SUPPLIES FOR BLOCK A three-ring binder with a divider for social studies and language arts. Notebook paper Pens and pencils(black or blue) Colored pencils or pens Glue stick A spiral notebook Composition book A silent reading book Flash drive A REMINDER OF A FEW OLD SCHOOL RULES Backpacks are to be left in your locker during the school day. Come to class on time. Three times tardy will result in lunch detention. Leave electronics at home. Cell phones should be turned off during the school day. Be respectful of staff and students DAILY WORK When students arrive in class each day, they will have a "start of the day routine". This will consist of a writing prompt or a grammar activity and vocabulary word. Students will put mo this information in a "Daily Work" spiral notebook. As part of the current event assignment, students will have the chance to orally share one current event each week. Assignments can be typed or completed in pencil or pen(black or blue). should be typed or written in black or blue ink. All final pieces Head your papers in the upper right hand corner of your paper. Include the following: Name Mrs. Abbott Date Title of Assignment GRADING POLICY You will be earning letter grades this year in block. You will receive a grade for language arts and for social studies. Your grades will be based on class work, major projects, tests, and class participation. Grading scale is as follows: A-90-100 B-80-89 C-70-79 D-55-69 F-under 55 Each assignment will have a point value. The requirements and the point value will be given when students receive an assignment. Grades will be posted on snapgrades.com, an online grading service. Parents will receive training on how to access the site during BACK to SCHOOL NIGHT on Thursday, September 17 from 7-9 P.M. HOMEWORK I require that you read 2 hours(120 minutes) each week outside of class. You will be recording your reading in a literature journal and then will be responding to a weekly reading prompt. The literature journals will be collected each Thursday. Books need to be completed by the following dates: October 1, October 22, November 12 and December 2. There will be no literature journal due on those days. There will be a book talk and book review. On November 12, students will complete a book project instead of the book review. The weekly current event assignment is due each Tuesday. Turn homework in on the assigned due date. Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late work will be accepted only with a LATE WORK coupon. I will give each of you 3 LATE WORK coupons each trimester. Homework will be posted on sellwoodmiddleschool.org . Just hook into Mrs. Abbott’s blog. SAVING YOUR WORK Your graded work should be filed in you 3-ring binder under the appropriate subject. You will also have a file in the classroom that you can put your graded assignments if your notebook gets too full. Do not throw your work away. At the end of each trimester, you will select some of your work to include in your Sellwood portfolio. QUESTIONS? If you would like to chat with me, the best times are before school between 8:30 and 9 A.M., during lunch, during 3rd period or after school. If you need help or need clarification on an assignment we can meet. We will arrange a time that will work for both of us. My email is nabbott@pps.k12.or.us, so you can also communicate with me that way. Here's wishing you a happy and productive 7th grade year! Mrs. Abbott ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 7TH GRADE WITH MRS. ABBOTT. ______________________________ Parent Signature __________________________________ Student Signature Print Student’s Name____________________________________________________ Comments: September 8, 2009 Dear Parents, I would like to welcome you and your child to 7th grade at Sellwood Middle School. We will be learning about world history and culture as well as reading, writing and speaking. This class will have students practice skills that will prepare them to be a productive citizen in today’s world. As you know, the partnership between the student, parent and teacher is essential. As a parent, ask questions about what happened in school. I encourage you to talk to your child about the world events they will be presenting in class. Inquire about what your child is reading. They will be reading for 2 hours each week outside of class. Your continued interest in your child’s school life will make the year more meaningful. In order to get the most out of this year, students should turn in all work. They should write assignments in a planner. The school will provide a Sellwood planner for each student. Assignments will also be posted on the sellwoodmiddle.org. If a student is absent, this is a good way to find the missed assignments. The missed work needs to be made up. We will agree on a reasonable date for that. Attached you will find EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 7TH GRADE WITH MRS. ABBOTT which gives more information about this year. Please sign the end of this and return that to me. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with your child this year! See you at Back to School Night on September 17. I have included an easy reference list for a few important items. September 17-Family BBQ and Back to School Night Nancy Abbott email nabbott@pps.k12.or.us Nancy Abbott phone 916-5656(Sellwood’s number) Nancy Abbott voice mail 916-2000 extension 70626 Homework postings sellwoodmiddleschool.org Grade postings snapgrades.net Training at Back to School Night. Sincerely, Nancy Abbott