Fourth Grade Curriculum Outline

Fourth Grade Curriculum Outline
Mrs. Stephanie Badulak
Reading/ Language Arts Program:
Rigby Literacy By Design- Balanced Literacy Series
Read 180
Supplemented by literature selections: trade books (novels), teacher read aloud
Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop
Example Novel List:
Bartleby of the Mighty Mississippi, Phyllis Shalant
Sarah, Plain and Tall, Patricia MacLachlan
Skylark, Patricia MacLachlan (sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall)
Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White
Search for Delicious, Natalie Babbitt
What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin?, Jean Fritz
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, Eleanor Coerr
Number the Stars, Lois Lowry
Shiloh, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
The Ballad of Lucy Whipple, Karen Cushman
Maniac Magee, Jerry Spinelli
The Eyes of the Amaryllis, Natalie Babbitt
The Hundred Dresses, Eleanor Estes
Donovan’s Word Jar, Monalisa DeGross
The Big Wave, Pearl S. Buck
Aldo Applesauce, Joanna Hurwitz
The Society of Super Secret Heroes:The Great Cape Rescue Phyllis Shalant
Clara’s Story, Clara Issacman
See district list and Reading Olympics list for other selections
Independent Reading- home, each child expected to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day and in class
Responsive Writing- creative and question based (reading response journals)
Creative Writing- student centered, poetry, folktales, stories (class publishing)
Spelling- previews and reviews- instruction designed to improve writing across the curriculum- emphasis
on no excuse words, regular weekly words and challenge words
Research Reports- research done in class
Book Reports- handout given to student end of September
Writing Portfolio
Mathematics Program:
Everyday Math
Variety of Workbooks (Student Math Journal, Study Link, Skills Link) in class unit tests, timed fact tests- 4
minutes per test in 4th grade (95-100% = a check, 80-94 % = an I, 79 % and below + a U.
Reasoning, problem solving, communication, connections
Manipulatives, journals, computers, calculators
Math maintenance, math enrichment
Emphasis on Problem-Solving and writing about math
Problems/ process
Social Studies Program:
Map skills, 50 states, Africa, Australia, Explorers
A variety of folk literature as well as informational texts will be used to explore these units.
Foss Science Program:
Electricity & Magnetism
Earth Materials
No texts- instruction based on experiments and observations
Interdisciplinary- related to Reading, Math and Social Studies
Gym- Mr. Lauch
Health- Mr. Lauch
Art- Mrs. Foran
Music/Chorus- Mrs. Findley
Library- Mrs. Shepper
Reading Support- Mrs. Infanti
Instrumental Music- Mrs. McCaffrey, Ms. Murr
Contact me with any questions at any time!
Phone: 215 364-5970 ex. 11348
Child responsibility and accountability
Behavior expectations relate to class reward and consequence system
Effort, participation
Tests, projects