PUPIL SUPERVISION GUIDANCE PUPILS’ ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Pupils may arrive at school from 7.50am, those who are not going to breakfast club must sign in at the office and wait in the gallery until 8.15am when they may proceed to the locker room and their classrooms. Students are expected to go home by 6.00pm unless they are staying late for a function or evening class. Pupils are not allowed on site without supervision. At least one member of staff is always present on duty in order to supervise pupils whenever they are in the school outside normal school hours. All members of the teaching staff are expected to take their share of break and lunchtime supervisory duties. Staff are on duty in all boarding houses in the evenings. Pupils are able to call on a member of staff at any time if necessary. As departure times vary the following procedure is in operation. Early Years pupils are collected from either the Kindergarten or their form teacher by their parents. Years 1 and 2 are collected from the door nearest their classroom and are handed over to their parents by their teacher. Years 3 to 6 are collected from the Early Years Playground from the Junior member of staff on Duty. Seniors may depart from the back door between 4.00 and 4.15pm. After this time they must attend prep and be collected from the member of staff on duty. Students who are collected after 5.15pm must sign in with the evening supervisor who will then ensure that they are collected by their parent. The main duty times are: Early morning duty (7.00am – 8.30am) Break duty Lunch-time duty Prep duty (4.15-5.15) After-school duty (5.15pm – 7.30pm) Arrangements are made to ensure pupils are supervised during play and concert rehearsals, or other events that bring small groups into school out of hours. Members of the PE Department supervise pupils on both home and away matches. Reviewed: September 2015 Next Review: November 2015 1 Date: 05 February 2016 Boarding Pupils For the purpose of this policy, the Boarding House will be defined as a separate area to the main school building. The area will include the main upstairs lobby, the pupils’ sitting room, the House parent’s office, all bedrooms and bathrooms immediately off the main boarding corridor. At the beginning of each term boarding pupils are reminded of the requirement for House staff to know where they will be at any given time outside of normal school hours. Requirements are reinforced regularly throughout the term. House staff will ensure that flexi-boarders are made aware of procedures as they come to spend ad-hoc nights in the House. Boarding pupils will be registered in the House diary each morning before breakfast and in the evening as they arrive back after school. Where a pupil leaves school for an unscheduled but authorised reason during the normal school day, and expects not to return to the House immediately at 5.15pm, office staff will inform the Housemistress so that she will not expect the pupil back. Boarding staff must inform the main school office as soon as possible where a pupil does not leave the House in the morning to go into school for any reason, such as illness, an their Form tutor will be expecting them to be in pre-school registration, Parents and guardians are encouraged to inform House staff via telephone or e-mail if their son or daughter will be absent from the Boarding house for any reason in the evening after she has been registered in the morning. Parents or guardians wishing to take a pupil out of school in the evening must inform House staff beforehand and must come up to the Boarding house when collecting and returning them. House staff will not permit a boarder to leave the House with anyone other than a parent or guardian, unless authorisation is given to the member of staff by a parent or guardian. Staff will make regular checks on the whereabouts of each pupil in the House throughout the evening, although pupils are expected to inform staff before leaving the Boarding House for any reason. Boarders are expected to sign out and sign back in when leaving and returning to the House. Junior boarders must be accompanied by a member of staff or a senior boarder if they leave the House at any time except when they go to, or return from school at the start or end of the school day. Pupils involved in ‘after school’ activities are expected to return to the House to sign themselves out, stating where they will be within the school premises, and the duration of the activity. A daily sheet is always accessible in the lobby of the Boarding House. During the Spring and Summer, boarding pupils are encouraged to spend time outside of the House and the main school building, to take part in recreational activities and lawn games. This will be at the discretion of House staff, but Junior boarders and pupils deemed to have an impaired awareness of their own personal safety will never be outside unless accompanied by a member of the House staff or a senior responsible boarder. The clearly defined boundaries as to where pupils may and may not go whilst outside will be constantly reinforced, but in general all except Years 12 and 13, will be expected to remain visible to House staff by using the front lawns of the school grounds only. Pupils will not be allowed out in the school grounds after dusk. All pupils are checked ten minutes after their allotted ‘lights out’ time when they have gone to bed, so that staff can ensure that they are settled in their bedroom. Younger pupils are checked at regular intervals until they have gone to sleep. Reviewed: September 2015 Next Review: November 2015 2 Date: 05 February 2016 Staff will check every bedroom, do a final head count and complete the Fire Exit Register as a last duty before they themselves retire. In the mornings, each pupil is expected to see a member of the House staff before leaving for school, no earlier than 8.15am. At 8.30 am staff will check throughout the Boarding house to ensure that pupils do not remain in the House without authorisation. Pupils who are new to the school or are at junior level will be accompanied to their classroom or sent with an older, experienced Boarder, at the staff’s discretion. Should a member of the Boarding house be perceived to be missing the missing child procedure will be followed. REGISTRATION We take a register of pupils at the start of the morning and at the end of the afternoon sessions. Parents are responsible for notifying the school if their child is absent for any reason. The school will always contact the parent if a child fails to arrive at school without an explanation. Early Years - We operate identical registration procedures to the main school; but in addition, we will only release a child at the end of his or her session into the care of a parent or other individual whose name has been notified to us in writing in advance. MEDICAL SUPPORT A number of members of the teaching staff and non-teaching staff, are trained and qualified as First Aiders are able to give emergency first aid. We always make sure that a qualified paediatric first aider is on duty whilst our Early Years children are in school. First aid boxes are in all potentially high risk areas, as well as in the School Office. SUPERVISION DURING EDUCATIONAL VISITS The arrangements for the supervision of pupils during educational visits and trips out of schools are described in our policy: “Educational Visits.” UNSUPERVISED ACCESS BY PUPILS Pupils are not allowed into the swimming pool without a qualified member of staff in charge, nor are they allowed to use athletic equipment and climbing frames without supervision. Pupils are expected to follow reasonable instructions given to them by teachers or by qualified leaders in adventurous activities. We ensure that pupils do not have unsupervised access to potentially dangerous areas, such as the swimming pool and the science laboratories. All flammables are kept securely locked in appropriate storage facilities. Pupils do not have access to the Grounds, Maintenance, Catering and Caretaking areas of the school. EYFS PUPILS The arrangements for the supervision of EYFS pupils in the Nursery Department of the school are set out in our policy: “Information for Parents of EYFS Children”. SECURITY, ACCESS CONTROL AND WORKPLACE SAFETY Reviewed: September 2015 Next Review: November 2015 3 Date: 05 February 2016 Our policy: “Security, Access Control Workplace Safety and Lone Working” describes the arrangements for safety of the entire school. STAFF INDUCTION All new members of the teaching staff receive a thorough induction into the school’s expectations of the appropriate levels of pupil supervision. Guidance is given on areas within the buildings and grounds that should be regularly checked when on duty outside normal lesson times, and is available in the staff handbook. This policy applies to all children including boarders and those in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Reviewed: September 2015 Next Review: November 2015 4 Date: 05 February 2016