BOTHELL HIGH SCHOOL ASB Leadership Class Mrs. Dani Mundell 425.408.7026 CLASS PURPOSE To provide opportunities for students to grow personally, to learn and develop leadership skills, and to effectively work in groups by planning and conducting authentic activities both during and outside of school time and through other structured classroom activities. PHILOSOPHY OF ASB CLASS: Leadership skills are best learned through “hands-on” activities. The ASB Leadership Class will consist primarily of these kinds of activities. The time we spend in “Academic Leadership” is intended to help make our first time at any project more successful. We will learn from our mistakes – “Failure Leads to Success: - and they will be learning experiences. Events and meetings are organized and planned by using personal abilities and applying the principles learned in the academic setting. It is here; doing the actual project that leadership students will find out what works and what does not. BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS Planning and implementing school activities requires students to spend time accomplishing tasks in both supervised and unsupervised situations. It is imperative that students are able to act in a mature and responsible way when accomplishing these tasks. A large part of becoming an effective leader is the ability to stay on task and to be self-motivated without direct supervision. For this reason, the standards for behavior in the leadership class exceed those of other classroom situations. If a student proves him or herself to be irresponsible or unable to act in a mature way in either a supervised or an unsupervised setting, or if a students abuses the privileges accorded leadership students (hall passes, absences, the use of supplies, interaction with other staff members, etc.) s/he will be disciplined according to the Northshore Leadership Code. If a student is removed from the class after the appropriate deadline, the student may receive an “F” for his or her semester grade. STRUCTURE The class will include class assignments, group and individual projects, and very active involvement in serving Bothell High School and the surrounding community. A significant requirement for this class is participation in activities beyond the school day, for example setting up for homecoming, helping at dances, and CLEAN UP after many such events. Although it is understood that no one student can be at every event, it is expected that each will be a productive presence at most of them. Service is an important part of being a leader. A leader looks out for the needs of others and looks for opportunities to meet those needs. Since students in the advanced Leadership Class will be working cooperatively as members of a team it is important that the following occurs: o Follow through on specific responsibilities while working in groups. o If it is necessary to be absent, students are required to call the phone number above and let Mrs. Mundell know that you will be absent. You would expect to do that at a job – you are expected to do that as a leader. o If you have taken work home that needs to be completed by classmates – make sure that you call someone to pick up your material to bring to class so that we can use our time efficiently. ATTENDANCE Attendance is extremely important in the learning process. This class entails active participation so being in class and on time is not only respectful but beneficial to your peers. 1. Refer to school policy regarding total absences allowed before grade is withheld. 2. Students entering the class as / after the bell rings are considered tardy. 3. Any part of an assembly, project or class assignment is due on the due date – if you are absent make sure that you make plans to get your information to class. ABSENCES FROM OTHER CLASSES: Occasionally in the course of ASB leadership activities students may request to miss another academic class to carry out their leadership responsibilities. Permission to do so is ENTIRELY at the discretion of the teacher whose class you wish to miss. In order for Mrs. Mundell to excuse the absence, a student must get permission from the teacher of the class s/he wishes to miss PRIOR to missing the class. If a student skips a class to do leadership class business and s/he does not have PRIOR permission from that teacher, Mrs. Mundell will NOT write a note and the absence will be UNEXCUSED. Participations Points: In order to make a difference, you must be on-time and present. To be fully present, you must also be ON-TASK. You will be graded on your level of participation. Do you find ways to help others? Are you self-motivated and involved? Have you completed your “HOMEWORK” if you have not completed a project during class time? Each Semester you will start with full credit- 100points, I will deduct as follows: o Not on task – each time you are spoken too - 2 points o Tardy - 4 points o Not text/call-in for class absences - 6 points o Unexcused absence - 10 points ** Please note, these points CANNOT be made up LEARNING OUTCOMES I. General Concepts: The student will: a. Know that people tend to support what they help create. b. Will experience a sense of service by contributing something worthwhile to their world. c. Have learned that everybody is somebody; appreciating all types of diversity d. Will maintain balance between work, family and personal life. e. Will have learned to appreciate the importance of the process (in addition to the product.) f. Will understand that values vary from person to person. g. Set short and long term personal goals. h. Maintain a leadership performance portfolio. i. Maintain healthy self-esteem and confidence. j. Identify and manage stress. II. Group Techniques: The student will be able to: a. Solve a problem through a logical process. b. Make a decision through a logical process. c. Brainstorm effectively followed by prioritization. d. Learn that a group decision is better than the decision of one person. e. Plan a project III. Group Skills: The student will be able to: a. Identify numerous group roles and determine their effectiveness b. Use actions which support positive group process. c. Recognize and understand the responsibilities of individual group members. d. Recognize and manage a conflict within a group. e. Use basic parliamentary procedure. IV. Communication Skills: The student will be able to: a. Make a presentation in front of an audience of at least 50 people. b. Make an effective visual display. c. Use tact and interact courteously with the community as a representative of Bothell High School. d. Mediate and negotiate solutions between people, e. Communicate with staff in a responsible / respectful manner. INDICATORS OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES: a. Project planning c. Project implementation e. Project evaluation g. Check lists and “To Do Boards” i. Leadership Notebook b. d. f. h. Timelines Project completion Personal reflection Public Presentation REQUIRED PROJECTS & PARTICIPATION: I. Present a 50 minute leadership lesson / activity. A word-processed summary and evaluation are required. II. Effective Leaders Speech Project III. Be actively involved in all the projects the class takes on. IV. Be actively involved in a community service project w/ ASB Leadership Class. GRADING: Since this class is one of leadership skill development, attendance and promptness is essential. Leadership Class is also a place of positive attitude, servanthood, and enthusiasm. This is not always a tangible area, but will be part of the grade. Also included in the grade will be the teacher’s evaluation of how the student works when given the time to work, being self-directed. (Is the student just sitting around or working productively? If the student doesn’t have a task to do is he or she looking for a positive task or is he or she distracting others?) Grading will also include dressing up for spirit days, including every Blue Black and White Friday. The following breakdown is an approximation of how each student’s grade will be determined: Projects, Assignments, Notebook and JOB Attitude, Enthusiasm, and Participation Bothell Hours (Community, Homecoming, spirit spotlights, work days) Clean up 50% 20% 20% 10% THE NOTEBOOK The Leadership Class notebook (3-ring binder) will be left with the instructor about once every two months for grading. The notebook will have at least three clearly marked sections. This syllabus should be in the Assignments and Projects section. Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 JOB Assignments and Projects Bothell hours log STUDENT PLANNER It is required that you have with you (and use!) a planner. If you prefer a different daily planner than the one Bothell sells, you can substitute a different one. This will be checked from time to time for a grade. QUOTES Students must have 2 quotes prepared by their assigned day to present to the class. The class must copy the quote down and respond in their journal section about their reflection of the quote. Quotes will be discussed daily as time allows. BOTHELL HOURS Being a part of ASB means supporting Bothell. Each quarter you will be required to have a certain amount of Bothell Service hours. The amount may vary and Mrs. Mundell will tell you at the beginning of each quarter. Hours can include time spent at games, service events, after school club activities, set up for dances etc. Spirit spotlights are double hours. SPIRIT SPOTLIGHTS Your job as a leader is to support all activities at Bothell. During the year you are required to attend spirit spotlight events. As the year continues you will be given the spirit spotlight dates and a handout to put in your assignments section of your notebook. These will count as a part of your Bothell Service Hours. ASB ROOM CLEAN UP Students will be in groups of 2-3 and assigned weeks to clean. You are required to initial each task you complete each day for points. This is part of your 10% clean up grade. Student: I have read the Leadership class outline and behavior expectations. I have shared this contract with my parent(s) or guardian(s). I understand the condition and standards for grading in the Leadership class and the behavior expectations Mrs. Mundell has of me. I realize that I must make the effort to participate in activities in order to receive the grade that I would like in the class. I also understand that it is my responsibility to keep track of my progress in the Leadership course and to manage my time in a mature manner. Finally, I understand that it is my responsibility to furnish materials and/or documents verifying my participation in activities in order to receive credit for participation. Student Name Printed date Student Signature PARENT OR GAURDIAN: I am very excited to start this semester. The Leadership class has many events coming up here at Bothell High School and I am looking forward to working with your son/daughter! I have outlined the course, the grading procedures, and the behavior expectations in the documents that your student is sharing with you. Please take a moment to go over the course outline and expectations. Please note especially the time outside of school that is required of your student. Working with the community in which they live is an essential piece of building leadership skills in our young people. You are welcome to supervise your student at any of these events. I appreciate your time since your support is essential as we begin the new year. I hope that this information is helpful and that you feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have. My phone number is (425) 408-7026 and I can usually be reached between 11:00 – 2:00 PM, or by email at . Thank you very much. Sincerely, Dani Mundell Leadership Teacher/ Activities Coordinator Parent Name Printed date Parent Signature Parents: Please go to the following Link to fill out my online contact form so I can easily contact with you with ASB updates.