PARENTS VISITING CLASSROOMS SURVEY There was quite a variety of responses to the questions. Some schools do not allow parents to visit while some schools welcome them with open arms. I have posted all of the responses that I received. We generally allow the parents to come in anytime they wish. We do prefer advance contact with the teacher. I have worked at allaying teacher concerns about this by ensuring them that the parent is not their supervisor. The purpose of their visit is to watch their child and their classroom and not make judgments about the instruction of the trained professional. My teachers know I trust them, and they have my support. (I have a great staff!) I would venture that this attitude has built confidence in my staff, which actually makes the parents feel more comfortable. We have specific directions that parents are to enter quietly and sit at the back of the room until the teacher may address them. They are not in anyway to disrupt the instruction. We also inform the teacher by intercom or phone that they have a visitor before we send them down. The parents have also been informed that they must make an appointment for a conference that is convenient for the teacher. They may not have an on demand conference unless the teacher approves it. Part of what makes this easier is that we have a number of volunteer parents in our building everyday. Everyone is comfortable enough with their presence. Though not always true, the more parent visitors we have, the more they trust us and vis-à-vis. If you restrict the visits too tightly, the parents tend to think that you may have something to hide. I think open visits with clear boundaries makes a big difference in our school-family relationship. No, No and Not allowed. The elementary, maybe on special days established by the school. All other requests could become evaluative and are not permitted. I have found when parents want to visit, they are unsure about the teacher: whether it is a first year or reassigned teacher. It is only fair since principals couldn't even walk in unannounced to observe without meeting first with the teacher. I ask the parent to give 24 hour notice and limit the visit (could be a disruption) to 30 min. I usually accompany the parent, so we are on the same page, and there are no surprises - this has been beneficial. We have some handbook language welcoming parents to our classrooms. We request that the teacher be notified 24 hours in advance. If it appears to become disruptive, we bring the concern to the parent, and or teacher. We like to have parents in so the school is seen as welcoming, but we do ask that parents notify us in advance in case the class is taking a test or has other different happenings on a particular day. We do let them know they are to be silent visitors for other students attempting to learn that day; I am going through this now. We do not have open visitation at this time. Parents have to make prior arrangements with the teacher to visit. In answer to your questions: 1) No. Parents must arrange a time with their child's teacher before a visit. Parents may not come in to a classroom unannounced. 2) Aside from the above, parents shouldn't use visiting time for long talks about issues concerning their child (i.e. grades, conduct). They should set up a conference if they wish to do this 3) This hasn't come up. If it did, I'm sure I'd have a conversation with the parent and try to point out tactfully that what they're doing isn't in their child's best interest. You're scaring me. Do you have a parent wanting to visit every day? For what reason? Are they wanting to volunteer in the classroom? Is the child not wanting to separate from mom? Does the parent not think the teacher is doing a good job? What grade? I don't have a policy, but may need one before something happens. Please share more info. Does you board policy allow parents to visit classrooms at any time? NO! See below: What limits do you set on parents visiting? Arrange for visit in advance and receive the approval of the principal. Would you allow the parent to visit every day if they wanted to? What are your criteria for parent visitations? No - they would become a distraction to the learning environment for all the children. Depends on the circumstances. Elementary, we allow liberally as long as they are there to help or for short unobtrusive visits. If they are clearly there for personal gain, to spy on other children or the teacher, or if they intervene in the instruction, they are asked to leave. Interestingly, we just had a situation occur in one of our high needs autism classrooms and Mom was becoming a problem. Legal advice was that we can and should give her the boot. She has no basis to be there and is contemplating due process. She is gone and so far, so good! Most any time - I usually question motive - no taping or recording or pictures - not during testing - Daily? I had one I had to limit then fire - mom was nuts - munchousen proxy disease - I do NOT allow parents to visit classrooms unless the teacher has requested it and/or is comfortable with the parent being there. I find no reason for a parent to be in a classroom, especially all day, and definitely not every day. If a parent wants to visit on a certain day (that has to be prearranged with me), I also want to know that they have no judgments against them (such as sex offender, etc). Without having time to research this, there is no way I would place my students and my teacher in harms way having a parent come in. I have two of my own children in class - as a parent, I sure don't want some strange person standing over them, then going home and gossiping about the abilities (or disabilities) of my child. I know other parents would not appreciate this either. I think it is inappropriate to have parents in classrooms, except with the "exceptions" I first wrote about. In loco parentis - you agreed to drop your child off, now let us do our job. I have always been able to dodge this bullet. I don't like the idea and try to convince parents not to attend. I'm uncertain on my leverage. When I was a principal, I had our Building Council draft language on this topic and place it in the parent handbook. The BC had parent representation. Basically, we limited the visits to 30 minutes, teacher had to approve the date, and quiet, respectful observation was mandated. Also, if a parent had questions after the visit, they needed to schedule an appointment to meet with the teacher - they could not try to engage the teacher at the end of the 30 minute visitation. We had language on failure to follow these parameters as well. Out district has good policy concerning parent misconduct on school grounds! We allow anytime but if a parent is being a hindrance to the classroom or teacher then I then limit access. It has only happened maybe twice in 13 years.