Tracy Unified School District Elementary Instrumental Music Sign-up Form George Kelly Elementary Participant Requirements for Instrumental Music: 4th-6th grade students leave their regular classrooms for their lessons every week. REGULAR ATTENDANCE at music lessons is mandatory. Students will be dropped from the music program if they accumulate 5 unexcused absences, or forgetting instrument during a grading period. Parents will be notified if this occurs. Students have a DAILY PRACTICE REQUIREMENT at home. Parents are asked to assist the child in establishing a time and quiet place for practice, and to sign the practice logs verifying the time practiced. Beginning students should practice 20 minutes a day. Logs will be provided in class and online. During the school year, music students will perform in at least 2 evening performances. Unexcused absences will result in a lowering of the music grade. A letter, email, or phone call from the parent is required if a student can’t make the performance. The Tracy School Music Department has the following ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS for students in the music program: a. Only students with A, B, or C academic grades will be admitted to the music program. This will be determined by the student’s core teacher. b. Continuation of a student in the program is dependant upon his/her maintenance of A, B, or C grades. 5. Students will be able to learn one instrument only in a year, except in extreme cases. A conference with the music teacher, student, and parent will take place before any change would be made. The instrumental music classes are a graded part of the overall curriculum and are a YEAR LONG COMMITMENT. The purpose of music instruction in elementary school is to provide basic training necessary to play in the Tracy middle schools instrumental classes. It is not a chance to “try music” for a few months. I sincerely hope all our students will cultivate the desire to continue playing in the years ahead. The books students need are available at Main Street Music, as well as other music stores and online. The book for beginning wind & percussion students is “Accent on Achievement, book 1”. Percussionists may want to get the combined percussion book, instead of the separate snare book. The book for strings is “Essential Elements 2000, book 1”. Please make sure the book lists the correct instrument on the cover. The book for guitar is Mel Bay’s Modern Guitar Method Grade 1. Once in the class, more important information will be distributed. I look forward to teaching your child! Sincerely, Mrs. Stime GKE Music Teacher TRACY SCHOOLS INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC REGISTRATION FORM Student’s Name:__________________________________________ Grade in the 2011-12 school year: 4 5 6 7 8 This will be the student’s 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year on this instrument. (Please circle year) Parent/Guardian’s Name(s)___________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________________work phone/cell phone______________ Mailing address__________________________________________________________ Email address_____________________________________________________ 1st instrument choice:________________________2nd choice_____________________ Instrument will be (check one): OWNED___ RENTED_____ BORROWED FROM SCHOOL( if available-lottery system used when there is more students than instruments)________ INSTRUMENT CHOICES STRINGS (4TH-8TH) VIOLIN* VIOLA* CELLO* BASS * GUITAR (MUST OWN YOUR OWN GUITAR) PIANO (PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED) *SIZE OF INSTRUMENT WILL BE DETERMINED BY CHILD’S SIZE (arm length) Measurement in inches from child’s fingertips to shoulder: __________in. WINDS/PERCUSSION (5th-8th) FLUTE CLARINET ALTO SAXOPHONE TRUMPET/CORNET FRENCH HORN TROMBONE BARITONE/EUPHONIUM TUBA PERCUSSION (STUDENT WILL LEARN MULTIPLE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS) _CHOIR (4th-8th): AFTER SCHOOL CLASS Fridays 2:55-3:30 STUDENTS MAY SIGN UP FOR A STRING/WIND/PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT, IN ADDITION TO CHOIR (WITH PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION) BECAUSE THIS CLASS WILL MEET AFTER SCHOOL AND NOT TAKE AWAY FROM MORE CLASS TIME. We, the undersigned, agree to the following: As a student, I agree to practice on a schedule set by my music teacher and to follow the academic guidelines of the music program. As a parent/guardian, I agree to support my child in music study and to follow the guidelines set forth in the Music Sign up letter. I understand this is a performance class and my child’s attendance is required at all concerts. WE AGREE THAT MUSIC IS A COMMITMENT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR AND WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS BULLETIN. Student signature ____________________________________Date________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________Date___________