Woodcraft folk The development of a youth leadership programme for young people in Woodcraft Folk Woodcraft Folk youth leadership programme 1 Part of the Woodcraft Folk TREE (Training, Representation, Equality & Engagement) programme, which is funded from April 2009 to March 2013 by the Big Lottery’s Young People’s Fund 2 2 The Woodcraft Folk TREE programme aims to engage young people, aged 10-18 years, in developing new volunteer roles within Woodcraft Folk that support young people to influence policy, develop projects and contribute to decision making at a local, regional and national level. This includes developing young people’s leadership skills. Organisational background 3 The Woodcraft Folk is a UK-wide charity, established in 1925, which aims to provide social education to children and young people. 4 There are approximately 400 local Woodcraft Folk groups operating across England, providing weekly activities for Woodchips (under 6 years), Elfins (aged 6-9 years), Pioneers (aged 10-12 years), Venturers (aged 13-15 years) and District Fellows (aged 16-20 years). 5 The Woodcraft Folk is now operating under its third strategic plan, which began in July 2008. The plan sets a number of strategic ambitions: We empower children and young people to influence society We develop and use new and exciting approaches to learning We are open and accessible to all We are better known and understood We prioritise camping and outdoor adventures We are bigger and better Internationalism Overview of the youth leadership programme 6 The Woodcraft Folk TREE programme is looking to create a developmental programme that supports and encourages young people to take on leadership roles within Woodcraft Folk and wider society. 7 The concept of a formalised, but flexible, youth leadership programme has been developed from direct feedback from young people seeking support and skill development opportunities to take on leadership roles. Woodcraft folk, Units 9 & 10, 83 Crampton Street, London, SE17 3BF General Secretary: Jon Nott Registered charity number 1073665 T: +44 (0)20 7703 4173 F: +44 (0)20 7358 6370 E: info@woodcraft.org.uk W: www.woodcraft.org.uk Consultant tasks 8 The Woodcraft Folk TREE programme is seeking a consultant, or team of consultants, to develop and design a youth leadership programme to be delivered by volunteer youth workers and mentors. 9 The youth leadership programme should be aimed at young people aged 13-16 years, and be developmental as young people progress through Woodcraft Folk. 10 The youth leadership programme should include a series of activities for Woodcraft Folk groups to complete during their regular weekly meetings. These sessions should be participative and seek to develop leadership skills e.g. influencing others, session planning, facilitation skills etc. 11 The youth leadership programme should include a guide for volunteer youth workers to help them to facilitate activities and take the young people on a journey tailored to their needs and interests. 12 The youth leadership programme should include a guide for young people to record and reflect on their personal progress. 13 The youth leadership programme should offer young people wider recognition for their achievements. 14 The youth leadership programme should be ready to pilot and test the activities at CoCamp, a major Woodcraft Folk event in July 2011. Development approach 15 The consultant should consult and engage young people, volunteer youth workers and staff within Woodcraft Folk to develop the contents and structure of the youth leadership programme. Specifically we would ask that the consultant engages the TREE programme Steering Group and Woodcraft Folk Venturer Committee. 16 Consultation of young people, volunteer youth workers and staff may be held at Woodcraft Folk events planned in the spring and early summer of 2011, including a Steering Group residential (2nd - 3rd April) and the Annual Gathering and Conference (29th April – 2nd May). A full timetable of consultation dates will be agreed with the consultant upon contracting. 17 The consultant should expect to train the TREE programme staff team and Woodcraft Folk’s young trainers to roll out the youth leadership programme to groups. Reporting 18 The consultant should provide regular reports, drafts and updates on progress agreed against milestones. The timetable of reports will be agreed before contracting is finalised. Procurement 19 The proposals should be no more than 10 pages of A4 and should include: A one page summary of your submission An outline of your approach to developing the project tasks, including how you would consult and engage young people and volunteer youth workers A reflection on the challenges you might face in undertaking this activity and how you may strive to overcome them Experience of staff who will be allocated to the project Examples of your previous work An overall cost for the work A timescale for carrying out the project 20 Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria: Understanding of the brief Demonstrated understanding and commitment to youth work principles Experience of participative work involving young people and third sector organisations Experience of developing resources and training for young people and volunteer youth workers Understanding of Woodcraft Folk aims, principles and approach Cost Please note, young people from the age of 10 upwards will be involved in shortlisting and therefore all proposals should be accessible to them. 21 From the tenders received, we will invite a shortlist of not more than 4 consultants for interview. 22 The anticipated budget for the project is £4,500 23 Woodcraft Folk reserves the right not to appoint and to achieve the outcomes of the project through other methods. 24 The procurement timetable is: a. Completed proposals to be returned to Woodcraft Folk by 10am on 10th February 2011 b. Interviews to be held 21st February 2011 25 Proposals should be sent by post or email to: Rebecca Mattingly Woodcraft Folk Units 9 & 10 83 Crampton Street London SE17 3BQ rebecca.mattingly@woodcraft.org.uk