DCC Meeting – 21 February 2013 Minutes

DCC Meeting – 21 February 2013
Attendance: Carl Sjovold, Daniel Styer, Tom Cappelletti, Chris Seddon, Chris Daubert, Bill
Doonan, Angela Block, Melodi Randolph, David Wyatt, Patti Redmond, Kenneth Fitzpatrick,
Pam Posz, Craig Davis, Jon Zeh, Beth Forrester, Marybeth Buechner, Elaine Ader.
Marybeth Buechner – Unit Planning and Accreditation
Processing of Unit Plans...
Departments write their unit plans -----> Divisions (where they are combined and prioritized)
----> PRIE (combined and extracts go out to College Service Areas, Facilities, Financial, IT, and
FT Hiring Requests) ----> CSA’s then prioritize and their priorities get added to IT, Facilities,
and Financial ----> Budget Committee (but only after Facilities and IT adds information) ----->
This entire process is the reason that unit plans are required so early in the Fall Semester. A
proposal is being worked through to develop a new process similar to the existing Excel file unit
plan templates but that the above extracts to different areas would be automated and completed
more quickly. Items on previous unit plans can be transferred over to a new unit plan. It would
also allow different parts of a department unit plan to be downloaded as an Excel or Word
document and sent to different faculty to work on – then a “master” would reside with the chair.
A demo of this should be available in about three weeks – mid-March 2013 – to test it and to
take it out for a spin (essentially it will be a completed plan in this new format – we won’t be
able to edit into it). The new process will allow us to work on the unit plan throughout the year.
Beta testing is likely to start during April 2013 so that we have a month to test it before we leave
for the summer.
Marybeth is asking for input as to what we would like to see in this new program – what things
we wish to see in this process. It will be web-based. Eventually there will be a “Planning
Portal” that will house all of these things (unit plans, achievement reports, program plans, SLOs,
The new “Annual Report” asks for the institutional set standard for passing and some student
success metrics. We have not set these metrics. The accreditation board asks for this information
in six weeks. Hence, Marybeth contacted the board which is willing to accept an “in progress” at
this time – but we’ll need to work on setting these standards. We can use our historical data for
these values to help determine our future expectations of ourselves. We could also look at the
data for colleges similar to SCC. We do have access to this kind of data from comparable
colleges – but it is not easy to access. We do have a list of the ten colleges that are most similar
to SCC.
As chairs, we’ll need to think about how we get this data and what should be the criteria and
goals in terms of the “set standard”. We will use our participatory decision-making process
starting with the CSPC this spring, to work on determining the standards. The chairs will be
asked for input.
Tom Capelletti – SCC Website
Multiple areas to the website: 1) the “public face” of SCC – freely accessible; 2) an “inside
SCC” type of site that is secure and has “folders” for other information; 3) D2L – outside vendor
managed that would need to work within our website; and 4) PeopleSoft/Socrates links/folders –
outside vendors and internal programming.
So, what do the Departments want within the departmental portion of the website? Do we want
secure areas? What would be useful for us in our webpage? A template would be provided and
we’ll get help in the design of the departmental webpage – if we wish. For departments that
have developed their own web pages and are happy with those pages, then those can be linked to
the SCC webpage so that it will immediately launch into those already developed web pages.
For the SCC web pages, we need a Unified Web Experience so that those pages look the same
(but of course with different information for the most part). Department chairs should get the
department’s “wish list” together and send it prior to March 21, 2013 to Tom Capelletti.
Next Meeting – March 21, 2013 (Meeting for March 7, 2013 is cancelled)