February 17, 2014
Present: Ray, Sue, Krystin, Allison, Jenn Hoile, Jenn Muldowney, Christine
Younghusband, Hayley
Adoption of the Agenda: 1st Hayley –, 2nd Allison – All in favour, agenda passed.
Adoption of the Minutes: Postponed to next meeting due to technical difficulties!
Meeting Commenced: 7:03pm
Chair’s Report: (Krystin)
Would like to request 6:30pm starts for PAC meetings as it is very difficult to
accomplish all that we want to in a single hour meeting.
Sub-committee has been formed to prepare the “Teacher Appreciation Luncheon”
– members include: Jenn Muldowney, Jenn Hoile, and Hayley.
There has been an initiative to set up a private FACEBOOK page for our PAC
members to use to improve communication. It can be found at
We are now moving back to a model of having classroom representatives for the
PAC in each classroom as follows:
 Ms. Lewis – Allison
 Ms. Taylor – Abby
 Ms. Anthony – Jenn M.
 Mr. Desharnais-Krystin
 Mr. Short-Katherine
 Mrs. Short – Kirsten
We are still looking for representation in Ms. Norman and Ms. Smith’s
classes. A notice will go out to communicate this to families.
Krystin and Sue will be approaching the staff about how they envision the school
carnival this year.
Principals Report: (Ray Clayton)
Personel update: Ms. Rachel Sober will be staying in the division 1 position until
the end of the year. Ms. Jill Short has announced her retirement. In division 6, it
is anticipated that Ms. Smith will be back after spring-break.
Wendy Charters (Councilor) will be running a workshop for parents on Raising
Confident Kids on Tuesday Feb. 25th at the school. Starting today, Wendy will
now be working in Roberts Creek and will be replaced by Emily Davis who will
be at the school every Monday and Wednesday.
FSA’s for the grade 4 and 7’s as well as the child and parent “Satisfaction
Surveys” will be happening in the school throughout the month.
Last week’s Board of Education School Trustee tour happened last week and was
a nice opportunity to showcase the school. A request has been put in for a longer
time allocation for the next tour as there was much more to show them than what
they had time to see-greater than 1 hour would be preferable.
The teachers enjoyed the last Pro-D day that focused on Universal Design for
learning. There was fabulous instruction and the teacher’s got some great
recommendations for new books, including “Catching Kids Before They Fall”.
The gingerbread house construction on Valentine’s Day was a success and lots of
fun. Discussion re: attempting to find healthier alternatives to decorate with.
The HMB Olympics will be taking place at the school on Friday Feb. 21, 2014.
Children will be assigned to different teams representing different countries.
They are requested to dress up in their country’s colors, and to bring an old pair of
TCO2 will be coming to schools on the Sunshine Coast to discuss sexual
exploitation prevention for grade 6 &7’s this spring – date to be announced.
There is a lot to be discussed. Discussion re: electronic use at school. Currently
the students have access to wifi and are requested not to play games on their
electronics while at school. Discussion re: cyber-bullying on the coast. It has
been discussed at a district level that there are inappropriate postings happening
within our communities and that as the laws are changing, charges may be laid.
Please look for excellent brochures on the Ministry of Education’s website.
Please check your children for head lice as there have been some children at the
school with head lice.
School basketball is going well.
Kindergarten registration is happening now. All cross-boundary applications
must be submitted prior to the deadline of March 31. Forms can be found online
or at the school’s office.
Kinderspark has begun within the district and the HMB session is being led by
Mrs. Deharnais.
Grade 6&7 student parents of students who will be attending Pender Harbour
Secondary school are invited to attend a forum to discuss the future education
options for students there. Thurs. Feb. 21 from 7-9pm at the high school.
School Planning Committee will be meeting again next week and looking into
what is coming out of the data collected.
Principle’s Profile – Mr. Clayton is due to be evaluated by the Super-Intendent
this year. He will be talking with both staff and parents for input about Mr.
Clayton’s performance. Mr. Clayton asks that parents take the time to fill out a
Principle’s Profile form by Feb. 28, 2014. This will enable all parents to have a
voice in what they are looking for in a principle. There is a chance that Mr.
Clayton will be posted elsewhere in the district as this in now his 5th year at HMB.
Treasurer’s Report: (Allison Baines) – please see attached report.
Hot lunch is holding its own, however wondered if perhaps we need to evaluate
whether we should be using this as a fundraiser, as we do not have many
fundraisers running this year. Discussion ensued with the ultimate decision was
to table this discussion until we have clearly associated actions with our goals and
set a budget to those actions.
Community School Report: (Sue Lamb)-please see attached report.
Note from Abby who has been volunteering a lot at the school. She will be
starting up a change closet and is looking for donations. In particular, unisex
sweat pants in all sizes are of interest. Jenn Hoile from the daycare mentioned
that they are also currently looking for preschool clothes to have on hand at the
daycare for when children need a change of clothes.
2nd session of Kicks for Kids is running and going very well
Student Council has been very busy with all the Valentine’s day preparations.
HMB unfortunately lost the food bank drive, and so the students involved with
student council will be heading to West Sechelt Elementary school on Monday
Feb. 25th to serve the students of WSE hot chocolate.
New volunteer at homework club has been welcomed with open arms by the
students – Brayden Blackman.
Patsy Anthony now has a website centering around “Tapping with Children”. She
plans to do a follow-up workshop with parents on April 1, 2014.
The High-Five leadership training will be available again this spring for any
parents interested in learning how to help children 6-12 years build skills and
have fun. It will be happening at the Gibsons Recreation Center on a Saturday
from 9-5 with a cost of $75 which would be covered by the Community School.
Coast Reads recommends the book “Fatty Legs” as well as a new book about
Adolescent Alcoholism. This book will be discussed at the high school with the
author on Feb. 27th.
DPAC Report : (Christine Younghusband)
Discussed at the DPAC meeting was how to spend the nearly $6000 in gaming
funds. They are also looking into how to bring in International Students.
Jessie Miller was not mentioned as one of the speakers who will be coming to the
coast this year. Discussion re: disappointment in this as he was a very effective
speaker with our students. Discussion re: parents wanting more concrete ways to
talk with and teach their children re: online safety. Further discussion tabled until
next meeting.
Board Report: (Christine Younghusband)
New board chair: Betty Baxter who will be replacing Silas White. She is wanting
a direct link to parents and is looking for someone to report to the Board from the
New Catchment Boundary adopted and passed in West Sechelt (significant
parental support)
Spark 10 program started with Kinderspark students being teamed up with grade
10 students at Chat. Teacher: Kathy Stoddart.
Interest in work experience for Chat students in the trades.
New Business:
Erase Bullying to be discussed at the next PAC meeting.
Meeting adjourned: 8:10pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday March 25th @6:30 in the library. Please notify president:
Krystin or secretary Jenn Muldowney if childcare is needed.