Paediatric low-vision assessment and management in a specialist clinic in the UK JULIE LENNON, ROBERT HARPER, SUS BISWAS AND CHRIS LLOYD Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, UK ABSTRACT This article presents a survey of the demographical, educational and visual functional characteristics of children attending a specialist paediatric lowvision assessment clinic at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. Comprehensive data were collected retrospectively from children attending the paediatric lowvision clinic between January 2003 and August 2004 (n = 64). Data collected included clinical and demographic details and educational status. Use was made of a pre-clinic questionnaire to ascertain information regarding schooling and level of support, and child, parental or specialist teacher concerns. Visual functions assessed included distance IogMAR acuity, near acuity, contrast sensitivity, colour vision and when feasible, visual fields. Following refraction, children were evaluated for spectacles and low-vision aids. A key finding to emerge from this study is that children attending the clinic present with a range of visual disorders and levels of visual function. The most common cause of visual impairment was albinism (20%) followed by rod cone dystrophy (10%). It is concluded that a comprehensive assessment of visual function should, when reported to other professionals, permit more relevant adaptations to be incorporated into the educational strategies adopted for the child. KEY WORDS children, low vision, low-vision aids, paediatric, visual impairment INTRODUCTION There has been little data published on the visual function characteristics of a paediatric low-vision population in the United Kingdom. Visual loss in childhood has been shown to have widespread implications in the social and educational development of a child (Kelley et al., 2000; Sacks and Silberman, 2000). Due to the underlying developmental, educational and long term social and economic issues facing children with visual impairment (VI), it is important that these children are identified early in life to ensure that they receive the relevant interventions at appropriate times in their lives (Cass et al., 1994; Gould and Sonksen, 1991). Kelley et al. (2000) estimated that 80 per cent of school tasks are based on vision, highlighting the essential role of a comprehensive visual assessment in all children with VI, both prior to commencing formal education, and as they progress through the school years. Local Authority Social Services departments are responsible for compiling data on blind and partial sight registration in England. In March 2003, there were 8770 children between the ages of 0-17 years on this register, with 110 children on the blind register, and 125 on the partially sighted register resident in the Manchester Metropolitan District (Department of Health, 2003). However, this register is considered to grossly underestimate the number of school age children with VI, with estimates of the actual number being nearer 24,000 (Keil, 2003). Current low-vision clinical service provision is predominantly Hospital Eye Service based, with 65 per cent of the total annual low-vision appointment capacity being made available via this provider (Culham et al., 2002). Additional low-vision services are also provided by Local Educational Authorities and voluntary organizations. It is evident, however, that the needs of a paediatric low-vision population will differ greatly from an adult population (teat, 2002), and models of paediatric low-vision care can comprise a number of key professionals involved in the child's social, educational and developmental welfare. Information on the child's current status may be collected from a variety of sources, thus providing the low-vision clinician with important information on, for example, the child's habitual visual environment, their restrictions in activities and the presence of learning disabilities. Assessments can be made open to parents, teachers and other support workers to ensure a more integrated service is provided. Information, advice and appropriate low-vision aids (LVAs) can be offered as deemed necessary for the child, and review and feedback methods can be tailored to meet individual requirements. A report commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government (2004), stated that where there were established working relationships between health and social service providers, referrals to the relevant support services were more frequent and more appropriate. The lowvision clinician can play an important role in this multidisciplinary team, by providing a comprehensive visual assessment and by making appropriate recommendations in respect of the child's visual environment. In the past, all school age children referred to the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital low-vision clinic were assessed in a general low-vision clinic. In October 2002, a specialist paediatric low-vision clinic (PLVC) was established in order to provide a more comprehensive evaluation for all new referrals of school age children. The purpose of this paper is to present survey findings of the clinical, demographic and educational status of children assessed in this clinic, and to provide a detailed description of their visual function and LVA provision. METHODS Manchester Royal Eye Hospital provides a regional paediatric ophthalmology service within the north-west. Referrals to the PLVC are, therefore, not restricted to children in the Manchester Metropolitan District, provided the child is a hospital patient. The aim is to offer a low-vision assessment for all new patients within four weeks of receipt of referral. A pre-clinic questionnaire is sent with the appointment letter to parents to collect preliminary data regarding the child's educational status, level of support and concerns, and also to establish preliminary goals for the assessment. The appointment letter also contains an open invitation to other professionals involved in the child's educational welfare, at the parent's request. A full history and symptoms is then undertaken at the initial clinic visit. The PLVC is delivered in a child friendly environment, with tests tailored towards the child's individual abilities. Refraction (with cycloplegia if necessary) is carried out if the child has not been refracted in the last six months, or if change is suspected. Best corrected distance IogMAR acuity is assessed using either the EDTRS or Lea symbol charts. Near visual acuity is measured with the Maclure or MassVAT charts. Low contrast letter sensitivity/contrast sensitivity is recorded monocularly and binocularly with the Pelli-Robson low contrast letter chart or Hiding Heidi charts. Where cooperation permits, colour vision is assessed with the PV16 test (large panel D15). Accommodation is also measured when indicated from history, symptoms or from the diagnosis, using either a dynamic retinoscopy technique or a subjective push-up test. Finally, visual fields are evaluated using an informal confrontation test, or more formally with the Goldmann bowl perimeter or Humphrey visual field analyser. Appropriate LVAs are demonstrated and suitable devices loaned to the child following handling instruction and brief training. Following the low-vision assessment and obtaining informed consent, a detailed report is sent to relevant professionals involved in the child's education and healthcare, and copied to the child's parents or care The report summarizes the findings of the assessment in non-technical language, providing information on diagnosis and prognosis, t impact of the VI on tasks and activities, and advice on the use of spectacles, LVAs, lighting, working distance, and other adaptations with the environment that might be of benefit. Prospective data were collected for all children who attended f their first lowvision assessment at the PLVC during the period January 2003 to August 2004. All assessments were carried out by one of t optometrists (JL and RH), working to an assessment guideline. comprehensive dataset was collated for all children assessed, including the following: referral source, age, sex, primary diagnosis, registration status, educational status, details of current support in school/ statementing, use of adaptive devices and non-optical LVAs, current optical LVAs, use of spectacles and the detailed visual functions described above. RESULTS Clinical and data, and educational status Over the twenty-month period, 64 children attended the PLVC. A comprehensive data set was available in each case. Figure 1 shows the source of the initial request for a low-vision assessment, with the majority (62%) being internal referrals from ophthalmologists. A total of 34 of the 64 (53%) children who attended the PLVC were male and 30 (47%) were female. Table 1 shows the range of eye conditions (i.e. primary diagnosis) amongst this group of children. The most common diagnosis was albinism (20%), followed by rod-cone dystrophy (10%) and aniridia and optic nerve hypoplasia (8%). Many children had secondary ocular abnormalities, including nystagmus, which was present in 51 of the 64 children (80%) but was considered to be the primary cause of VI in only one child. All school ages were represented in the sample, with the youngest aged 4 and the eldest aged 16 (Figure 2). A total of 38 children were registered as partially sighted, 13 as blind and 11 were not registered. The registration status of two children was unknown. Only 6 of the children attended special schools for VI, or received a significant proportion of their education in a specialized VI unit. The remaining 58 children attended a mainstream school and took the majority of lessons alongside their peers. Seven children who attended the clinic were identified as having learning disabilities. Initial source of referral Figure 1. Initial source of referral into the paediatric low-vision clinic (n = 64) Table 1 Primary diagnosis (n = 64) Retinal dystrophy 23 (2*) Developmental anomaly of the globe 31 Optic neuropathy 3 (1 *) Anterior segment anomalies 4 ROP 2 Nystagmus (as primary cause) 1 *number in brackets indicates associated syndrome Age at initial assessment Figure 2. Age of child at initial assessment (n = 64) Thirty-eight (59%) of children had a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN). Twenty had not undergone the statementing process, and in the case of two individuals, information regarding statementing was unknown. Although 59 per cent of children had a statement of SEN, additional classroom support was received on at least a weekly basis by 84 per cent of children. When questioned on the use of adaptive devices, 61 per cent of the pupils reported having made previous use of at least one non-optical aid. These aids ranged from simple reading and writing stands to adapted computers and local task lighting. Enlarged print was the most common method of improving access to printed material, with 49 children (76%) having print enlarged in school. Although class work was usually enlarged, homework did not appear to be enlarged with the same frequency, leading to reported difficulty completing homework tasks. The N notation of print used in school was established either from the preclinic questionnaire, from actual school material brought to the assessment, or by estimation in the clinic. Figure 3 shows the estimated font sizes used in school, with this figure ranging from N14 - N100, with N18 being the most commonly used font size. Font enlargement was usually achieved by photocopying or using a scanner. Two of the children in our sample were learning braille, one of whom also made use of printed material in some circumstances. Estimated font size used in school Figure 3. Estimated font size used (n = 49) Visual functions On presentation to the clinic, 41 (64%) children already wore a spectacle correction. Subsequent to refraction, a total of 37 prescriptions were issued. Twenty-one of these prescriptions were an update for existing spectacle wearers, either due to a change in prescription or through general spectacle wear and tear. The remaining 16 were prescribed to first time wearers, either to correct a previously uncorrected refractive error, or to deal with discomfort glare or photophobia. Of the 37 prescriptions issued, a total of 43 pairs of spectacles were dispensed, since some children required two pairs, either because a dark tint was prescribed for outdoor use with a lighter tint or a clear pair being required for indoors, or, as in one case, a pair of bifocals were prescribed for general use and single vision pair for sport. The majority (n = 37, 86%) of spectacles prescribed were single vision, with 26 (60%) having some form of tint incorporated. Six prescriptions (14%) had a near-vision component. Visual acuity was measured following refraction and the results are depicted in Figure 4. The mean threshold visual acuity was 0.81 ± 0.31 IogMAR for distance (i.e. 6/38 ± 3 lines on the IogMAR chart) with a range of 0.2 to 1.76 IogMAR. The mean threshold best corrected near visual acuity was N9.2 ± 6 with a range of N5 to N36, and a modal value of N5 (this value being achieved by 25 children). The working distance used to achieve the optimum near visual acuity ranged from the print being held at 'nose' to 26 cm (mean = 12.6 ± 5.6 cm). Optimum distance visual acuity Best corrected distance visual acuity following refraction Figure 4. (n = 62) Contrast sensitivity or low contrast letter sensitivity was measured in 62 of the 64 children. Four children were assessed using the Heiding Heidi cards and achieved a contrast sensitivity of 2.5, 10, 25 and 100 per cent respectively. The remaining 58 children were measured on the Pelli Robson chart and their results are shown in Figure 5, with the mean low contrast letter sensitivity being 1.47 ± 0.38logCS (approximately 2.8%), with a range of 0.30 to 2.10 IogCS (i.e. 44% to 0.7%). An assessment of colour vision was made in 56 children (87%) using the PV16 test. A total of 29 children made no errors, suggesting they did not have a gross colour vision defect. Twenty-five children (44%) made errors, although this figure includes those who made a single transposition error (considered a 'pass', with more than one minor error, or an error line across the colour circle being considered a 'fail' (Birch, 2001)). The results for two children were indeterminate. Low-vision aids The need for a telescopic aid was identified in 39 of the 64 children. Of these 39 children, five already had a distance aid that had been provided through alternative sources (including specialist teachers, local optometrists or self purchase). Following the assessment, one child received an alternative device, as a change in the level of magnification was needed, and four children's current aids were deemed suitable. The remaining 34 children were loaned their first distance LVA, with 17 receiving a monocular and 17 receiving a pair of binoculars. The distance aids prescribed were either four times, six time or eight times devices. Contrast sensitivity Figure 5. Best corrected contrast sensitivity (n = 58) The best corrected visual acuity with the prescribed distance aid was measured in the clinic after a period of instruction. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the visual acuities with and without the prescribed distance visual aid for the 35 children who were loaned a new device in the clinic. The average number of lines of improvement in acuity with the distance vision aid was 0.67 ± 0.27 IogMAR (i.e. almost seven lines on the IogMAR chart) (p < 0.01). A near-vision assessment for optical LVAs was also carried out on all 64 children. Again, as with the distance aids, some of the children already possessed a near-vision aid, which had been prescribed elsewhere. Prior to the PLVC assessment, 29 near LVAs were already owned, with a further 41 near LVAs dispensed following assessment. The most commonly prescribed aid was a 1.8x brightfield magnifier, given to 61 per cent of children. The least commonly prescribed near aid was the hand held magnifier, of which only two were prescribed (a 3x and a 3.5x). Of the 14 stand magnifiers prescribed, the majority (71 %) were 6x, with the remainder being either 8x or 10x. In total, 70 near LVAs were given to 52 children, giving a range in acuities from N5 to N24 and a modal value of N5 (achieved by 36 children). A comparison of near visual acuities obtained with and without the near LVAs is shown in Figure 7. Figure 6. Comparison of distance VA with and without prescribed distance LVA (n = 35) Optimum VA measured with LVA (IogMAR) Figure 7. Comparison of near VA with and without prescribed near LVA (n = 62) Twenty children given a near-vision aid could already access N5 font prior to using the aid but the aid allowed them to use an increased working distance to read N5 font. DISCUSSION Clinical and demographical data, and educational status The primary causes of VI in this group of children were found to b diverse. In our sample, congenital genetic conditions such as albinism and rod cone dystrophy were the most common. This is in line with the findings of LovieKitchin and Bevan (1982) and Leat and Karadshe (1991) who found congenital and hereditary conditions to be the pr dominant cause of VI in children. Interestingly, congenital cataract w the most common primary diagnosis in these studies, but accounts only one case in this survey. However, the incidence of VI due to co genital cataract has been shown to be on the decline from 1969 to 19 (Rahi and Dezateux, 1998). Only one case of cortical visual impairment (CVI) was documented, a finding that is in contrast to some studies which have found CVI to be the principal cause of serious visual to among children in developed countries (Rogers, 1996 and Du et al 2005). Possible reasons for this discrepancy might include the source referrals and the limited awareness of the PLVC. In relation to the former reason, children with CVI are less prevalent in ophthalmology clinics (Hou et al., 1999), the major referral source for our clinic. An interesting finding in the present study was that only seven children (11 %) were identified as having learning disabilities. This number is considerably less than has been found in the previous studies (Flanagan et al., 2003; Kirchner, 1990), where around half of all children with VI had additional, nonophthalmic impairments. Rogers (1996) found only 35 per cent of their sample had VI alone, and of the remaining 65 per cent of the children, 49 per cent had CVI and 89 per cent had learning difficulties. The reason for this discrepancy is probably because children with learning difficulties are less likely to be referred for low-vision assessment. Arguably these children may not have had their VI identified due to the complexity of other motor and communication difficulties (Dutton, 2003). Similarly, those children with CVI frequently have multiple disabilities, including learning disabilities. Arguably, this contrast in findings reflects a possible gap in service provision to children with CVI and/or those with learning disabilities. Our survey suggests that 80 per cent of children in the clinic had their visual impairment registered, despite the fact that all of the children assessed would be classified as having low vision according to the World Health Organization (1992). However, this classification is not synonymous with the BD8/Certificate of Visual Impairment registration criteria, a register that has previously been shown to under-represent true prevalence figures, at least in adults (Bruce et al., 1991). The age range of children in our sample was 4-16 years. Only seven children were seen at the reception/year 1 stage of primary school. Ideally, a child with visual impairment should be referred for an initial LVA assessment in the preschool years (teat, 2002). It has been argued that children should have access to support services before reaching school age, as the general development of the child can be greatly influenced in the pre-school years of life (Gould and Sonksen, 1991). A developmental level of two years of age has been shown to be adequate for using a stand magnifier (Ritchie et al., 1989). Ways of promoting the service to a younger age group, especially for those just entering school should be explored, possibly through orthoptists and/or school nurses involved in vision screening at school entry. In our sample, 91 per cent of children received the majority of their education in a mainstream setting. The educational system for children with visual impairment changed radically following the Warnock report (Warnock, 1978) and ensuing Education Acts (1981 and 1996). Man 'Special Schools' were subsequently closed and the current emphasis now on inclusion of children with VI into mainstream settings. Access to specialist equipment and appropriate adaptations to teaching materials, has allowed children with all degrees of VI to be educated along side their peers. The low-vision clinic should thus be recognized playing an important role in a child's integration. Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) were introduced following the 1981 Education Act. The consequent 1996 Education Act, in conjunction with the Code of Practice, offers arrangements for the identification and assessment of SEN. Not all children with VI have undergone statementing, indeed only 59 per cent of the children in sample either had a statement of SEN or were undergoing the statementing process as a result of their VI. This proportion is greater than figure of 46 per cent previously reported by Blaikie et al. (2003), since it is self-evident that children registered with ophthalmic consult will have their VI communicated to the education authorities, e.g. through the certification process. In the present survey, additional support was usually provided by a qualified teacher for the visually impaired or a learning assistant. As might expected, the level of support varied from child to child. Although only 59 per cent had a statement of SEN, additional classroom support w received on at least a weekly basis by 84 per cent of children, showing that a statement of SEN is not always necessary to ensure that a child receives assistance. This suggestion is supported by other findings (Keil, 2003 where 96 per cent of Educational Authorities Local VI services support all children with VI regardless of whether or not they had a statement SEN, although interestingly not all those who had a statement of SEN our sample reported receiving regular classroom assistance. Visual function assessment On presentation to our clinic, 64 per cent of children were already spectacle wearers. Following refraction, 70 per cent of the previously no spectacle wearers were found to require a refractive correction. In total 57 of the 64 children (89%) were deemed likely to benefit from spectacle wear, although in some cases the child benefited more from incorporation of a tint rather than the refractive correction. The findings of the present survey agree with others (Du et al., 2005; Nathan et al., 1985 that a significantly high proportion of the paediatric low-vision population have, and are likely to benefit from, refractive error correction. In our sample, six children (9%) were prescribed spectacles with a near addition; this is less than the 14.6 per cent prescribed by Leat and Karadsheh (1991) and 34.9 per cent prescribed by Lovie-Kitchin and Bevan (1982). Near prescriptions were issued when a reduced level of amplitude of accommodation was found and visual acuity improved with the reading aid. Assessment of accommodation function is vital in children with visual impairment, mainly to ensure their accommodation function is adequate to maintain the close working distances employed when carrying out near-vision tasks. Certain conditions have been shown to be associated with reduced accommodation, including Down's syndrome and cerebral palsy (teat, 1996; McClelland et al., 2006; Woodhouse et al., 2000), and fluctuating accommodation has been demonstrated in children with albinism and idiopathic nystagmus (teat et al., 1999). Our sample contained only a small number of children diagnosed with conditions associated with known accommodation inaccuracies which may account for the lower than expected number of near-vision spectacles prescribed. As might be expected, the mean contrast sensitivity was reduced from normal levels in many children. Arguably, contrast sensitivity provides information on visual performance that more closely matches 'real world' vision. When reduced contrast sensitivity is found, advice can be given on contrast enhancing methods and in the report a fuller description of contrast visual performance can be offered. Somewhat surprisingly, a number of children displayed contrast sensitivities near 'normal' values of 1.69 IogCS (Myers et al., 1999), in particular those children with albinism. A significant percentage of our sample (44%) showed the presence of possible colour confusions. This is greater than the eight per cent of males and 0.5 per cent of females in the general population with a congenital colour vision defect (Birch, 2001). Indeed, the prevalence of colour vision defects in the low-vision population has been shown to lie between 24 and 66 per cent (Kalloniatis and Johnston, 1990; Refson et al., 1999). This can have implications in certain educational materials and career choices and is highlighted in the report to parents accordingly. The high prevalence of nystagmus in the sample (80%) also highlights the importance of documenting this abnormality, including the possible presence of any nystagmus 'null point', a finding that can be useful information to convey to those involved in the child's care and education (e.g. classroom seating position). Low-vision aids In those prescribed a distance LVA, a mean improvement in visual acuity of 0.67 ± 0.27 IogMAR was found with the distance aid. Sever the children did not achieve the predicted level of visual acuity their distance aid, and indeed one child actually demonstrated a in acuity using a distance vision aid. This discrepancy between predicted and achieved acuity may be because the optical aid was new to many of the children, some of whom struggled with focusing the device. Other reasons for lower than anticipated acuities include restricted visual fields and reduced contrast sensitivities. However, it would be expected that with suitable training, the child should achieve a level of visual acuity closer to the predicted value (Jose, 1983). In respect of near vision, while only 39 per cent (n = 25) of children achieved a near visual acuity of N5 without an LVA, 69 per cent (n =' achieved N5 with an LVA in the clinic. Twenty of these 36 children c already access N5 font prior to using the aid, but the aid allowed the use an increased working distance to read N5 font. The remaining children could only access N5 print with the use of a magnifier. The commonly prescribed near aids were low power one point eight times brightfield magnifiers (61%). Relatively few handheld devices issued (only 5%), possibly due to the increased difficulty in maintaining focus with hand held devices for prolonged periods of time. Near-vision aids were issued to promote independent access to small print and a prolonged reading with a more comfortable posture. CONCLUSION In summary, this initial survey shows that children are present w wide range of visual disorders and levels of visual function. An assortment of low-vision aids and management strategies must be covered when assessing the paediatric population. The comprehensive assessment of VI, combined with a more multi-disciplinary approach and child-centred environment for assessment, should contribute to an enhanced level of care. Preliminary feedback from parents, teachers and children is positive, although a more systematic evaluation of PLVC service outcomes would be worthwhile. It is hoped improved communication can enhance the prospects of a more integrated service for children with VI, where the LVA provision can be incorporated into the educational strategies adopted for the individual. While this study does not specifically provide data in respect of benefits of interprofessional collaboration, an established working relationship between all professionals is arguably crucial to providing a comprehensive efficient service, allowing each child access to the services they require when most needed. By keeping the low-vision assessment appointment open to other professionals involved in the child's educational welfare, good communication can be maintained, and a more multi-disciplinary service offered. References BIRCH, J. (2001) Diagnosis of Defective Colour Vision. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd edn. BLAME, A.J., RAVENSCROFT, J., BUULTJENS, M. & DUTTON, G.N. (2003) 'The Characteristics of Visually Impaired Children With a Statement of Special Educational Needs'. Visual Impairment Scotland Research Group. Paper given at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Congress, Birmingham, May 2003. BRUCE, I.,MCKENNELL, A. & WALKER, E. 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JULIE LENNON Department of Optometry and Paediatric Ophthalmology Manchester Royal Eye Hospital Oxford Road Manchester M13 9WH United Kingdom Email: