TALAVERA JUNIOR SCHOOL JOB DESCRIPTION – TEACHER ELEMENT Knowledge & Understand As a class teacher you will be able to demonstrate that you: Understand the purpose, scope, structure, breadth and balance of the National Curriculum and R.E. in the primary phase with particular emphasis on 7 – 11. Understand how pupils learning may be affected by their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Understand how the use of questioning skills can extend children’s understanding and learning. Be secure in your subject knowledge. Use ICT effectively in the classroom. Are aware and know how to access relevant data on pupil achievement, and how to use this to inform and improve your teaching. Remain up to date on educational developments. Ensure you are aware of health and safety requirements and plan lessons to avoid potential hazards. Understand and promote the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy as developed within the school situation. Planning You are expected to plan in conjunction with your year group to ensure that the curriculum your pupils receive; Is broad and balanced reflect National Curriculum requirements in the core and foundation subjects and R.E. Includes opportunities for pupil’s personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Provides clear structures for lessons and for sequences of lessons in the short, medium and longer term. Is planned around lessons which maintain pace, motivation and presentation of work, engaging their interest and ensuring they are aware of the substance and purpose of what they are asked to do. Includes individual, group and class activities as appropriate. Identifies clear teaching objectives with appropriate content for the subject matter and age of pupils, specifying what will be taught and assessed. Makes effective use of assessment information on pupils attainment and progress when planning individual pupil targets. To support this you will need to: Attend planning meetings formal and informal. Maintain pupils records including I.E.Ps if appropriate. Record and reflect on the outcome of pupil assessments. Identify pupils who:- have special educational needs - are very able - E.A.L. pupils not yet fluent in English and plan for their needs including an awareness of the role of other support systems within the school (B.L.S.S, SENCO, Able Child co-ordinator, Behaviour co-ordinator) as appropriate. Plan for the effective use of support time ensuring maximum involvement in curriculum delivery. Practise good time-keeping. Set homework reflecting the school’s current policy. Set individual targets reflecting the schools current policy. Have a thorough knowledge of the National Curriculum and the National Literacy and Numeracy strategies and desirable learning outcomes. Teaching and Class Management Ensure effective teaching of the class, groups, and individuals, making best use of time in order that teaching objectives are met. Establish and maintain a purposeful working environment. Take responsibility for managing pupils discipline, reflecting the school’s policies and circle time philosophy. Establish a safe classroom environment which supports pupils independent learning, and within which they feel safe and secure. Use teaching methods that are professional and offer children pace and challenge by: - Stimulating pupil’s curiosity, enthusiasm and motivation - Matches individual pupil abilities to the taught curriculum - Informs pupils as to expected learning and summarises outcome for them - Clear lessons using key concepts, appropriate vocabulary and resources, including ICT - A mixture of instruction, explanation and demonstration - Effective question - Feedback to pupils - Effective use of the school’s marking policy - Listening to pupils and reflect on how to move their learning forward - Setting of appropriate homework tasks - Using opportunities to promote pupils basic literacy, numeracy and ICT skills - Setting and sharing high expectations with pupils, that are inclusive, not withstanding individual differences including gender, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Are familiar with the SEN Code of Practise and its implications for the pupils in your care. Reflect on your teaching and use this to improve your professionalism and effectiveness. Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability To play their role in the schools whole school monitoring, evaluation and improvement policy you will: Have a thorough knowledge of the school’s assessment policy, and timetable, and specific tasks required under this. Report to appropriate audiences as requested. Understand how national, local, comparative and school data can be used to plan for pupils achievement and set clear tasks to support this. Assess competently and accurately against National Curriculum levels Professional Development To further your professional development and that of the school you will: Promote your own professional knowledge and skills through attendance at the schools INSET sessions, attending relevant courses, clusters/area meetings, and reading relevant material. Critically reflect on your organisation and management of learning Lead a curriculum area or participate in curriculum working parties as required. Participate in the schools performance management policy in a professional manner. Contribute to a curriculum working party by: - Take an interest in subject and its place within the primary national curriculum. - Assist the curriculum leader in formulating maintenance and development and improvement plans. - Assist the curriculum leader in monitoring the subject across the school. (Note no teacher should be involved in carrying out classroom observations unless under the specific direction of the management team, with a clearly pre-negotiated focus). - Help maintain the curriculum files. - Contribute to the policy and scheme of work. - Act as conduit for ideas and development between the curriculum working parties by representing your year group at curriculum meetings and your curriculum area at year group meetings. Additional Professional Requirements Teachers should: Have a working knowledge and understanding of: - School policies - Teachers Pay & Conditions Document - Legal responsibilities relating to racial and sexual discrimination, health and safety at work - Health and safety at work responsibilities - The common law duty to ensure that pupils are healthy and safe when in the care of the school on or off the premises - Child protection procedures - Appropriate physical contact with pupils including any physical restraint of pupils Cover for absent colleagues if requested to a maximum of 3 days. (Generally classes will be split on the first day of absence only). Promote the school’s ethos on positive behaviour management and circle time. Behave in a professional, supportive and courteous manner towards colleagues, pupils and their parents. Maintain appropriate discretion and confidentiality. Liaise effectively with parents and other agencies with responsibility for pupil’s education and welfare. Are aware of the role and purpose of the school governing body. Carry out administrative tasks, including registration, collecting money and compiling lists as required. Supervise children in the playground and during wet play as agreed. Be prepared to disseminate and support school policies to governors and parents. Supervise students attached to your class. Signed…………………………………………………… Date: …………………… Signed…………………………………………………… (Headteacher)