From the Principal - Lansvale East Public School

Lansvale East Public School
Riverside Road Lansvale NSW 2166
T 9728 1278 F 9728 2339
Dear Parents / Caregivers
We wish our new families a very warm welcome to
Lansvale East Public School and welcome back our
wonderful existing families. We hope that you have all
had a safe and relaxing break and are looking forward
to another exciting and productive year in 2013.
As always we are relying on numbers being confirmed
before we can finalise our classes for 2013. We should
know definitely within the next few weeks, so it is
absolutely essential that everyone is aware that the
class groups we have in place today may not be the
final class structure for the rest of the year. If any
changes need to be made you will be informed and all
decisions are always based on students’ needs.
TEMPORARY Class Structure for 2013
K/1S – Miss Helen Simmons
1/2M – Mrs Catherine Mizdrak
2/3A – Mrs Lisa Andrew
4/5EW – Mrs Sandra Edwards (Monday – Thursday) &
Mrs Susan West (Fridays)
5/6P – Miss Ashley Potter
Staff changes
This year we have a number of changes to our staff,
some were planned and some are surprises.
At the end of last year I was informed that National
Partnership classroom teacher positions had to be filled
by an ‘Expression of Interest’ process which opened
them up to all teachers seeking temporary
employment. Interviews were conducted by a panel
and teachers were selected to fill all vacant classroom
positions. The sad news is that Mr Becvarovski was not
one of them.
5 February 2016
contributed to our school. He will always be a part of
our Lansvale East PS family and we wish him the very
best in his future endeavours.
Mrs Lisa Andrew has joined us and will be taking the 2/3
Mrs Andrew is an extremely talented and motivated
teacher who comes from Glebe PS. She is very excited
to be joining us and looking forward to a great year.
Mrs Catherine Mizdrak is also joining us on 1/2.
Mrs Mizdrak is also talented and motivated and
experienced with K – 2 students using the Best Start
program at Villawood North PS.
Miss Ashley Potter has been one of our favourite casual
teachers at Lansvale East in 2012 and will be taking the
5/6 class formed today. Miss Potter has expertise in
sport and technology.
Our support staff will consist of:
Miss Rebecca Tooney – Relieving Assistant Principal,
Learning and Support and ESL teacher.
Mrs Oanh Nguyen – Community Languages
(Vietnamese) and Support Teacher
Mrs Gaye Ryde will continue as our Teacher/ Librarian
and RFF Teacher (Wednesday & Thursday)
Temporary changes in the office
Our wonderful Mrs Anne Dodds will be helping out at
Lansvale Public School during Term 1 as their Business
Manager is no longer with them. Ms Kirsty Gillgren will
be filling in for Anne as our School Administration
Manager. Mrs Dodds will still be coming to Lansvale
East PS regularly to ensure that things are running
smoothly here as well.
Mr Becvarovski has been a very important part of
Lansvale East Public School for the past 3 years and a
valued member of the staff and community. On your
behalf I have thanked him for everything he has
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Term 1 – Week 1
Baby News!
Our wonderful Mrs Haggett gave birth to a beautiful
baby girl in the holidays. Both Mrs Haggett and the baby
are doing very well and we congratulate and send our
best wishes the Haggett family. We are hoping they will
visit us soon.
Mrs Haggett will be on maternity leave for all of 2013.
Technology News!
We have purchased a set of 6 iPads for classroom use. A
very big THANK YOU to Mrs Edwards who gave up many
hours during her holiday time to research, purchase and
set up our new technology. I know these will become an
exciting resource for all of our students.
We made this purchase through our Empowering Local
Schools start up grant.
Friday, 5 February 2016
P & C Annual General Meeting
Our first P & C meeting for the year will be held on
Friday 8th February at 9:15am in the staff room. We
hope that as many as possible will attend (particularly
new parents) to elect the P & C committee for 2013 and
have a say in upcoming school events and fundraising.
School Canteen
For medical reasons, Nikki English is no longer able to
continue in her role as Canteen President at Lansvale
East PS. This is a vital role for our students who rely on
the canteen to provide a nutritious lunch. Previously
the canteen has been open 3 days per week on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please consider
volunteering a couple of hours of your time to help us
keep the canteen open. Thank you so much to the
parents who have come back this year.
Unfortunately due to Work Health and Safety
regulations no children are permitted inside the
canteen and preschoolers must remain at home.
Updating of School Records
It is always very important to inform the school of any
changes to contact details, allergies or medical
requirements for students. We also require permission
to publish photographs of students in newsletters or on
our website. Please take the time either to come and
see us in the office or send in a note with the changes
on it. This will help us to take the best possible care of
your children.
School Requirements
At Lansvale East PS, we try to provide as many things as
possible for our students to use at school.
Unfortunately, it is not financially possible to supply
everything and this is the case in all primary schools.
We do supply all books and covers for all grades and
pencils for K – 2 and a limited amount for 3 – 6.All other
items will need to be supplied from home.
Back to School Bonus
If you are entitled to the government bonus of $410 per
primary school student, you may like to know of the
planned events at Lansvale East this year, so that you
can either put the money away or pay in advance. A
note will go home shortly which lists expected expenses
for 2013. These costs are estimates only and will be
subject to changes due to numbers attending and price
increases from venues.
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Term 1 – Week 1
Friday, 5 February 2016
Lansvale East ‘Littlies’ Playgroup
Our very successful playgroup will be in operation again
this year. Mrs Megan Hyde will be convening the
weekly sessions again this year and we really appreciate
her volunteering to do this. The playgroup will
commence for 2013 on Thursday 7th February (next
week). This year the playgroup will be held in the
Teacher Resource Room (opposite K/1S) as the library
will be in use by students. However, by changing the
day to Thursday the playgroup families will be able to
visit the library and borrow from our Community Library
with our Teacher/Librarian, Mrs Ryde. New families are
very welcome.
Term 1 – Week 2
We have a fantastic year planned for our students and
community in 2013. Miss Simmons will be replacing Mrs
Haggett as our Community Engagement Coordinator
and will be organising parent workshops and other
events to help parents become more even more
involved in the school and their childrens’ learning. We
are already off to a great start!
Term 1 – Week 6
7th February
8th February
Term 1 – Week 3
14th February
Term 1 – Week 5
26th February
7TH March
Term 1 – Week 9
25TH March
Term 1 – Week 10
1st April
Term 1 – Week 11
12TH April
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