Sakaw School Lunchroom Program 2015 - 2016 Please review the following pages about our school lunchroom program, as there are changes this year. All students who are participating in the lunchroom program must have a registration form signed and returned. Our school provides a supervised lunch program on a regular or drop-in basis as a service to parents of students. However, we encourage parents, if at all possible, to make other arrangements for lunch. Children benefit from a break in school routine. Lunchroom programs within Edmonton Public Schools are operated financially independent of school funding. This means our lunchroom must be totally supported by the fees paid. Fees are set to cover the cost of supervision and maintenance only and are not intended to make a profit. Without your prompt payment of fees, this program cannot be operated. According to the Edmonton Public Schools Board Policies and Regulations, schools shall provide lunch-time supervision at school for elementary and junior high students whose parents request the service and pay the required fees. Please note that there are no lunchroom fees for bussed students. However, registration form must still be signed and returned. All lunchroom payments are due on the 1st of the month. Drop-in fees are to be paid on the day the student stays for lunch. We will be sending an invoice home for any outstanding fees with your child. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact Mrs. Kennedy at 780- 463-1854. If you ask at the office, we can provide you with a breakdown of how these fees are assessed. After the receipt of any NSF cheque, the Sakaw lunch program will only accept cash. Lunchroom payment envelopes will be available at the office. Please complete information on the envelope and leave with Ms. Broomhall. A receipt for your payment will be sent home with your child. Any questions or concerns please contact Katie Groff, Lunchroom Coordinator at 780-463-1854. Page 1 If you have unpaid fees from 2014 - 2015, your child will not be accepted in the lunch program until fees have been paid. Lunchroom Policies and Information The staff in our program strives to ensure your child has a safe and supportive lunch environment. This year, all students will be eating in classrooms. Students are expected to adhere to the following policies: 1. Our students have approximately 25 minutes to eat their lunch. Any unfinished lunch can be finished outside or later in the day. 2. Lunches are not to be shared with other students (due to possible allergies). 3. Microwaves are for warm ups only! Please do not send microwavable meals or popcorn. Please educate your child on proper microwave use. 4. For the safety of all, students are to remain seated during lunch. This enables lunchroom staff to know where your child is at all times and reduces spills and tripping. 5. Students must ask a supervisor before using the bathroom or leaving the lunchroom for any reason. 6. Students are expected to comply with the school behavioural expectations throughout the day including over the lunch hour. Students are to give lunchroom supervisors the same respect they would give to teachers or any of the other adult staff. 7. After lunch, students should clean up their own area and put any trash in the garbage. 8. Please send utensils for your children if they are needed! 9. Students are expected to go outside for recess after lunch. There is no indoor lunch supervision after 12:00. 10. Students are not to leave school grounds for any reason during lunch recess. Students returning from home lunch should not arrive back at school until 12:10 PM and are to stay on school grounds once they have returned. The only exception to this rule is with written authorization by parents. 11. Parents, whose children attend the lunchroom program on a regular basis, must send a written note with their child if the child will not be attending the lunchroom program. Page 2 Students who are not cooperative may be asked to eat their lunch with another class, in the office, or they may be temporarily or permanently suspended from the lunch program. Lunch Supervision Registration 2015 - 2016 STUDENT(S) NAME: _______________________________ Room ________ _______________________________ Room ________ _______________________________ Room ________ DROP-IN _____ PART TIME_____FULL-TIME_____ PAYMENT OPTIONS: Make cheques payable to SAKAW SCHOOL. Cheques are due on the 1st of each month. $15.00 per month per child OR 1 Child: 2 Children: 3 or 3+ Children: $150.00 per year $300.00 per year $375.00 per year ______ My child is bussed to Sakaw School, and therefore, I am not required to pay lunch fees. I am enclosing two equal payments in the amount of _____________ each. ______ I am enclosing one payment in full in the amount of _________________. ______ I am enclosing ten post-dated cheques of: $15.00. (Cheques are to be dated the first of the month.) ______ I would like to purchase the Drop-In Vouchers @ 12 for $20.00. ______ I have reviewed the lunchroom policies with my child(ren). ____________________________________Parent’s Signature Page ______ 3 Drop-In: $2.00 per day drop-in due on the day the child stays.