Newsletter - Winterbourne Junior Girls` School

Number 2
Summer Term 2012
16th July 2012
Dear Parents/Carers,
As the summer holidays approach, here are a few messages as the term ends.
Classes for next year.
Last Monday all the children visited
Next Year there will be 12 classes.
Present Present Teacher/s
Mrs Foster
Mrs Escott
Mr Quinan
Miss Down
Miss Davison
Mrs Duriaux-Hassan
Mr Pull/Mrs Hallen
Mrs Wilson/Miss Weaver
Mrs Hibbs
their new class teachers in their new rooms.
New Teacher/s
Mrs Duriaux-Hassan
Miss Davison
Miss Down
Mrs Hibbs / Mrs Newbold (Wednesday)
Mrs Foster
Miss Bryan
Mrs Anthony-Watts
Mr Pull /Mrs Hallen
Miss McInally
Open Evening
You are invited to look at your daughter’s books on Tuesday 17th July between
3.30 and 4.30pm.
Year 6
On Wednesday 18th year 6 girls should bring a packed lunch to school as they will
be having a picnic followed by a ‘fun’ afternoon.
On the last day of term, Thursday 19th July, Year 6 girls may bring into school a
spare shirt (with your permission), for pupils to sign.
Uniform you no longer require
We are happy to receive uniform that your daughter no longer wants or has
grown out of please donate. We particularly need clean socks.
Lost property
If your daughter has lost any thing this term ask her to look in the boxes in the
Medical Room.
Library Books and Reading Books
Please return to school any books belonging to the school. Our library at present
looks depleted.
Year 6 Production
This is on Tuesday 17 July at 2pm
Pierced Ears
If you have plans to have your daughter’s ears pierced please do so at the very
beginning of the Summer Holidays so that her earrings can be removed for
school at the start of the new term
Year 6 SATs Results
Our results for our year 6 SATs this year are outstanding. The girls scored
over 90% for both maths and English, with one pupil scoring 100% in her maths
Thank you
 To all the parents/carers who have supported at the Sports Days in
recent weeks.
 To all the parents/carers who have come into school and helped out in
various ways especially the dedicated group who have helped with reading
every Friday afternoon.
 I would also like to thank all the volunteers who have accompanied our
children on visited to various places both locally and further afield.
Goodbye to Year 6
I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to all the girls as they leave
and move on to their various secondary schools. Also to say goodbye to many of
the Year 6 Parents / Carers who are leaving us after many years of visiting the
school with their daughters. Best wishes for the future.
Year 6 Revision Books
If your daughter still has her Maths KS2 Revision Book at home please return it
to school, thank you.
Holiday Diaries Years 3, 4 and 5
On many reports we wrote about your daughters needing to practise their
writing skills during the summer holidays, to use her writing skills. This week
your daughter will be given a Holiday Diary to record some of the activities that
occur during the summer. We do not expect your daughter to write every single
day but a few entries each week, writing about something special would be very
helpful. She could also draw pictures, stick in any post cards, entry tickets or
photographs. The book will be returned after the new teacher has read it. The
girls who complete the task will be given an opportunity to attend Film Club.
End of term
On the last day the girls may wear their own clothes to school for a contribution
of £1 which will go towards equipment for Mrs Smith’s Kitchen.
School ends at 2pm on Thursday 19th July.
New Term
Our doors open to pupils on Tuesday 4th September at 8.30 a.m.
Please ensure your daughter has a PE Kit and that all her clothes particularly her
jumper/cardigan are marked with her name.
New Year 6 (Present Year 5)
Winterbourne Expects Meeting will be on Thursday 6th September at 6.30 p.m.
and information about application to secondary schools will be explained. The
booklets and forms are usually sent to schools at the start of term.
Winterbourne Expects Meetings for the other year groups are as follows:
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Thursday 6th September at 5.30pm
Tuesday 11th September at 5.30pm
Tuesday 11th September at 6.30pm
I would like on your behalf to thank all the staff and governors of Winterbourne
Juniors Girls’ School for all their help and support in educating your daughters
this academic year. I hope you all have a good summer and look forward to
seeing you on Tuesday 4th September.
Yours faithfully