Sign-Up for PowerSchool Parent Access

Lordsburg Municipal Schools
P.O. Box 430
Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045
Telephone (575) 542-9361
Fax (575) 542-9364
Technology Department
Parent Portal
What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?
PowerSchool is the web based Student Information System that Lordsburg Municipal Schools
uses to track student grades, attendance, demographics, etc. Parent Portal is an addition to
PowerSchool that allows parents access to view a lot of the same information that our staff and
teachers have access to. Parent Portal is a great tool that increases the level of communication
between the school and parents by increasing the amount of information available to parents.
Parents can see the information from any computer with internet access at their convenience.
What kind of Information is Available for Parents?
 Parents can view their child’s daily schedule.
 Parents can view their child’s grades.
 Parents can see if their child is missing work.
 Parents can view their child’s attendance.
 Parents can contact school staff and teachers if they have questions on grades,
attendance, etc.
 Parents can review and update the information the school has on file for their child
including contact names and phone numbers, emergency contact information, student
address, etc.
What Schools have access to PowerSchool Parent Portal?
You may sign up to have access if your child/children are enrolled at any of the following
schools: LHS, DTMS, Central, and Southside (3rd - 12th grade).
How do I sign up?
Simply fill out the information sheet below and return it to your child’s school office. If you are
signing up more than one student, please only turn it in to one school. We will be in contact via
email to send you your access information and instructions.
If I have more than one child, will I need separate login accounts to view each child?
No, only one login account is needed. Once logged into the system, you will be able to select
which child you want to view information for.
If I have questions, who can I contact?
Please contact your child’s building principal.
Parent Portal Sign-up Sheet
Parent’s Name:
Parent’s Email Address:_____________________________________
(It is important that you supply an email address here, as this is how we will send you your access
information and instructions for setting up an account.)
Contact Phone Number:_____________________________________
Please list the full names of your children who currently attend LHS, DTMS, Central or Southside:
1. Name:___________________________________ Grade:________________________
2. Name:___________________________________ Grade:________________________
3. Name:___________________________________ Grade:________________________
4. Name:___________________________________ Grade:________________________
5. Name:___________________________________ Grade:________________________
I wish to have online access to my child(ren)'s school information through PowerSchool. I
understand that it is my responsibility to keep my user ID and password confidential. I also
understand that I may contact my child(ren)'s school principal with questions or concerns I may
have regarding PowerSchool Parent Portal access and the information contained in my
child(ren)'s record(s).
Parent’s Signature: