18.30 TUE 13th JANUARY 2015
Dr Ben Ashmore
Mr Neil Stevens
Mrs Diane Dyckhoff
Miss Jennifer Nias
Dr Simon Giles
Mrs Heather Bacon
Secretary Group Practice Manager
PPG Member
PPG member
PPG Member
PPG member
Mrs Rosemary North
Mr Mike Bolton
PPG member
PPG member
1. Apologies/Welcome NS opened the meeting at 6.40 pm and accepted apologies on
behalf of RN & MB, HB was welcomed and introduced herself to the PPG.
2. Previous meeting minutes The Practice Manager reviewed the minutes from the last
meeting held at the Mullion Health Centre on 4th November 2014, points of note were:
Hospital car volunteer service RN had verbally expressed an interest in
developing the service for Mullion patients, NS agreed to arrange for a slide on
the patient information screen to promote interest. JN advised of an organisation
operating in Dartmoor which also provided transport for patients to attend at the
surgery, organisation called “more care”. BA advised that this could create
additional clinical time as the practice has a very large catchment area to cover
for home visits.
Serco Health As previously advised the current out of hours provider Serco
Health would not be bidding for the Out of hours contract for Cornwall & IOS,
which is due for renewal in April 2015. It had gone out to formal tender a
number of bidders were known but no decision had yet been reached on who
may be providing the service.
Physiotherapy services The Mullion Health centre had the services of a part
time Physiotherapist from another Surgery, it was expected to recruit a new
member of staff soon.
Information screen waiting rooms The practice had gone ahead with the
purchase and installation of two patient information screens in the waiting
rooms of Mullion & Constantine largely due to a reduction in cost & some
patient feedback received both surgeries would still retain notice boards &
3. Online Patient access The meeting discussed online patient access in particular the
summary care record, and patient online access for requesting repeat prescriptions,
booking appointments, and viewing a summarised medical record ( 31 March 2015 ).
4. Locality Developments The group discussed the clinics held at the Helston Medical
Centre on Saturday & Sunday from 9 – 1. The funding was from “The Prime minister`s
challenge fund” with the aim to reduce unplanned admissions for patients in the South
Kerrier locality, the clinics were being developed to meet patient`s needs & some home
visits were being conducted.
5. Practice Developments JN enquired about the development of Dr James Oliver`s
initiative for the locality regarding implementing the Burtzorg Dutch model of
community services where social care and nursing care is an integrated package. JO
was working with a steering group from the locality on developing a service where care
is better integrated.
BA advised the group that closer IT integration was being made possible with a shared
clinical system between the Practice & community health teams.
6. Patient Participation Group
was reviewed and confirmed.
The Constitution for the Patient Participation group
7. Election of the Patient Participation Group The PPG committee & executive was
duly elected and confirmed as :
GP Partner representative
Mr Neil Stevens
Mrs Diane Dyckhoff
Miss Jennifer Nias
Dr Simon Giles
Mrs Heather Bacon
Mrs Rosemary North
Mr Mike Bolton
PPG Member
PPG member
PPG Member
PPG member
PPG member
PPG member
8. AOB
 SG proposed that the next PPG meeting be held during “working hours” and to
incorporate either a receptionist or practice nurse, at the meeting to understand what
“the problems were”
 Next meeting to be held at the Mullion Health Centre on Thursday 30th April 2015
commencing at 1.00 pm.
 There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.